Sunday, June 2, 2013

Nice try, Pete, but we've got your number

From the Queens Courier:

State Senator Tony Avella lambasted the city agencies during a press conference he set up with the homeowners in Astoria.

“The fact that this developer is being allowed to egregiously encroach onto and damage neighboring properties is a disgrace,” he said.

The senator was criticized in turn for stepping outside of his northeast district and into the territory of his borough president rival, Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr.

“It’s no surprise that while Councilmember Vallone was at City Hall representing his district, Senator Avella and his Senate staff were continuing his never-ending campaign for higher office,” said Andrew Moesel, a spokesperson for the Vallone campaign.

“Councilmember Vallone has attempted to help resolve the situation without holding needless press conferences only meant to draw more attention to a political candidacy,” Moesel said.

Really? Because back in March, Mr. Vallone said he wasn't going to do anything to help them, and in fact supported the completion of the building... From the Times Ledger:

City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. (D-Astoria) said while an eight-story medical building under construction in Astoria has damaged multiple homes nearby, he would like to see the building completed rather than being left to deteriorate.

“That’s a very difficult situation. I’m extremely unhappy about it,” he said. “But unfortunately there’s no right way to do anything about it.”

Hey Pete, next time you send your clueless press guy after Avella, you might want to double-check the dumb things that came out of your mouth.


Anonymous said...

But the locals in Astoria believe it - they do not lift a pinky unless he okays it.

What will they do when there is no Vallone in office - to do their thinking for them - to tell them what is good - and what is to be ignored.

They will be absolutely clueless.

Anonymous said...

The Vallone Crime Family!

Jerry Rotondi said...

I refer you to my old political cartoon, "VALLONEY-BALONEY" in Queens Crap's "older posts".

Maybe Crappie should put it up again to remind voters what skeevy slime the Vallones really are.

These voracious power mongers will chew up your nabe and spit out its bones. After a hearty belch, they will move on to find another political meal.

You may have guessed by now that neither Vallone is getting my vote.

AVELLA & GRAZIANO! Now, that's the ticket!

Anonymous said...

And how about the Vallone boys and their cozy little law office conveniently located on Francis Lewis Blvd. in Avella's District? Nothing like a lil ol territorial pissng match,eh boys?

Anonymous said...

I think this brilliantly shows the difference between the Queens weeklies and the world of blogs.

The Vallones (and Honest Joe Crowley for that matter) have no future once blogs take center stage.

The Astoria Avenger said...

The Vallones have got to be boiling by now, reading all of the criticism directed at them in Queens Crap.

Anonymous said...

Its pretty sad that with his baggage there are not more people on his case. Says a lot about the Queens voter.

I remember years ago when his father ran for office - outside of Vallonia the name brought eye rolling from everyone it was brought up.

This guy is a shadow of his father.

Anonymous said...

I think this brilliantly shows the difference between the Queens weeklies and the world of blogs.


Uh ... Doesn't this post consist of pieces from stories in two Queens weeklies?

Queens Crapper said...

The point is that the weeklies NEVER point out when pols contradict themselves. Whatever they say is dogma.

And please stop beginning your comments with "Uh". It's quite annoying.

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