Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's time to show some love to the NYS Pavilion

Letter to the Editor (Queens Chronicle):

Concerning your article “Is anyone, even the USTA, FMCP’s friend?” (Feb. 28) the old question that comes to mind is the renovation or lack thereof of the New York State Pavilion. Considering the fact that in recent years both the Queens Museum and the Theatre in the Park have both been upgraded and the Theatre in the Park is physically connected to the NYS Pavilion, why has this site never been included in any rehabilitation project where the other sites have received monies from various sources. The NYS Pavilion is an eyesore now and it would be a great asset to fix up and get the elevator going to the balconies. The Parks Department is already in control of it and could run the Pavilion for an entrance fee. Just a thought from a native New Yorker and Queens resident.

Martin Wishnewitz
Jackson Heights


Anonymous said...

Wait another 50 years. The Roman Colleseum was been taken better care of. It's criminal!

Geoff said...

If MLS is hell bent of a stadium in the park, how about they show some love and renovate the pavillion

A Voice from Astoria Park said...

Take the money the money from Vallone's Astoria Park Dive Pool boondaggle.

The big secret is the community does not want it - the people living on the park will shut it down once the concerts bring in noise, litter and worse.

It will be a waste of money.

If you have a choice between an empty dive pool ($0) and an empty lounge area ($4,000,000+++) which is what is 'theater-concert stage' will become once he is out of office, the choice is clear.

The money will be better spent at the Worlds Fair Grounds.

Anonymous said...

Geoff said...
If MLS is hell bent of a stadium in the park, how about they show some love and renovate the pavillion

How about this...?

The pavilion should be restored unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between Manhattan and Queens?

"Hotel Penn to be renovated instead of demolished"

Joe said...

$80 million dollars to restore the NYS Pavillion.
I know some of the engineer's who did the theater renovation work.
The city want a tannant to not only pay $80 million but then be told how to run it, who and how many to hire (unions)
Those same unions $$ raped and bankrupt the 1964 World Fair and the guy running the skating rink in the 70's.
Nothing has changed today.
Donald Trump said F_ that and doubts anybody with $80 million dollars is stupid enough to take a sh*tty deal like that.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between Manhattan and Queens?
"Hotel Penn to be renovated instead of demolished"

The difference is the city owns the pavilion. Hotel is in private hands.

Private investors are more careful about what they own because it's theirs. Government muppets are playing with monopoly money.

Anonymous said...

The problem with this idea is that it makes sense to a rational person. Look how queens in general is run and treated. Only stupid, absurd, and illogical ideas are entertained.

Anonymous said...

Government muppets are playing with monopoly money.

Yeah! OUR monopoly money!

Anonymous said...

Knock the shit down and pave it over. That NY State and NY City are long gone, never to return. Thank the illegal chinks, your pols, and liberals.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the queens theater in the park changed management last year and now stinks. I no longer patronize it with my family.

Anonymous said...

50 years and not one God damn politician in Queens has the balls to do anything about this! Why is it taking so long to come to a decision?? Are they waiting for some developer to come in and set up shop at the right price

Anonymous said...

"Look how queens in general is run and treated."

Control is in Manhattan.

Time for self rule.

Anonymous said...

It should be renovated at least to structurally stand safely. Bids should be put out to entertain a new use for it and assist renovating it along side the winning bidder if the project could at least break even. The structure is historic. How about the City's Architectural firms - can't they do a pro bono evaluation of potential uses/reno estimated for the city?

Anonymous said...

Where did you pull that $80 million dollar figure from... your ass, Joe?

You always think know everything about everything.
Perhaps you should run for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Stabilize it...paint it a medium grey (whatever)...
and let it stand like a classic silhouette against the sky.

Forget about the mosaic terrazzo map.

The cost of renovating that would most likely be prohibitive.

Anonymous said...

Lovely how Assemblyman Mike Simanowitz tweeted a photo of the NYS Pavilion on March 6, but hasn't done jack to restore it.

Anonymous said...

How about the City's Architectural firms - can't they do a pro bono evaluation of potential uses/reno estimated for the city?


Estimates for its restoration have been done. The cost is known. and an evaluation of potential uses is not something an Architect can decide, because, in short, it can be used for anything if you throw enough money at it.

Use and function are economic decisions, not suggestions.

Joe said...

The city was given not only proposals for new use but pro-bono assistance with stabilization and renovation from the buildings old manager who now owns an aviation and construction company out in California.
As soon as the city found he was serious all that bastards city wanted no part of it. Helen Marshall was screaming "I dont want one finger put on it"

All NYC does is conduct "studies"
Everything these "official" bastards say is just for show.

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