From The Forum:
Vallone is the fundraising leader with $1,224,797 cash-on-hand followed by Katz with $882,458.
An analysis of the three candidates funding sources shows very definite patterns with both Vallone and Katz pulling substantial contributions from large and well-connected real estate and construction firms while Avella’s base could most easily be described as grass-roots with mostly smaller contributions from individuals and local businesses.
Contribution levels for both Vallone and Katz frequently topped $4,000 whereas by contrast, Avella had few, if any, contributions above $1,000.
Among Katz’ major contributors included Cordmeyer Development, Vornado Realty and Tully Construction. Vallone Jr. counted Ahern Construction, Tully Construction as well as numerous unions including firefighters and sanitation workers among his major backers.
Avella’s major funders included numerous retirees, civil servants and local businesses. He has little support from corporate real estate and/or law firms.
If you want a good laugh, check out the NY1 Queens Borough President debate from Thursday night.
I watched it with an open mind.
Avella by far is the best for Queens.
I don't want to sound like a paid endorsement for Senator Avella. But he's the only choice for Borough President.I have lived in NYC all my life. This is the first time I have ever contributed to a politicians campaign. For me and my community this guy has proven himself and deserves to be elected. New York City needs change and unless we elect politicians that will make these changes why should we expect a different outcome.
If you care about Queens. Please vote for Avella.
I agree Avella is the best candidate for Queens
I saw the Queens Borough President debate in Jamaica a few weeks back and Tony Avella really called Katz & Vallone out on their shit from their voting for a third term for Bloomberg to getting huge campaign donations from developers and real estate firms and neither Katz or Vallone could say anything in regards to that.
Tony Avella is the only candidate that can really make a difference in Queens, those other two will be just more of the same shit but on steroids.
Avella for Queens Borough President!
For years Katz told us she never did or would accept a penny from landlords. Guess she was telling the truth - it was a lot more than a penny.
You have to go with Avella. Vallone is part of that establishment that's never done anything for Astoria. Katz, just by hooking up with Curtis Sliwa, must be out of her mind.
My family's campaign contributions have gone to Tony Avella. Our votes will follow.
He's the only candidate that most civic associations seem to fully trust.
Contrast his good record of neighborhood preservation with Vallone's and Katz's shabby ones.
Vallone has left Astoria, a tangle of overdevelopment.
Katz has left her own Forest Hills domain, a litter box, that is filled with grotesque mega-monsters of overbuilding.
Just had a better laugh than the debate. Received flyer from Katz with total first page showing Katz and Helen Marshall together.
Another example of bad photo shopping.
Who's the dude on the left with the long hair?
A little air brushung would have helped also.
A little air brushung would have helped also.
Tom Hanks looked more believable as a woman in Bosom Buddies.
Vallone-Bloomberg operative Heidi MacAllister has it in for TOny because he stood up to the rackets of Rev Covers
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