Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More budget cuts are coming

From the NY Times:

With his plan to sell 2,000 new yellow-taxi medallions still in doubt, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has proposed slashing money for libraries and after-school programs and increasing fees on school lunches and parking meters to compensate for more than $600 million in lost medallion revenue.

Mr. Bloomberg’s budget proposal does not reflect additional costs related to Hurricane Sandy, disaster relief or the storm’s effect on the local economy. Yet the storm will no doubt loom large when the mayor releases his budget plan in January or February for the 2014 fiscal year.

Instead, the new proposal — which, in an unusual move, was posted to the city’s Web site late Friday night but not announced until Sunday — represents a contingency plan to cope with a budget shortfall that must be addressed before the end of the fiscal year, on June 30.

Among other proposals, the Bloomberg administration plans to increase school-lunch fees to $2.50 from $1.50, bringing in $4.4 million. The administration plans to establish new parking meter areas in Lower Manhattan, while installing 428 new multi-space parking meters, to gain an extra $2.2 million.

But libraries across the city are slated to lose $8.3 million.


Anonymous said...

Hey no problem - the Queensboro Library board of developers (you read that right) should cut into the lavish capital funds and use it to pay salaries and keep the buildings open longer hours.

They should dig into their personal pockets just like ol Andie Carnegie.

Anonymous said...

I think its time that New Yorkers should start to expect that 1% that has dropped anchor here to start to give something back to all those people that serve them hand and foot.

Anonymous said...

Yum, yum, yum!
I can't wait to see an increase in my property taxes!

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Google my name 911 CityTime NYCAPS NYCWiNS Seedco countless board of ed tech scandals and how many consultants we paid mega bucks -- that would be about 10 billion or more for the city of NY we could use that Bloomberg flushed down the toilet ....if he did this in his private empire he would be poverty level in a homeless shelter he had the audacity to call luxurious

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Bloomberg is a Tsunami of Destruction for the middle class and poor.

Anonymous said...

Mostly on the middle class. The poor have welfare to fall back upon.
Us midlers got nothing!

Anonymous said...

I know how the city can save $1/year...if ya catch my meaning!!!

Anonymous said...

Bloomie has finally figured out where the big bucks are hiding-- piggy banks! Hit those kids hard for all you can get, Bloomie! We need a balance budget, so why shouldn't it be on the backs of kids? Time to start pulling your weight, kiddies!

Anonymous said...

less private sector tax revenue....less public servant union $$$$$ and benefits...less union control over d.i.n.o.politicians.....

the chickens are coming home to roost.....

Anonymous said...

Mayor Bloomberg should put a tax on sodas 20over oz or larger, for additional revenue.
Oh, I forgot you cant buy sodas 2020over oz or larger in nyc.
It really was worth the time and money worrying about soda, instead of silly and trivial things like the budget.

Anonymous said...

We have a lot of very rich folks living it up in the city. Head downtown to Soho or Noho or the lower east side or the west village or the upper west side or williamsburg or, well you get the picture. NOTE TO BUMBERG, THIS WHOLE IDEA OF SOAKING THE WORKING CLASS AND GIVING A FREE RIDE TO THE RICH JUST LOST BIG TIME IN THIS THING CALLED AN ELECTION. It's time to impose that millionaire, and even billionaire tax, and for the city to start collecting business taxes from the huge mega corporations getting a free ride and YES revoke those tax incentives at the Billionaire Hilton otherwise known as One57 W.57th st home to the busted crane that cause millions of dollars of lost revenues.

Anonymous said...

"..the chickens are coming home to roost....."

As usual you have it ass backwards.

What actually happened was that the City sold it's soul to the R.E. industry during the Pataki adm.

Housing costs have exploded since the late 90's and the City is even more reliant on the high incomes of s shrinking number of Wallstreet types to feed the leeches who own those buildings.

We have become a one-industry town at it's core...and that industry is downsizing and moving parts of it's operations out of town to secure itself from terrorist attack and pay it's workers lower wages in less expensive areas.

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