Sunday, December 2, 2012

Boardwalk will stay broken for a long time

From NY1:

The city Department of Parks and Recreation just spent nearly $4 million fixing damage to the boardwalk from Hurricane Irene in 2011. Then Sandy came through, and now parks officials have to start again from scratch.

The worst damage occurred in the most widely used sections. And though it seems far away, parks officials are already looking at how to accommodate the millions expected to visit when summer rolls around.

The commissioner said the department cannot do a full reconstruction by next summer, and there is no estimate of what it will cost.

She said parks officials will discuss the long-term situation with elected officials and the community, including whether to use concrete or wood for a future boardwalk.

From CBS New York:

Beach replenishment advocates in the Rockaways are calling for a jetty field off the shore of Rockaway Beach to help prevent future damage similar to what was brought on by superstorm Sandy.

“Not having rock jetties in the Rockaways is equivalent to no levies in New Orleans. It’s exactly the same thing. It’s a massive problem and they’ve been kicking the can down the road. We need this more than anything. It makes no sense for people to put boilers in their homes in Belle Harbor if the water’s going to be coming down the block next week,” said Friends of Rockaway Beach co-founder John Cori.

The issue, according to experts, is the cost. A single rock jetty costs $1 million to build. Cori estimates 50 jetties are needed to help protect the Rockaways.


Anonymous said...

“Not having rock jetties in the Rockaways is equivalent to no levies in New Orleans. It’s exactly the same thing.

No it's not !

Levies keep water out from low lying areas. Jetties only provide protection from strong wave activity, they are not waterproof. A tidal surge would go right over and through it.

Anonymous said...

Jetties only provide protection from strong wave activity on the UPCURRENT side of the rocks; sand is carved away on the downcurrent side, as has been amply demonstrated out in the Hamptons over the years.

But I do have sympathy for the beach replenishment advocates who want jetties. And as long as they want to pay for them out of their own pockets, and not stick taxpayers with the cost, I think that they should have them.

Anonymous said...

keep the waves, build a boardwalk filled with riprap and extend it the length of developed rockaway, make it concrete and put in bike lanes, need something on the bay side too - the bay came up higher than the ocean before the ocean waves pushed it back down or so I am told - I was smart enough to leave but apparnetly not smart enough not to build a house on the beach.

Anonymous said...

Why fight the power of the ocean ?
Make them sections modular like anchored and tethered rafts so they can float off and quickly sink below the surge waves.
---When the water resides pop them back on the footing points.

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