Monday, April 1, 2013

Dumb spots chosen for bike kiosks

From the NY Post:

SoHo neighbors put the kibosh on a 43-bike rack in tiny memorial park Petrosino Square because it took up too much space — only to have the city Department of Transportation replant it in front of an advocate’s home.

Now they’re fighting the rack’s new spot in a no-parking area of the street on Cleveland Place near Kenmare Street, saying the busy intersection is too dangerous for a rental kiosk.

“It’s as though DOT is on lockdown,” said Georgette Fleischer, founder of Friends of Petrosino Square, who will soon get the cycle rack in front of her tenement. “They’re not responding to us.”

“The very agency you’d think would be most concerned about public safety on our streets seems to be absolutely unmoved,” she added.

Firefighters at nearby Ladder 20 and Engine 55 say they’re also trying to persuade officials to move the bikes for safety reasons, but to no avail. Fire trucks often take a sharp right onto Cleveland Place from Kenmare Street.


Anonymous said...

I hope a fire truck flattens those racks ...

Anonymous said...

People who are against this location will find something wrong with any location that is chosen.

Anonymous said...

Breaking: Not Every Single New Yorker Is Happy With All Citi Bike Station Sitings

Anonymous said...

Where is "Soho"?

Anonymous said...

When a fire truck kills a rent-a-cyclist on that corner, I'm sure the family will sue the city and win. Now if only someone could sue citibank for branding such completely ugly bicycles.

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