Monday, May 6, 2013

And the beat goes on...

From the NY Post:

Embattled state Sen. John Sampson of Brooklyn is set to turn himself in to authorities today after being ensnared in a bribery scandal involving former colleague-turned-rat Shirley Huntley, sources said.

Sampson told his aides over the weekend that he was preparing to surrender to the feds, reaching out to staffers to give them the news, the sources said.

The move comes after authorities last week revealed that wiretaps show an unnamed state senator — whom sources identified to The Post as Sampson — allegedly helped broker an illicit deal between Huntley and a cargo company at JFK Airport in March 2012.

As The Post revealed Saturday, the federal probe into allegedly crooked Queens and Brooklyn pols has already led to other investigations into Sampson and US Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-Queens).

According to sources, Sampson had approached Huntley — then a Democratic state senator from Queens — to intercede with the Port Authority to land the company more airport rental space. Huntley did — and netted a $1,000 bribe for her efforts, the feds said.


Anonymous said...

So many indictments, my head is starting to spin... and I don't even mind!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for all the names to come out.

Anonymous said...

How come only the Feds investigate and arrest these guys? Why not the State or local DA'S?

Anonymous said...

How come only the Feds ...

Huntley was charged in Nassau County and pleaded guilty there, as well as in federal court.

Otherwise, the answer is that they're all pals.

Anonymous said...

Most people are way too harsh in their criticism of politicians. These poor elected officials are only doing what they think is expected of them. Everyone knows that most politicians are corrupt so why are they surprised when a couple are indicted? The voters elected them knowing that they would take and take and bribe and coerce and swindle and whore themselves to the highest bidder.

What annoys me is that they sell themselves sooooo cheap! If you're going to be corrupt do it in a big way. No penny ante crap. It's way too embarrassing to be locked up for $20-30-40,000. Go long go large. Sell yourself for hundreds of thousands if not millions. Damn, the jail term if you are caught is about the same amount of time. Plus the jurors tend to have more respect for the guy shoots for the moon.

Anonymous said...

Big 'n small fry 'em all!

Go after the Stavisky dynasty.
There's a lot hidden under Toby's skirt
and in Evan's shorts, besides their...GAG! know what.

Wattsamatta with you feds?
Don't drop the ball now.

Albany needs a good enema!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A thug is a thug is a thug...

Anonymous said...

no wonder they have no time to assist the people who voted them into the job. bastards.

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