Monday, May 27, 2013

Bad behavior by pols at the College Point Memorial Day parade

Dear Crappy -

As a cameraperson for one of the candidates running for office who was marching in the College Point Memorial Day parade, you may take what I'm writing with a grain of salt (as I could be working for a competitor/s), that's up to you.

Frankly, I was outraged and horrified by the behavior of Peter Vallone's workers. First, they marched with the candidates, which is really not supposed to happen. Second, they unfurled signs and a banner promoting Peter Vallone's candidacy for Borough President, which is a serious no-no. They were told to stop by Andy Rocco, the president of the College Point Taxpayers Civic Association, which they did - reluctantly. However, they then followed this with screaming at the top of their lungs: "HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY FROM COUNCILMAN PETER VALLONE!" over and over again for the rest of the parade (about 20 minutes), which you can see an excerpt on the video that I sent you.

First of all, Memorial Day is not meant to be a "happy" event. Here's the Wikipedia definition:

Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday which occurs every year on the final Monday of May.[1] Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service.

There WERE veterans as well as current and former military present, both on the parade route and in formation. There were also police, firemen...and the Guardian Angels, which, last I heard, was not any kind of law enforcement group whatsoever. Instead, the Angels are being used to bolster Melinda Katz's respectability level (I guess?), as she doesn't have to march with the rest of the candidates with Curtis and Company as her entourage.

Just thought you'd like to know some of the nonsense that's passing for honoring our heroes in the military.

- Anonymous Campaign Worker


Anonymous said...

Can't stand people saying "Happy " Memorial Day. Dim wits that they all are!

Anonymous said...

All the losers come out of the woodwork once a year...
What phonies!

Anonymous said...

But look at the crowd - no boos - just looking happy and waving.

The name 'Peter Vallone' is now tucked safely in their noggins.

Anonymous said...

That girl was annoying as I was marching ahead of her, the workers with the signs were told by a parade official who aporoached them and told them (his words) that there was no politicking allowed, I never heard Andy Rocco say anything to them, the credit.should go to the offocial, whose first name is Rocco.

Anonymous said...

If Vallone was invited to march, then it's in poor taste to openly campaign, because he was given a privileged spot.

But I think you're reaching with the somberness angle. Parades are celebratory. You might argue that a parade is not appropriate for Memorial Day, but if you really think so, then stay home or attend a more sedate event. The people coming out to watch and march are there to show pride.

georgetheatheist said...

"He's a cartoon character!" - Frank of Queens, the Greatest Caller Ever to Talk Radio referring to degenerate dirtbag liar Curtis Sliwa.

For those of you who remember the Golden Age of the Bob Grant radio show, check out callers Frank of Queens and John of Staten Island's weekly internet radio show highlighted by a Sliwa/Katz exposé here.

And be sure to listen to Frank and John's thereon easily-accessible archived May 10th show where they keep the heat on this middle-aged bald-headed alte kakker beret-wearing buffoon.

You can download it here. No holds barred real Talk Radio-the way it used to be!

"He's a cartoon character!"

Anonymous said...

Shameless display. The Vallone campaigner is clueless but then so is the candidate.

The traveling Me-Linda Katz-is-a-Dog & Phony show demonstrates how desperate she is to get elected.

Anonymous said...

Just because Curtis Sliwa made a sperm deposit in Melinda Katz's "bank" doesn't give either of them credibility of any kind.

I Anyway, thought she was a lesbian.

Maybe it took an "angel" to be willing to mercy f--k Melinda, that unappealing, aging, pasty faced developers' slut!'ve had it. Hang it up!
Melinda...go back to Forest Hills and diddle yourself at some real estate lobbyist's office.

Both of these characters are behaving like desperate mid life crisis "A" holes!

What a show folks! What a show!
Glad to see that Ringling Brothers haven't given up their freak and geek attractions.

What a circus!

Anonymous said...

College Pointers are clueless idiots who will vote for Vallone anyway. There's been too much inbreeding in CP over the years. There hasn't been a flush in these throwbacks' gene pool in a century.

Some have 3 thumbs and 13 fingers.

Give any College Pointer a free beer and they'll vote twice (or more) for Vallone...if he's buying!

Anonymous said...

"I love a parade"...even if it's a funeral cortege.
Unfortunately, that's the way a lot of Americans sees it.

Anonymous said...

Is Sliwa a big stud?

RU kidding...Curtis Sliwa is probably shooting blanks by now. If he has any sperm, they can't swim one centimeter. How can they find or even reach Melinda's bull's eye? Somebody else impregnated her and Sliwa's taking credit for it.

Dressing up like a para military commando can't help this legend in his own mind anymore. You're OLD, old man...and so is your image.

I'll bet the moths have had a feast on Curtis's red beret over the years!

jerry Rotondi said...

If "junior" Vallone ever has the damn nerve to show up at one of my civic association's meetings, I'll personally boo him off the stage!

This political mafia family needs to be expelled from the borough of Queens! These vampires have already sucked Astoria dry!

And you--Don Paulo Vallone--GTF out of our lives!

Paul Graziano for city council!

Anonymous said...

Come out of the woodwork only once a year?

More than that!
Every photo op that a Vallone can take...they will!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If Vallone was invited to march, then it's in poor taste to openly campaign, because he was given a privileged spot.

But I think you're reaching with the somberness angle. Parades are celebratory. You might argue that a parade is not appropriate for Memorial Day, but if you really think so, then stay home or attend a more sedate event. The people coming out to watch and march are there to show pride.

uh-ho this is the way they talk in asotoria. one of vallones clones is working as a troll here.

Anonymous said...

Mista Pu-blic Safe-tyyyy!!


Mista Gard-ian An-gelllss!!

(cue Entrance and March of the Gladiators)

Where was ringmaster Crowley? Well attending a baseball game with cultural affairs maven Van Bramer!

The day was one of rollicking fun across the borough.

Even Helen, when she saw a parade wanted to know when they were going to start the fireworks.

It was the Fourth, you know.

Anonymous said...

Shameless display. The Vallone campaigner is clueless but then so is the candidate.


They know EXACTLY what they are doing - the only clueless one in this mix is the Queens voter.

Did anyone officially responsible for this parade make a public complaint to Vallone?


Anonymous said...

For those who don't know, Katz's brother Matt works at York College, just like Leroy Comrie's wife, Marcia. When did York become a patronage mill?

Anonymous said...

The Vallone workers are self-absorbed snots, who are examples of the worst of the entitled "Millenial" generation. Ultimately, I believe they will damage his campaign...

Anonymous said...

If Vallone was invited to march, then it's in poor taste to openly campaign, because he was given a privileged spot.

But I think you're reaching with the somberness angle. Parades are celebratory. You might argue that a parade is not appropriate for Memorial Day, but if you really think so, then stay home or attend a more sedate event. The people coming out to watch and march are there to show pride.

Showing pride is one thing. Screaming "Happy Memorial Day!!!!" is another. I was at the parade and saw what was happening - campaigning is forbidden in Memorial Day parades, beyond shaking hands with parade watchers.

The goal of this parade is to honor and respect our veterans and active military, not use it as a rude platform for wanna-be politicians. There were varying degrees of offenses by people running for office, but the Vallones and Melinda Katz - with her "boyfriend" Curtis Sliwa - was the worst, by far.

Keeping You Informed said...

What is Queens Crap?

Queens Crap = Curtis ("The beret-wearing buffoon and monkey-spanker") Sliwa + Melissa ("The Democratic Party/Virginia Joe Crowley-endorsed shameless hussy home-wrecker") Katz.

Now you know.

Anonymous said...

Parade Policy: If any politicians are caught promoting their upcoming elections they are asked to cease immediately and/or leave the parade. There is only one parade official for each division and sometimes its hard for them to be there at the exact moment to catch everyone in the act. More volunteers are needed and you have to understand the tremendous undertaking these citizens have committed themselves to in order to pull off this parade with very limited resources. But I too marched in that parade and Vallone did indeed take advantage of this event and attempt to promote himself. This parade is established to honor our men and women who died in service to our nation. Their memory should NEVER be diminished by the self-righteous acts of those politicians who look upon this as an advertising opportunity for their campaigns. Utterly disgraceful and unpatriotic behavior!

Anonymous said...

Showing pride is one thing. Screaming "Happy Memorial Day!!!!" is another. I was at the parade and saw what was happening - campaigning is forbidden in Memorial Day parades, beyond shaking hands with parade watchers.

The goal of this parade is to honor and respect our veterans and active military, not use it as a rude platform for wanna-be politicians. There were varying degrees of offenses by people running for office, but the Vallones and Melinda Katz - with her "boyfriend" Curtis Sliwa - was the worst, by far.


You've gotta be kidding me. Look, Vallone sucks. Katz sucks. Sliwa sucks. But their speeches and even just their presence marching in these parades is a calculated political stunt. Why aren't you mad at the people/officials who invited them in the first place?

Who made you the decorum police, anyway? You won't be happy until everyone only says what YOU think is appropriate at these parades? Do they have to march with hands in perpetual salute, and never crack a smile?

Please, get off your high horse...

Anonymous said...

Parade Policy: If any politicians are caught promoting their upcoming elections they are asked to cease immediately and/or leave the parade. There is only one parade official for each division and sometimes its hard for them to be there at the exact moment to catch everyone in the act. More volunteers are needed and you have to understand the tremendous undertaking these citizens have committed themselves to in order to pull off this parade with very limited resources. But I too marched in that parade and Vallone did indeed take advantage of this event and attempt to promote himself. This parade is established to honor our men and women who died in service to our nation. Their memory should NEVER be diminished by the self-righteous acts of those politicians who look upon this as an advertising opportunity for their campaigns. Utterly disgraceful and unpatriotic behavior!

Thank you sir. You are a true patriot and civic person. And, to Anonymous #22 who stated this:

You've gotta be kidding me. Look, Vallone sucks. Katz sucks. Sliwa sucks. But their speeches and even just their presence marching in these parades is a calculated political stunt. Why aren't you mad at the people/officials who invited them in the first place?

Who made you the decorum police, anyway? You won't be happy until everyone only says what YOU think is appropriate at these parades? Do they have to march with hands in perpetual salute, and never crack a smile?

My response to you is simple: STFU.

It's because of people like you - who complain about how terrible all the politicians are but when people try to rein in their bad behavior, you blame the organizers instead - that we have terrible elected officials in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Yes a parade is a celebration. May 30th marked the end of WWI. People had reason to celebrate the end of what everyone thought would be the war to end all wars. But screaming happy memorial day is stupid and low class.

Anonymous said...

Nov. 11, Armistice Day, marked the end of WW1.

Queens Crapper said...

I think the civil war end was marked by decoration day which is now memorial day. Still stupid to yell out greetings.

Anonymous said...

Most citizens are unaware of who their local candidates are. Parades help them gain exposure.

Anonymous said...

It's stupid to invite politicians/former politicians with a special marching honor these things in the first place. So yeah, I DO blame the parade organizers. Many of them are probably about as politically unmotivated and selfless as the unpaid community board members. They invite the terrible politicians you're complaining about, maybe hoping to get a sympathetic ear for delivering them some good PR. Everyone's a patriot in their own head...

Even if the greeting is stupid, I heard plenty of regular people doing it all up and down the sidelines. It's just what people do. Sheesh!

Jerry Rotondi said...

On second thought it could have been worse.

"Junior" Vallone could have showed up on his motorcycle with John Liu riding in the side car--
both of them garbed in leather.

Homage to Puck:
"What fools these POLITICIANS be"!

Could voters be the bigger fools?

Each vote for the villainous Vallone is a signature on a deed to hand over Queens to political mafiosi.

Anonymous said...

Memorial day is observed,not celebrated..............

Anonymous said...

Vallone was successful.

You are talking about him, the community is now familiar with his name, the Gazette and its ilk will cover this, the parade promoters did not take him to task, and no one, but no one, asked or protested a single thing from his record.

Not a single sign or boo.

If he gets in to that office, you all will deserve what you get.

Anonymous said...

To respond to the person who is blaming the parade organizers, you have to understand that some of them JUST SHOW UP! For those that actually let you know that they are planning on attending, they are told IN ADVANCE that the parade is not a forum for their upcoming campaigns. So if a politician does otherwise, he or she is wholly responsible for their own actions.

Anonymous said...

i see no reason why politicians should be invited to a parade memorializing our fallen heroes unless they themselves served in combat and can sharing that experience. If they are showing up and crashing they should be reported to the cops who oughtta tell em to stand on the sidelines.

Queens Crapper said...

Hey, how about Vallone's "Memorial Day Bash" fundraiser? Just a tad tacky and insensitive?

georgetheatheist said...

I'm voting for Vallone. If we are all going to Hell, we might just as well have a good time getting there. Party-on.

Anonymous said...

Happy Memorial Day. So happy people died. Have a hot dog. Vallone is a typical pol but between him and Katz I'd have to move. No seriously, I'd vote for him just to block Katz. Does the Republican has a prayer?

Anonymous said...

Why is Curtis the scammer and liar marching anyway? did he serve?

Hes a white Al Sharpton. And Katz is frightening. Can someone else run, please?

Anonymous said...

---how did they find college point is the question that should be asked-----------------by the way--in regards to the beer comment-------college point was originally a beer garden---as spot to get away from the heat of the city------------------------------

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