Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mass confusion expected on Election Day

From DNA Info:

With redistricting after the 2010 census, concerns have risen across the city that new districts formed earlier this year would cause mass confusion on Election Day in November.

But P.S. 2 faces a somewhat different problem. After being used as a polling site for decades, the Board of Elections disqualified it earlier this year it because it doesn't comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards, local elected officials said. Adding to the confusion is the fact that the school is actually equipped with a wheelchair-accessible ramp, though it's located at a rear entrance to the school within a fence that is locked during off hours.

And now those who should benefit most from the school's ADA compliance will be the ones who are most inconvenienced, Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas said.

"It's inevitable that some people who traveled to P.S. 2 will not have the means to travel to P.S. 84," said the assemblywoman, whose district covers northwest Queens.

In a letter to the BOE signed by Simotas and State Sen. Jose Peralta, who represents Jackson Heights and East Elmhurst, the pols detailed problems they say now face their constituency.

Pols said that they have received numerous complaints about the move and have asked for additional personnel at P.S. 2 to redirect voters to the new location.


Anonymous said...

It's ALL part of the show folks!

Has ANYONE EVER expected government
to be efficient at anything?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for all of those the out of district Chinese
to be bused in by Grace Meng's forces.

Anonymous said...

Election day is a farce. The politicians purposely make it difficult to vote and give you a hard time. Everything is rigged and the local incumbents win over and over again. Why bother to vote? They make sure the outcome is always in their favor. Illegals, dead people -- everyone votes. Just a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Get your forces out there to insist on affidavit ballots so the machines can't be stuffed

Anonymous said...

I have a better idea -- make everyone show government ID. You can't get on a plane without it.

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