Friday, November 2, 2012

Agencies doing a bang-up job providing help

While the politicians are praising each other and the agencies they oversee, I thought you might like to see what's really happening out there:


Anonymous said...

Be interesting if those of us in the Crappy world can give a body count of how many Queens pols have shown their face in the past three days.

Start with Joe Crowley.

Anonymous said...

Body count?

Whoa....for a moment I thought we lost a few of our "stalwart" pols to Sandy.

Would that be a funny sight...eeing "Virginia' Joe Crowley trying to bribe St. Peter into letting him in?

taxpayer said...

The only bang up job we're getting is in the tookass!

Anonymous said...

"What are we supposed to do 1:27

We need to be communicated with AND BE TOLD whats's going on. We have no internet no cell phone and no power somebody needs to come down here and tell us what's going on. 2:37"

We've given our lives to the government and were are infinitely dependent on them that when a hurricane or natural event such as Sandy occurs, there is little to now way to take control of the situation on your own and you are limited as to what solutions you can make or do and are ultimately rendered helpless and must rely on government agencies to fix your life.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

New blogger interface does not allow me to post links but FYI -- YouTube of me shouting down mayor bloomberg at a press conference months ago yelling 2 billion 14 million dollars and our 911 Tech system doesn't work properly.

georgetheatheist said...

Joe Crowley, you are a disgrace.

Living in Virginia, sending your kids to schools in Virginia, shopping in Virginia, paying taxes to Virginia, and buying gas in Virginia.

"Virginia Joe" Crowley. The US Representative from New York. And the electorate puts up with this.

Anonymous said...

yeah, it is nice to live by the sea but...

Anonymous said...

So does anyone have ANY views of Queens politicians out there with the people?

They can't ALL be on phones assuring developers this week.

Anonymous said...

You only see politicians when they are running for re-election. Otherwise, they are absent and clueless. My mom always said, "Never trust the government." The only person you can rely on at the end of the day is yourself. Band together with your neighbors and help each other. It's the only way we will survive this. People with power, send food, warm clothing, water, anything you can spare to help out. Forget the government.

Anonymous said...

What is the purpose of the Public Safety Committee?

The City Council website is a bit squirrelly on this.

Layla said...

I would say that were it not for a lack of organization, things would be getting done faster. There are thousands of administrative city workers who could not report to work because there was no electricity downtown. Unless they wanted to take personal days, in order to get paid they had to report somewhere to "help" at evac shelters. But there was not much work to be done so they ended up sitting around for hours. City workers should have been deployed in more active roles like assisting the city in non-administrative capacities. Like, for instance riding along with Parks Department to help log tree conditions. Working at food and water distribution points. Not sitting at tables doing nothing. It's not the city workers' fault, it is that there was no foresight to direct them to where help was direly needed.

Anonymous said...

What help? Isn't that what insurance is supposed to do?

Anonymous said...

Actually, no. The need to protect the citizens' health, safety and quality of life is the only excuse for having a government. Insurance merely protects specified financial interests of those who choose to obtain coverage.

Anonymous said...

dan halloran sent an E-MAIL to constituents with info of how to get Sandy emergency supplies days ago at his Queens office.

but i guess the Q.C. HALLORAN HATERS ANON gang do not care to pass this info to the district citizens.

shame ,shame.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 14:

So did Jose Peralta.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 14:

So did Gregory Meeks.

Anonymous said...

for info. and help , E-Mail

or phone 718-631-6703 (Office)

thanks for informing your readers who may need some help during this crisis.

Anonymous said...

I can attest to that.
I've already been banged in the ass by a few of those agencies!

Anonymous said...

Halloran is running for Congress.
He really sweated a lot putting out an e-mail which was a good publicity gimmick for him.
And what did that condescending post cost him?
Bye, bye, "doofy" Dan. Retreat to Bell B'lvd. and hoist a few. Maybe some younger chick will find your beer belly sexy...LOL!

Halloran has been another disaster to his constituents.

Anonymous said...

There's a Halloran family member living in Broadway-Flushing area that must be trolling for him.

Anonymous said...

These agencies promised us fresh water and warm food, but I don't think that was a hot dog I just felt in my buns.

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