Monday, June 10, 2013

Brooklyn neighborhood wants landmark protection

From the Daily News:

A whopping 1,150 Victorian-style homes around Ditmas Park would be landmarked to maintain their historic character under a proposal being pushed by local pols and community leaders.

City Councilman Jumaane Williams (D-Flatbush) and other elected officials are urging the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission to bestow that status on the homes, built 100 years ago by a small group of architects who converted the neighborhood from farmland into a tree-lined community.

“We are big believers in preserving and celebrating the history of what we have in this community,” said Williams’ spokesman Stefan Ringel.

The Bloomberg administration is reviewing the 437-page application, submitted in March by a group of neighborhood associations and the Flatbush Development Corp.

Swaths of homes in the Ditmas Park area have already been landmarked, but that process has been done piecemeal since 1978.

So there's a City Council member out there who hasn't been bought by developers? How nice that must be.


Anonymous said...

So which of the p*cks from Queens that thinks landmarking is so bad has the balls to go to Brooklyn and tell them the crap that they tell people in Queens.

How about someone from our newspapers?

How about someone from our community board?

How about (now this is precious) one of our elected officials?

Yea, I didn't think so. They are little sharper out there.

Anonymous said...


Your inner dialog did not compose a coherent thought. Please try again harder next time.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for, once landmarked you'll find the cost of home maintenance goes up.

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of Jumaane Williams, but I give him credit for going against the grain on this one.

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