Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sad school stats

From the NY Post:

Nearly 80 percent of city public high-school graduates who enrolled in a City University of New York community college last year had to relearn the basics of reading, writing or math — the highest percentage in years.

A stunning 79.3 percent of city public-school grads who went to CUNY’s six two-year colleges arrived without having mastered the basics, up from 71.4 percent in 2007.

The ballooning numbers come despite the state having raised the requirements to graduate from high school in each of the past five years.

In 2012, this meant that roughly 10,700 students who earned high- school diplomas and enrolled at two-year CUNY schools weren’t prepared for college-level work — most of them because of math.

Those students were then forced to shell out money for non- credit-bearing courses — for as much as $1,000 a pop, they said — before they could start making their way toward a college degree.


Anonymous said...

Due largely to piss poor administration,uncaring parents,dupliciyous students,burned out teachers and an overall culture of schmooze and fraud,NYC Public High Schools are a laughingstock and a drain on the economy.In a 28 yea teaching career, I made the mistake of spending three of them on Queens high schools.To call it a parallel universe and bizarro world doesn't even begin to cratch the surface of the rot. As far as college readiness-of the students II knrw who graduated and entered CUNY and stuck it out,the first I knew of graduating with two year degrees took an average of 7 years to accomplish that feat!

georgetheatheist said...

That's because they don't teach diagramming of sentences anymore.

Sentence diagramming.

Jerry Rotondi said...

And Bloomberg's "legacy" was to improve education.
Der mayor's grade---"D"---unsatisfactory!

Score another failure for Mike.

Jon Torodash said...

Before anyone incorrectly jumps down the teachers' throats, I'd zero in on one particular fact:

"the state [had] raised the requirements to graduate from high school in each of the past five years"

So after all of the high stakes testing, imprecise teacher evaluation systems, the unspoken pressure from the DoE to "pass them along" finally comes home to roost.

CUNY standards for math do not even seem to touch upon all of the expected coursework covered in a non-advanced college preparatory track, such as precalculus.

The drop in 4-year college remediation is an irrelevant smokescreen, unless the calculation was made on students entering directly from HS, not including those transferring from 2 year institutions where the remediation had already taken place.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new, this has been going on for 40 years - in fact Cuny has been dumbing down the non-credit courses so that those requiring to take it will pass except the really nuckleheaded students!

Anonymous said...

Who needs a high school diploma?

Become a politician,
especially a Congress member, and you're set for life.

All you need to do is lie about your education, etc. to start with. A forged GED will kick off your career.
Nourished with real estate industry money, and presto, you're off and running!

Look at all of the brainless politicians we have around us.

Helen Marshall, could make the top of that list.

Anonymous said...

There is something called the "hidden Curriculuum" - i.e. learning to show up on time, hand in assignments, follow directions, and understand authority relationships, that hasn't been important for more than a quarter-century... we now have TEACHERS and PROFESSORS who don't understand these basic facts of life. I sit in graduate-level courses surrounded by "scholars" playing angry birds during lectures. A diploma ain't worth jack except as a wall decoration, and admittance to the club of people with similar wall-decorations.

A Better NYC said...

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

At this point, all you can do is laugh!!!

Anonymous said...

lets keep packing the city with rejects from 4th world nations. I'm sure that will help.

Anonymous said...

just a reminder. nyc taxpayers paid the $22 Billion D.O.E.budget for years 2012-13, for this progressive failure. the cost for one public school pupil is $20,000. per year. WHY?

the cost for one SPECIAL EDUCATION public pupil is about $90,000 per year.And scholastic testing for results are almost less than 2%. is it really a baby sitting operation with highly paid two "teachers" per seven "pupils".in one classroom that could seat 22-30 regular pupils ?

whats in your wallet after paying your property taxes
? and increasing health care costs ?

Anonymous said...

Three things:

1. its the parents.

2. for many people, entertainment and sports (hearing basketball players interviewed is usually painful) or the lottery is the only way to get ahead.

3. our culture pushes consumerism and mindlessness as virtues.

Until these change, things will not.

Anonymous said...

Teacher's unions, politicians and lawyers, mix with a lot of money, and presto, you have the NYC Public Education system. A cesspool of corruption.

I graduated from PS 163 in 1966 and the Iowa Reading tests we took in 6th grade had me maxed out, at 12th grade reading level +. And I wasn't the only one. What the hell happened?

Anonymous said...

"lets keep packing the city with rejects from 4th world nations. I'm sure that will help."

Some of those 4th world rejects will work much harder that average American students. Some come here knowing no English, but speak proficiently in a couple of years while attending school.
Or we could just hate on people for being different.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 10:

Why are you obsessed with Special Education students? What do you propose as an alternative?

Anonymous said...

"I graduated from PS 163 in 1966 and the Iowa Reading tests we took in 6th grade had me maxed out, at 12th grade reading level +. And I wasn't the only one. What the hell happened?"

Washington changed the immigration laws in 1965. It's been downhill ever since.

Anonymous said...

Mike may suck but UFT president Mulgrew is worse. He wants to change how the 13 members of the Panel for Educational Policy are picked. The mayor has eight and Mulgrew wants that to be reduced to 5. He wants his elected lackeys to pick eight and the mayor five.

What a freakin' jerk-off Mulgrew is.

Anonymous said...

What da ya expect? We need to spend a Kings ransom on these kids...but that wouldn't work either.
That's why over 80% of jobs in NYC are filled by non NY residents.

georgetheatheist said...

"What the hell happened?"

The "60's" took hold.

Now we reap what we sowed.

Anonymous said...

#14...why is it costing taxpayers , for ONE PUBLIC SPECIAL EDUCATION pupil, about $90,000....$90,000. $90,000 /per year /per pupil.

why is it costing $20,000..$20,000...$20,000 per one regular public pupil/per year ?

Queens parochial K-8 schools charge only about $4000. -$5000. per year and graduate about 95% from H.S,who mostly are admitted to four year universities.

Anonymous said...

Some of those 4th world rejects will work much harder that average American students. Some come here knowing no English, but speak proficiently in a couple of years while attending school.
Or we could just hate on people for being different.

Are you on drugs ?

Anonymous said...

#19 - But what do you do as an alternative?

Anonymous said...

Since Bloombutt took charge of the education system of NYC, it has gone steadily downward. Under horrific pressure from Tweed, administrators pass the pressure along to teachers to pass students who don't have passing averages. Knowing they have a test, students openly admit they didn't study for it. They don't submit homework, for the most part. They do not turn in projects, or they do a "5 minutes before it's due" sort of job on them. They cut class, and are seen wandering the halls and peeking into classrooms, disrupting other students. Confronted with a heartily-deserved failing grade, they tell their teacher, "I'm gonna get you fired, bitch." Klein handed them the means to do it, by extending the definition of "corporeal punishment" to include "verbal abuse" and unscrupulous administrators actually solicit and coach the students to write statements against their teachers. Principals get a $25,000 bonus for great passing stats, and they want that money, no matter what has to be done to get it. Did you fail a test because you were playing video games instead of studying? Did you "forget" about the term paper which was due? Submit a statement that your teacher made a sexual remark to you, even though they never did. You'll get those teachers in line. They will be afraid to flunk YOU.

The teachers are pressured, under the threat of job loss, to pass these kind of "students". Is it any wonder that they are totally ill-prepared for college, having been passed along and along to keep up passing stats? They never had to develop good classroom skills and studying skills because they KNEW the teacher basically had to pass them, even if they did little to no work.

Anonymous said...

Albert Shanker and his cry baby cohorts started the ball rolling that put the NYC school system on the skids.

It continued to pick up speed over the years until it found itself at the bottom of the hill.

Teachers, parents, administrators, etc. are to blame for its current condition.

Now I can expect the unionist trolls to take me to the woodshed for my honest appraisal of the situation.

Good luck and fuck you!

Anonymous said...

Parents who send their kids to parochial schools care and supervise their kids. That's why they succeed. By implication, what do you think is missing in that host of NYC public high school graduates? And it must be even worse among the drop outs, which, I believe, are a significant percentage of those who start.

A Unionist said...

Anon No. 23:

Surprise!!! I agree with you about the UFT! Bet you a lot of union people do as well!

Anonymous said...

Yet NE Queens has th ebest math students in the State: http://www.themathleague.com/downloads/hs1213/ny-hs5-1213.pdf

Anonymous said...

Stop smoking crack and hanging out on street corners.

Anonymous said...

#22... vote out the D.I.N.O. / LIBERAL/ PROGRESSIVES from Government and Education.

For a start.....

Install "PRINCIPLED PRINCIPALS" similar to deceased L.I.C. High School Principal Howard Hurwitz.

search for what the left-wing did to him in the 1970's.
L.I.C. H.S was a superb learning facility during his supervision.The community parents put their bodies around the school to stop the Bd. of Ed. progressives from evicting him.

Anonymous said...

#28 - But how does that address the needs of the special education students? What will that do for them?

Anonymous said...

#29....maybe finding out the cause of autism, which was little known 60 years ago. why is this so common today ?

see:3/20/13 ,NY POST "1 out of 50 U.S.school children are autistic, government survey ".

Anonymous said...

#30 - Good for future generations, but what do you do to educate the current Special Education students?

Anonymous said...

if 80% of Non-Special Ed. public school pupils can not read and do math, after 12 years of progressive indoctrination, how the hell can the Special Ed. pupils perform significant EDUCATION skills? and do they REALLY reach these skills or is it another progressive scam to earn big bucks(salary,pensions,health care,180 day vacation time. the school year totals 180 days.

Anonymous said...

obviously - IMMIGRANTS cannot keep up with the requirements because of the language barrier.

Anonymous said...

Those "immigrants" speak better English and appreciate the Constitution better than you drunken jock thugs, do! Your kind sided with the enemy in the Civil War and both World Wars, and if you snicker in agreement with the terrorists even while you pork up homeland security!

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