Monday, June 24, 2013

Sanitation worker dumps trash in front of restaurant

From Eyewitness News:

It doesn't get much clearer than this. A New York City sanitation worker picks up a black garbage bag, dumps it on a doorstep, and rips the bag open. When he walks away from the heap of trash, the letters "DSNY" are clearly visible on the back of his bright yellow vest.

The incident took place on the doorstep of Fast Eddies on West 47th and 10th Avenue, owned in part by Richie Winckelman. The time stamp on the surveillance video - 6:59 Saturday morning. From the angle pointed East on West 47th, you can see the large sanitation sitting in the intersection. In another shot, the worker is, in fact doing his job - dumping the trash can into the back of the truck, not onto the sidewalk.


Anonymous said...

Great - a moronic city employee with a vendetta!

DOS employees suck! They leave garbage all over the place in Queens, throw the pails onto the sidewalk and run over the lids. I guess it would be asking too much for them to do a good job!

Make the DOS federal - our mailmen almost never screw up and are excellent workers! Who needs state and city level government - it's only failed us so far - especially under the little shithead's reign!

Anonymous said...

So trash men are like the firemen in "Farrenheidt 451". The garbage man dumps garbage and the fireman sets fire (to books).

Kurt Vonnegut would approve.

Anonymous said...

So tired of people trashing the department of sanitation. Read the story! The city of New York does NOT pick up trash from businesses, business owners are required to hire private sanitation companies to haul their stuff away.

I'm not saying this employee was right for his reaction, but in all likelihood Fast Eddie has been warned time and time again not to throw his trash in baskets meant for the public. Fast Eddie is pulling a fast one, and he's not the only business owner who tries to save money by illegally throwing his stuff in city baskets to try & get DSNY to haul it away for free. The employee was wrong, but honestly, he's probably warned the guy 20x already. He snapped. He was wrong, but the story is extremely misleading. Remember DSNY does NOT pick up private business trash.

Le Gross Foo Chat said...

So might Ray Bradbury, the author of Farenheit 451, although I guess Mr. Vonnegut might enjoy the irony.

Anonymous said...

And the owner of the restaurant was interviewed and said he has his own private hauler. If the san man thinks there is a violation, why not tell the san police about it and let them handle it instead of acting like an asshole?

Anonymous said...

"And the owner of the restaurant was interviewed and said he has his own private hauler. If the san man thinks there is a violation, why not tell the san police about it and let them handle it instead of acting like an asshole? "

Agreed, that would have been a better solution. Of course, the business owner says he has his own private hauler. Because he knows full well that throwing his trash in baskets meant to pedestrians is illegal. He's not the only one who trys to get away cheap, it happens all up & down Austin Street. Boxes are addressed to businesses thrown in city baskets to avoid paying the private hauling fee.

Anonymous said...

There are apartments above the restaurants there and DSNY is required to remove trash from in front of the building.

Queens Crapper said...

Looked like a black garbage bag similar to the ones I put out on trash night. I don't know how this genius determined it belonged to the restaurant and decided to dump it on their doorstep.

Now he'll probably be terminated. Good.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think the restaurant owner would have called the news station if it really was his garbage? A restaurant is going to have more than one bag of trash anyway.

Anonymous said...

" I don't know how this genius determined it belonged to the restaurant and decided to dump it on their doorstep."

This was a basket truck. They were emptying corner baskets, not picking up residential trash from the apartments above stores. How did he determine the stuff belonged to Fast Eddie? Most likey he opened the black bag ( because corner baskets are for pedestrian trash, coffee cups, newspapers etc, NOT for huge back trash bags. And when the bag was opened stuff inside showed it was from that store. Really, people, don't believe everything you read. Unless the san man was an absolute lunatic ( in which case he should be terminated) the more likely solution is that fast eddie is an arrogant business owner who feels entitled. You people want your tax dollars to pay to haul away stuff he is supposed to be paying privately to do? Be my guest.. And as for why he's being interviewed like a victim? I answered that already. He feels above the law.

Queens Crapper said...

I have noted time and again on this blog that residents use the corner baskets for their trash, especially when illegal apartments are nearby. Plus, if the bag was curbside and you're picking up baskets, why not just leave the bag there for the residential collection, which, by the way happens 3 days a week at this address? In addition, DSNY now has an "adopt a trash can" initiative, where lay people empty a trash can not picked up often enough and leave the full bag next to the can where they've replaced the bag.

The video shows the dumper throwing the bag and then ripping it open, so I am not sure how you came to the conclusion that he ripped it open and identified who it belonged to and then dumped it on their doorstep. No evidence whatsoever of that, and being a vigilante civil servant is a path to disaster, as this guy is about to find out.

Anonymous said...

DSNY website says that residential collection happens Saturday morning at this location (667 10th Ave), which is when this incident took place.

Anonymous said...

" Plus, if the bag was curbside and you're picking up baskets, why not just leave the bag there for the residential collection,"

" DSNY website says that residential collection happens Saturday morning at this location (667 10th Ave), which is when this incident took place."

OMG, why do I feel like I'm speaking another language here? The bag was NOT curbside, it was in the basket. If it was curbside, believe me, it would have been left for the regular collection truck. The guys doing baskets empty baskets only. And the fact that residential collection occurs on Saturday mornings is irrelevant. As I just stated, this was a BASKET TRUCK. Let me once more make it clear I'm not defending this guy. He let his annoyance at the business owner get the better of him. But I'm so tired of people automatically assuming DSNY is in the wrong without understanding WHY ( rightly or wrongly) something was done. People use corner baskets for all kinds of stuff they shouldn't. In some neighborhoods in the Bronx you find household appliances. All, I'm saying is I know for a fact that business owners use corner baskets illegally to get their stuff hauled away for free. Why do they do it? Who knows? People are nuts. Maybe his truck left already & he didn't want to wait till his next collection. The owner says it's not the first time this has happened to him. So are you really believing someone has taken an irrational dislike to this guy and keeps throwing trash in front of HIS store or is it far more likely that his trash gets dumped because he's not supposed to be throwing it ILLEGALLY in the corner basket, but he keeps doing it?

I'm done with this thread. People are up in arms over Dunkin Donuts using a tree for their sign, yet you find it impossible to believe that stores throw their stuff in city baskets? Believe what you want. I'm telling you it happens. The DSNY worker was wrong. But the story is mis leading.

Queens Crapper said...

Again, residents put their trash in the collection baskets all the time. And if the basket is at the corner, then any of the stores on that whole block of businesses could have put the trash there if it wasn't the residents.

"But I'm so tired of people automatically assuming DSNY is in the wrong without understanding WHY ( rightly or wrongly) something was done."

It's right to assume DSNY was in the wrong, because he was. You said it yourself. It doesn't matter if that particular business did in fact put trash in the basket, the worker did not have the right or duty to toss it on his doorstep. The proper thing to do would be to note the location and notify sanitation police. Period.

Anonymous said...

Hey, where's Moretti?

Anonymous said...

My bad....Le Gross Foo Chat. love your handle.
I always mix up those 2 masters of sci fi.

Vonnegut wrote Slaughterhouse 5.
Am I right on that one?
It was also made into a great movie.

I knew if I got it wrong I'd feed someone an opportunity to correct me, my learned friend.

See....I love Queens.
There are still some intelligent readers out there.

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