Saturday, November 3, 2012

NYC needs a thorough sanitization

From the Daily News:

The flood waters that inundated the region mixed together a hazardous stew of oil, industrial chemicals and raw sewage that could leave a lasting scar on the environment and make cleanup more difficult and costly.

“This has blown away all worst-case scenarios,” said Paul Gallay, president of the environmental group Riverkeeper.

Gallay and other advocates are that worried that Sandy’s fury washed away toxic materials from Superfund sites like the Gowanus Canal and Newtown Creek in Brooklyn.

“It is a pretty serious concern,” said Laura Haight, an environmental specialist with the New York Public Interest Research Group.

State and city officials said they are working to address the environmental issues and are urging New Yorkers to avoid contact with standing water left over from the floods.

State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joe Martens announced Thursday he was dispatching emergency management teams to storm-impacted areas to assist local officials with the clean up.


Anonymous said...

State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joe Martens announced Thursday he was dispatching emergency management teams to storm-impacted areas to assist local officials with the clean up.


Local officials?

The same ones that are mostly MIA or want us to forget that they tripped over each other to get a photo op with the mayor as late as .. ah ... last week?

The clean up will take an extended period just to thoroughly assess the damage. The actual clean up will take ... well that is a very good question, isn't it?

They will tell you it should be pretty much complete by next March.

Don't believe it. Don't listen to anyone.

Hire independent experts.

You life - and your kids life - depends on it.

To help you focus, take a look at this private school for children:

Yea, lets pose a question:

Was this bathed in water that earlier this week was in the bottom of Newtown Creek? - a creek that they tell us if you are on a kayak and fall in they slip you into a hazmat suit and send you to a hospital.

This is serious shit, folks.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I'm all for it.

Some of our politicians need a good disinfectant bath
before they're turned loose upon us again!

But can all of the sweet perfumes of Araby cleanse their crooked souls?

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