Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anthony's finally in

From the Politicker:

He’s in. After weeks of speculation, disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner has officially thrown his hat into the mayor’s race, announcing he’s running with a new video posted on his revamped campaign website.

“Look, I made some big mistakes. And I know I let a lot of people down. But I’ve also learned some tough lessons. I’m running for mayor ’cause I’ve been fighting for the middle class and those struggling to make it my entire life. And I hope I get a second chance to work for you,” he says in the video, which opens with a family scene of the former Councilman and his wife, Huma Abedin, having breakfast in their kitchen with their son.

The video goes on to show iconic scenes of the city and images of Mr. Weiner growing up in middle-class Brooklyn, and goes on to outline a platform that includes dropping fines for small businesses and more opportunities for the middle class.

Observers have been mixed about how Mr. Weiner will impact the field, but Public Advocate Bill de Blasio appears to have the most to lose. A long-time Brooklyn resident and fellow former councilman, Mr. Weiner is expected to appeal to the same outer-borough, ethnic whites and progressive voters who feel Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the race’s front-runner, is ideologically impure.


Anonymous said...

Pure arrogance . This guy has no shame and cannot be trusted.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many run-offs there will be in the Dem primary?

Joe Moretti said...

Okay so the guy showed his dick on the internet, big deal. It is not like like he stole tax payers money or committed some kind of fraud like so many others do.

Big deal.

Anonymous said...

The big deal is that he told one lie, got caught, told another lie, got caught, told another lie, got caught...

In the process he and surrogates blamed everyone who was reporting on this and trying to manage the liberal mainstream media to shut the story down and marginalize anyone continuing to report on it.

He engaged in the politics of personal destruction going after Andrew Breitbart, while accusing Breitbart of lying about him and fabricating sources.

It's not one Twitter picture, but the narcissistic personality that created tens of them and hundreds of inappropriate flirtatious contacts with women other than his wife.

It's the cover-up. It's the thankfully failed attempt to manipulate the liberal mainstream media to suppress the truth.

One honest admission by Weiner to the facts when they were first reported would have made this a 24-hour story. Don't forget that he dragged this out from May 27 to June 23, 2011.

So it is a big deal, and Anthony Weiner should never hold an office of public trust.

Anonymous said...

Huma Weiner is cute, but she clearly is staying with Ant-knee for political purposes.

Anonymous said...

I think Ant-knee will make a great mayor, as he clearly is a fighter for the middle class!

Joe Moretti said...

I will still take lying about photos of your dick any day over lying about stealing tax payers money.

Amazing how this country gets so uppity about sex.

Anonymous said...

Here's a News Flash -- No Politician can be trusted. If you look at everyone who is running, Anthony is the best of the bunch. I'd rather have him as mayor than Slush Fund Queen Chrissy Quinn. I don't want a Bloomberg fourth term. Anthony, you have my vote.

Anonymous said...

Third world voters prefer liars!

Anonymous said...

In? In what?

Anonymous said...

They are ALL liars. The third world will vote (and they do and do it often) for anyone that will give them freebies. That's why the Democrats will always be in power in New York. It's literally the Land Of The Free(bie) -- except for the Taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Joe Moretti said...
I will still take lying about photos of your dick any day over lying about stealing tax payers money.

Amazing how this country gets so uppity about sex.

Joe, I am no puritan and this isn't about sex. Same as it wasn't about sex with Pres. Clinton. It's about being privledged to serve the people by holding elected office and enging in, at best, junior HS behavior, or at worst, criminal activity. Enough's, enough.

Anonymous said...

"He engaged in the politics of personal destruction going after Andrew Breitbart...."

That was a known liar and slanderer.

You could have picked a better example....

Weiner is a typical over-sexed example of his type. Howard Stern being another.

His was an effective spokes man and advocate for Liberal causes.

georgetheatheist said...

"Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, yadda-dadda-da" - Neighborhood Middle Class Stickball Champion Anthony Weiner

From idea #38 of his 64 Great Ideas:

"Track Sex Offenders Using GPS Technology.
Most sex offenders are strictly limited on
where they can travel and who they may contact after they
leave custody. Women with Orders of Protection against
abusers are safeguarded in their space by court order. But all
too often sex offenders ignore the law and live and loiter
around schools and their victims. Now that GPS technology
is less expensive and less intrusive, all movement-limited
sex offenders and abusers should be required to keep a GPS
tag on their person that alerts the local precinct if they go
into restricted areas or near protected people."

And how come wifey Huma doesn't have to report all the dough she's haulin' in?

Jus' tryin' ta be hepful. said...

Now you gabeesh, Joe Moretti?

Anonymous said...

How can Breitbart be called a "liar"? Weiner eventually admitted to all that Breitbart had reported because it had all been publicly reported and confirmed by Twitter histories and people who received his tweets on the record.

Weiner had contacted women he had exchanged tweets with to lie to the media on his behalf during the period he was asserting that he was not the person who tweeted the pics.

By repeating apologies for merely sending out the photographs, he is covering up the 25 days he desperately tried to cover it up.

So what level of dishonesty and lying would it take for you to not support a liberal? Or don't these considerations ever matter?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else feel like we have a deteriorating political system or society for that matter. We dont look at a candidates character when making a decision on if we should vote for him or her. Look at halloran. You couldnt tell the guy is a bully? And thinks his fat ass is entitled to mobster respect. Avella is in testicle clamps with queens dem leaders. I can go on. Why dont we look to educated, respectful, empathetic leaders? Are there none left?

Joe f said...

Joe moretti. Your right....not that bad right.....maybe a little bad? On a scale of 1 to 10....what is it?
When he goes to make a decision that screws you over he'll just be screwing you "a little". Point is his character is flawed. He tweeted his do many people....then he lied to millions of nyers that he didnt completely convinced that he would pull one over on us. You thinks thats a normal mind? Not even close.

Anonymous said...

What about convicted rapist and ex-councilman Dennis P. Gallagher?

He porked a grandma in his ow district office.
Now, there's a real pervert for you.

Tony just flashed his wiener online.

That's called "advertising".

It was a stupid move...and from what I've heard... because I did not see the photos...his little cocktail frank wasn't much (even though it was erect)

In reality, most pols wind up screwing all of us.

georgetheatheist said...

From Weiner's Idea #8 of his 64 Great Ideas:

"Put a Kindle in Every Backpack. Kids today walk
around weighed down by backpacks full of outdated
books that cost taxpayers nearly $100 million per year and will
rise with new standards. EBooks would cost less, give teachers
access to millions of titles, and are never out of date. I wrote
more about this idea in 2010 here:"

That's right. NYC darling students, on the subway and busses, in their well-behaved manner will be transporting Kindles to and fro.

What is wrong with this picture?

And he wants to be mayor?

Anonymous said...

Not defending Dennis at all - but 1) - he's not a convicted rapist and 2) he'll never get elected to anything again. Same should hold true for Weiner - never hold public office. His behavior was shamefull.

Anonymous said...

He's a lying, arrogant, nasty, weasel. If he didn't lie, the whole thing would have blown over. If he wasn't so nasty to anyone who questions him, people would have come to his defense. He got what he deserved, and we the public deserve better.

Joe Moretti said...

Sorry there is a difference between the human being and the politician. We as humans all have flaws, none of us are perfect, but what Weiner did was a personal thing (not the best of things) but it had nothing to do with politics (Yes, I get that he tried to lie about it), but which was of us has not told even the smallest of lies. But this situation does not have anything to do with this political stand. I mean if you are going to crucify him based on this, then George W. Bush should not have been president (an alcoholic), Clinton (a sex addict), Kennedy ( a womanizer), you can go through history about the personal flaws of leaders, but it does not have anything to do with how effective they are as leaders. At some point, you have to separate the two. What Weiner did was not illegal, bottom line and what he did did not hurt the public. What he lied about, was this personal issue, not some government cover-up. Shirley Huntley might not have shown her twat on line or cheated on her husband, etc, but the one thing she did was steal tax payer's money and that affects the public at large. There is a difference.

georgetheatheist said...

Joe, did Weiner know about Huma's extracurricular UNREPORTED income? (see above) Did he sign a joint tax return with her?

Anonymous said...

He's a lying, arrogant, nasty, weasel. If he didn't lie, the whole thing would have blown over. If he wasn't so nasty to anyone who questions him, people would have come to his defense. He got what he deserved, and we the public deserve better.

...and yet, if it's between ha weasel and Quinn, I'm voting for the weasel.

Anonymous said...

Joe's analogy doesn't apply:

George W Bush recovered from alcoholism, had a business career, and was elected more than once to be governor of Texas and people knew his history long before 2000.

Bill Clinton never ran for office after he lied to a grand jury, was impeached, and disbarred.

Kennedy (which one??) - to that all I can add is that Mary Jo Kopechne is not available to comment on the late senator's character.

The pictures are not an issue for me. Weiner could have apologized on May 28, 2011, and he still would be in Congress.

1. He insisted for 25 days that his lies were the truth.

2. He contacted people who knew the truth to lie on his behalf.

3. Knowing the truth himself, he accused those investigating or disclosing the truth of being liars.

Voters should know its not vanity or sexual perversion that is Weiner's problem, his problem is with truth itself.

Anonymous said...

If Huma divorced him, the muzzies would hack her like An'Jolie and no one would notice. His notoriety keeps her alive.

Anonymous said...

I've heard little Weiner knows how to pull it off!

Anonymous said...

Even at the gym in Forest Hills he was as arrogant as one could be.
Not talking to anyone. ..even on his walk down Austin St be would ignore you. Not even a hand wave.

Anonymous said...

He is going to win. Quinn is an unlikeable animal. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

what truth does he owe the public about his personal affairs? he should have come out and admitted it (just for the sake of maturity and for his wife), I'll give you that much, but his extra-marital dealings have no bearings in his political career. of course he lied! it's embarrassing to be outed like that. I can't fault him for trying to save face in his personal life. all I know is: between him and Quinn, he has my vote, easily.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me!
Dennis Gallagher plead guilty to "forcibly touching" yadda, yadda, yadda.

That still makes him a prime pervert!
But Peter Koo has him employed as an advisor to the councilman.

Go figure!

Anonymous said...

He has a very good shot. He is better than Quinn, but God help us all if this is the best we have.

mysticrose said...

It's not about sex it's about character. Do we want as mayor a man who practically invited blackmail by having X-rated conversations and sending out compromising photos of himself to people online that he'd never even met? He's lucky one of those women didn't try to blackmail him. Words like "reckless," "impulsive," and "poor judgment" come to mind immediately. So you're willing to stomach a liar as mayor, but what about a reckless, impulsive liar with poor judgment? If so, then I guess we do have a deteriorating political system and society.

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