Sunday, December 9, 2012

Before I forget...

Queens Crap was first published December 9, 2006.

And the crap hasn't stopped flowing.


Anonymous said...

A very Happy Birthday to you Crappy, and many more! Thank you for all the wonderful work you do exposing the corruption of or local politicians and their developer buddies!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Crappy - you are simplyt awesome!

Alan said...

Congratulations! Many, many happy returns!!!

EW3 said...

Keep the good work up QC.
Maybe someday Queens will go back to being the great place I grew up in.


Anonymous said...

As long as Crappy reports stories about Queens, the crap will NEVER stop flowing. Happy Birthday Crappy! Thanks for keeping us informed. You are the best public service around. CRAPPY FOR MAYOR!

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Steve Behar said...

They grow up so fast!

Gary the Agnostic said...

Congratulations, Crapper. Many more!!!

Anonymous said...

DON'T QUIT....thank you for enabling conservatives (the minority) to communicate SOME of our opinions to the Queens Machine dictators.

Anonymous said...

The bigger you are, the bigger the bowels.

georgetheatheist said...

A true stalwart. The Rock of Gibraltar. Prosit!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day Crappy !
Keep up the good work.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great 6th, Crappy!

Now that you're old enough to attend 1st grade, it's time to school those crooked pols!

Anonymous said...

Many more years of good work, keep it up. Thanks for keeping us informed.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You provide a valuable service keeping the people of NYC informed, a service that used to be, but is no longer taken seriously by the mainstream corporate media. An informed electorate spells trouble for the tweeders and grafters in government. Keep up the good work!

Kip said...

Happy Birthday, Crappy! You're one of a kind. Keep up the good work. said...

Ja, Krepper. Du bist A-von. Hahr-hahr.

Joe Moretti said...

Happy Birthday Crap. You deserve a big bash for exposing the "crap" in Queens and those behind it.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Crapper!

Anonymous said...

Crap On!

Jerry Rotondi said...

HAPPY "B DAY" and KUDOS "Crappy"!
Keep the shit flying!

The truth is out there, and YOU have
published it!

Big Hairy Balls said...

Keeping free speech free, keeping it real and throwing political correctness to the wind. You sir are one of a kind. Long live Queens Crapper! Death to the Palestinians! Long live Israel!

Anonymous said...

What's Palestine and Israel got to do with this?
I think you want the United Nations, sir.

This is a birthday up the wine!

Anonymous said...

Aw, Crappy looks so cute with his little noisemaker! Cheers to you, and a happy, happy, birthday!

Anonymous said...

Such coprophilia!

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