Sunday, September 8, 2013

Greenpoint residents suing city and developer

From The Brooklyn Paper:

Angry Greenpointers are planning to sue the city and developers over two planned waterfront luxury apartment complexes that they say are steam-rolling over environmental protections.

The ad hoc group announced the suit at a rally against the Greenpoint Landing and 77 Commercial Street developments on Wednesday night. Council candidate Stephen Pierson was on hand to tell the crowd of 75 protesters that he will spearhead the lawsuit with the goal of stopping the 12 towers from rising.

“This is not right, and [the developer] should not go unchallenged,” said Pierson.

The legal action would be based on the city’s decision that the developments — a 10 tower compound with as many as 5,500 apartments and a two tower neighbor with a total of 720 at the Newtown Creek end of Greenpoint — would have no negative environmental impact. The anti-high-rise group says the findings are based on a study that is eight years old, running afoul of a requirement that the city make decisions based on accurate information.

“[The developers] might claim that they have updated a few things,” said Pierson. “But if they had done anything significant, they would have published it.”

The energetic crowd toted signs bearing messages such as “The roof is too damn high” and “Greenpoint does not equal Midtown.” Protesters said they fear a repeat of the massive condo skyscrapers lining Williamsburg’s waterfront, which activists decried for increasing rents and failing on promises to expand parks, but failed to prevent from rising.

Pierson said that even if the Article 78 lawsuit does not hit its mark, it will buy neighbors time until a new mayor takes office, which could be a crucial factor in the battle against the project.

“Even if we lose, we can tie it up until we get a new mayoral administration that might be more sympathetic,” said Pierson “Bloomberg was setting the bar [for developers] very low.”


Anonymous said...

Funny how Brooklyn and Manhattan never makes an attempt to share their experiences in Queens.

They know that if someone does this in Queens, the press would always give the developer/politician the last word, and your allies, fearful that you might be impolite or embarrass a public official, stand on the sidelines or run to the same tattling to teacher on you and hoping for a better grade on their report card.

Queens Civic Culture is Hopeless!

Anonymous said...

It's a white, educated, affluent crowd that doesn't have to hold down 3 jobs to support 6 kids. They have the time and interest to get involved.

They're also more photogenic, articulate and interesting than the usual batch of cranky, NIMBY, seniors and inarticulate Third Worlders in Queens.

Queens Crapper said...

Oh, I see. If the affluent in Greenpoint don't want something, they're educated and interesting. If Archie and Edith don't want something, they're uneducated and NIMBY. Got it.

What were the NYC high school graduation rates in Archie and Edith's time compared to Dakota and Dylan's time?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if pierson's idea of a law suit is soooo good he should pass this info on to Tony Avella. Tommy Huang has Avella all tied up in knots. LOL

Anonymous said...

Another expensive housing complex, just what NYC needs!! Welcome to the Bloomdick years!!