Sunday, September 1, 2013

Big school opening in Corona

From the Queens Courier:

A new school in Corona is set to ease the burden of overcrowded classrooms in the area.

According to the Department of Education (DOE), P.S. 330, currently located within a building at 86-37 53rd Avenue in Elmhurst, will move into a brand new location at 111-08 Northern Boulevard just in time for the beginning of the school year next week.

“This is a fantastic new building, and we’re confident that P.S. 330 will deliver well for its students there,” said DOE spokesperson Devon Puglia.

P.S. 330 opened at the initial building in 2010 in order to lighten overcrowding in District 24 elementary schools. The school currently serves 220 students in kindergarten and first grade, but is expected to open more than 400 seats once it makes the move.

The new building will continue to alleviate overcrowding in Corona and is also located in an area closer to where 84 percent of the students currently live, the DOE said.

Once P.S. 330, at its new location, completes its expansion and reaches its full capacity in the 2015-2016 school year, it will serve 570 to 630 students in kindergarten through fifth grade.

According to the DOE, it will work with the community to figure out the best use for P.S. 330’s original building.

What does that mean? Since this is the most crowded school district in the city, I'd hope they'd keep the old building (the former Ascension Catholic School) as a school?


Anonymous said...

Courier needs to do a better job reporting.

The old PS 330 site is being used as an overflow site school according to the DOE list of new schools opening this year

Joe Moretti said...

Here is a way to stop over crowding. Enough with illegal immigrants into NYC, stop overdeveloping neighborhoods that were not designed to contain so many people, crack down on illegal apartments and change zoning laws in certain neighborhoods (especially in Queens) so that 1 or 2 family homes can never be torn down to put something that will contain more than 2 families. SIMPLE!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a failing school like most of our schools

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, anon #1, it says that the new building will not be full until 2016, therefore the old building will still be used until then. But then what?

Anonymous said...

It means that on the right hand the pols get public credit (covered in fine detail by all the Queens weeklies, added to all their newsletters, and will find its way in their websites and campaign literature) for helping parents and students

whose education opportunities were endangered because the politician created that crisis in the first place as they did nothing to add new schools while they looked the other way to overdevelopment and illegal conversions or let the tower people in LIC jump the line ....

as the left hand gives public property to a developer or some tweeder program (whose opening will be covered in fine detail by all the Queens weeklies, added to all their newsletters, and will find its way in their websites and campaign literature)which will continue to add to the shortage of school space...

and the voter in Queens, which cannot remember what they had for dinner two days ago, will smile and listen patiently to their pol giving a speech that they are getting funding for a new school.

Next question.

Anonymous said...

They still won't be able to read or write, but the teachers will get their paychecks and fat pensions.

Anonymous said...

Whoa.....another branch of the skoo system that will contain general population.

The inmates here will never achieve anything. Why waste money on them? Why waste money on the high paychecks of the workers at this institution?

Gimme a break. Clean up the neighborhood and put in a park. And make sure that the local idiots treat it like a park.

Welcome to Queens. Home of classless, illiterate, slobs......and their anchor creatures.

Anonymous said...

Here is a way to stop over crowding. Enough with illegal immigrants into NYC, stop overdeveloping neighborhoods that were not designed to contain so many people, crack down on illegal apartments and change zoning laws in certain neighborhoods (especially in Queens) so that 1 or 2 family homes can never be torn down to put something that will contain more than 2 families. SIMPLE!
BINGO!!! Perfectly written!

Anonymous said...

They still won't be able to read or write, but the teachers will get their paychecks and fat pensions.
I wouldn't blame that on the teachers so much as the rewarding of failure in certain "comm-ooo-nities".

Anonymous said...

What does that mean? Since this is the most crowded school district in the city, I'd hope they'd keep the old building (the former Ascension Catholic School) as a school?
Sorry, no can do. That property is sorely needed for yet another Asian human warehousing monstrosity in rhe Grand Ave/Queens Blvd vicinity.

Anonymous said...

The answer to the problem is spike all the water & cerveza with birth control.
These illegal immigrants are not capable of controlling themselves and refuse to use birth control regardless of how much "cash babys get them.
They are going to bankrupt and take down the whole country.

Anonymous said...

Almost of the people living in or around corona are illegal Hispanics with anchor I'm sure this is bound to be another failing school.

Anonymous said... are correct......enough with these damn illegals into nyc. If Obama and the dumb politicians want to keep these illegals, send them to Detroit it out to build in the Midwest. Also, enough with the immigration into nyc!! Let them go populate the Midwest! Nyc and LA should be off limit to anymore immigrants....illegal or legal! We have way too many people in these cities as it is, the government should put them into other cities that actually do need more people.

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