Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tire thieves out in full force

From Sunnyside Post:

Sunnyside, Queens: The tire and rim bandits are back.

The owner of a car parked on 43rd Street (btw. 43rd Ave and Skillman Ave) woke up to discover that his/her four tires and rims were missing yesterday.

In the past 28 days, there have been four such incidents of this type in Maspeth, according to police. However, this is the first to occur in Sunnyside for some time.


Anonymous said...

THanks to all the democRATS in the city council for letting b-berg get rid of almost 6,000cops.............

Anonymous said...


It looks like attaining historic district status didn't help them very much.

Can we thank those "troublesome" minorities for the crime spree?

Joe Conley and his "White" Irish-American loaded (???) CB2 had better do some more homework on this. Can't let those minority (???) perps ruin the image.

Speaking of which...why did CB2 have to go all the way to Flushing to find Debra Markell-Kleinert for their district manager? No local "talent" available?

Yeah, we know. Debbie is a CAU patronage job implant earning about $72,000 a year.

But she still lives in Mitchell-Linden...way out east!

H-m-m-m-m-m !!!

Anonymous said...

Thats ok, the chief of staff of a Sunnyside pol once proudly said to me that she was never in Central Park.

Not sure if that is a comment on people in Sunnyside, or their minders.

Anonymous said...

This is a monthly occurrence in Astoria. They go after Honda and Toyotas specifically - always the sedan models.

If you have one of these cars and live in queens, you need tire locks.

The thieves are like pit crews, working extremely fast. The cops will likely never catch them in the act.

Joe said...

Its a shame, you cant have nice cars in Queens unless you have a garage.
Wheel locks slow the crooks down but are easy defeated. The crooks simple smash a ratchet socket or vice grip & sandpaper over them and give a good twist.
Back in the old days on Troutman Street we would have stakeouts in the van. Like clockwork come 5AM we would sneak up from behind and give these thieves an education.
Word was (since nobody actually seen anything) The old timers with the Caddys & T-Birds (a fave of thieves for the wheel skirts and chrome parts)would beat them till senseless on the pavement. Then smash there hands with a bowling ball just as they were coming out the daze so.

Anonymous said...

This has been happening in Whitestone too. The police will give a bogus ticket for not fully stopping at a stop sign at the end of the month but won't catch these guys.

Anonymous said...

I love it Joe...
people doing the job for themselves that the police won't do. A good beat down beats a cop on the beat doing nothing.

This is a fine example of offering a dedicated free service by nabe volunteers.

That's what America needs more of!

Joe said...

"That's what America needs more of!""

Agreed but sadly it will never happen. People like the Boogiemen and "local mobs" of the 60s and 70s ate to old.
Forget today's young only interested in playing with digital toys, dreaming of being "artists" and assume the future will be "taken care of" for them.
Meanwile dominantly black and Central American Hispanic gangs are taking over neighborhoods.
We are looking at the final minutes of the Titanic.
I think today's Asian students that will own(and mop up) what WAS America tomorrow. Ever see how Asian kids take interest in education, study and absorb like sea sponges ?

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