Thursday, May 16, 2013

CB7's Willets Point cave-in like deja vu all over again

From the Daily News:

A proposed mega-mall next to CitiField might have gone down to defeat Monday night but for a bottom-of-the-ninth set of promises from the developer to skeptical Community Board 7 officials.

The board’s land-use committee had already rejected the city’s plan for a 1.4-million-square-foot shopping mall on what is currently the baseball stadium parking lot, but the committee changed its vote — and the full board followed suit hours later — after Deputy Mayor Robert Steel and the developer, the Queens Development Group, promised in writing that the board would get increased oversight over the project.

“I changed my vote because of the papers in front of me,” CB7 Chairman Eugene Kelty said of the promises. “We have people in place that have signed letters and I’m comfortable with it.”

If Kelty and Land Use Chairman Charles Apelian — who voted down the mall at the committee level last week — held their stance, the board would have been deadlocked.

If this sounds like something you heard back in 2008, it is. Back then, CB7 voted "yes" with almost the same set of conditions. The EDC never gave CB7 additional oversight and never came through on any of the other promises.

From 2008:


Jerry Rotondi said...

Written promises mean nothing to a board that has no real power of enforcement.

Poor Gene--maybe he's just tired after serving many years for the good of his community.

I will repeat over and over--until you all finally get it--CB7 is a toy government body, with only advisory voting power--which means NOTHING!

They're a waste of time and money and convey a false sense of community input.

Anyone who believes that they are your entre into government could use some psychotherapy.

Give the power of holding public meetings, and votes that count, to each councilmanic office.
Put on extra staff, with the money that's saved by dumping the community boards.

This way the councilman or councilwoman can be held directly accountable--without community boards between them acting as buffer zones to absorb all the heat.

Then, you can vote out your council member if you don't like the representation you're getting.

Certain CB7 members have been warming a bench at the BORED for too damn long!

Anonymous said...

That drunkard changed his vote because of the greenbacks passed under the table to him.
That's the kind of "papers" that CB#7 likes!

Anonymous said...

I wonder...
what brand of glue does "2 buck" Chuck use to secure that thick rug that covers his dome?

If it's natural...I'll bet he's got hairy kneecaps and a forest between his toes.

Anonymous said...

So Kelty admits to changing his vote.

Yet when Al Centola called out the CB on changing their vote, Kelty publicly said Al was wrong. NO ONE ON THE COMMITTEE CORRECTED THE DRUNK.

Once again he lied to the public while officiating a CB meeting. Isn't that against some sort of law?

Good going Al!

The Flushing Phantom said...


This bares the wholesale corruption that's been going on at CB7 !

Great job on the video!
You are true patriots for exposing these crooks.

Anonymous said...

What an arrogant self serving bastard Apelian is.

Notice the 2 old fossils, Claire Shulman and Myra Baird Herce.

Also notice Wellington Z. Chen. He's the real shady one in this affair. TDC (Chen's friend) is likely going to be the developer that the fixed bidding contract goes to.

Like ship worm, this quiet little parasite has been eating away at the Flushing vessel for decades.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Chuck Apelian was vice chair of land misuse. It sure looks that way.

What the hell does the partner in "Prestone" printing company know about land use, except how to sell it off for bribes?

This guy needs a scope put up his ass, to see what other shit he's been hiding!

Is "2 buck" Chuck getting a printing contract out of this?

Did he get one from the USTA?
He had Paul Vallone's printing contract the last timen he ran for councilman.!

Paul is a board member and he hired Chuck to do a job. Isn't that a conflict of interest?

Word has it that Chuck is still working for Paul (behind the scenes).

Anonymous said...

JR - you're right: CBs are window dressing. The BSA, for example, does whatever the hell they're asked... on the other hand, putting CB functions in the hands of council members is ill advised - vote them out? hah! They're in for two terms anyway, so they're double-motivated to cater to their future employers in the private sector... If nothing else, notwithstanding pathetic participation, CB meetings provide a venue for civics and the civic-minded to connect...

Jerry Rotondi said...

My humble suggestion beats having lousy community boards and the status quo, my friend.

A council member can be held more accountable.
Having a dopey or crooked council member for two terms is a shade better (if it comes to that) than having "lifetime" community board members rammed down your gullet.

Anyway, It's not my fault that voters often choose crappy council members. They should learn to smarten up!

Right now, you have NO SAY whatsoever, in choosing CB members. Borough hall and friends takes care of that bit of business for you.

C'mon--what's your suggestion to remedy things old bean?

You have our ears--and we're all interested in what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

If Gene Kelty resigns, some Taiwanese crook will, most likely, replace him. Then it's open season on all nabes within the district. That's the hidden fear, so he remains as chairman.

Old proverb say:
It's far better to deal with a familiar devil than an unknown one.

Chuck Apelian's strategy is "containment".

Keep the all of the crappy development in the downtown hub or near it, and hear a few more coins jingle in your pocket for pimping a project.

But...keep over development out of Chuck's nabe!

As long as the northeast remains untouched, let NYC f--k up Willets Point and downtown Floo-shing.

Isn't that what it's really all about?
If you can't see that, you need eyeglasses.

Anonymous said...

Cave in?
It looks like WP was just undermined...again!

Anonymous said...

Where's that breaking news story on Chuck Apelian?
Did that news weekly cub reporter's editor quash it?

C'mon, boy...take it to another newspaper.
We're all waiting to see 2 buck Chuck exposed in print.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out the CB#7 website. Interesting what you can find there:

Lastly, since the construction of the new Shea Stadium, (Citi Field) has begun, we urge the city to accelerate its proposal process to properly redevelop the Willets Point business area to maximize the property in more progressive ways that would benefit the legitimate businesses, the surrounding community as well as the city. This particular area has been neglected by the city for decades. Comprehensive and new development to the Willets Point area will certainly benefit the Downtown Flushing area. It will also offer an opportunity to address several related problems such as unemployment, lack of green space, degraded environmental conditions in and around the Flushing River, and a deteriorated public infrastructure.

And the website is certainly up to date??!!??!

Gary Ackerman
Joseph Crowley
Anthony Avella
James Gennaro
John Liu

State Assembly:
Ann Margaret Carrozza
Rory Lancman
Nettie Mayersohn
Mark Weprin
Grace Meng

State Senate:
Frank Padavan
Toby Ann Stavisky

My hooker marylyn said...

Wow chucky should be investigated for all those printing contracts and fire hose gene should be sent to acting school ..does he really believe anyone bought his bait and switch act? This guy has been doing this for years ...cb7 porno movie staring the 95,000$ hooker marylyn bitterman

Anonymous said...

Bitterman must be chuckys babe she uses that rug to wipe her a-s...I'm so sick and tired of these phony meetings why give these idiots the time of day ..they approve everything ,,,, even giving gene another 6 pack so his face becomes as red as santa Claus sweeney

Anonymous said...

What a cast of crooked characters!

Gene hits the hard stuff. He's no simple beer guzzler.

District manager Bitterman has to put up with a lot for her meager $95,000 a year.

But, where else can somebody, as dumb as a post, get another job like that?

We're all doomed unless we vote out all the bastards who keep these shady freaks at CB#7...screwing us for years.

Anonymous said...

just saw the video ..that is unbeliveable i thought i was watching last weeks meeting but it was in 2008...this is great the same old song and dance given by chucky 2 buck and fiehose gene..unreal..and there's bitterman and her look alike myra ..2 old bags of crap

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