Monday, October 8, 2012

Kew Gardens Hills has seen cleaner days

Hi Crappy,

I don't know what has been going on in Kew Gardens Hills but its disgusting. Garbage Is all over the place. I took these pics, they are not from a day close to pick up days. People don't care how gross the area has become.

- anonymous


Anonymous said...

kew gdns hills needs a U.N.piece of s--t treaty at Parkway Village.

Anonymous said...

At least it's not like the Jamaica of the previous article. The rents are high. I guess slobs have no socio economic bounderies.

Anonymous said...

Ann how levely tis the view of beautiful bucolic Queens

Anonymous said...

Nothing compared to the filth and corruption
at Queens borough hall!

Joe Moretti said...

Wow, I thought I was looking at photos from my hood Jamaica. I guess Jamaica is getting some major trash competition in some of the other places in Queens (not too mention the other boroughs): Kew Gardens, Sunnyside/Woodside, Queens Plaza. Again the problem is the residents who are just plain slobs and it speaks volumes about the leadership in the communites as well. Also the people on the sidelines who just walk by it and do not say anything to their leaders or report it are just as much to blame. Kudos though to my fellow anti-trash brothers and sisters who report such issues, contact their elected officials, take photos and send them to Queens Crap and Department of Sanitation and even to those who during a walk pick up some of the litter in their community. This cannot be a one man or woman effort but a group effort. The litter/trash problem is not just in Jamaica but all over and until we stand up and be heard and have elected officials and city/community leaders address the problem and find solutions, this problem will continue and get worse. If you would like to be on my email list that I put out to the powers to be to address such issues, have Queens Crap forward me your email or others to get in touch with me.

Anonymous said...

Who took these photos...Jacob Rjiis?

It looks like the LES...120 years ago!

The only thing missing are the pigs.

Anonymous said...'s the human pigs
that are the ones responsible for this filthy pig stye!

Anonymous said...

Vibrant Diversity...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to newly named "Buc J Middle East Gardens Hills" formerly know as Kew Gardens Hills.....

Anonymous said...

Deport Illegal Immigrants. they want to make Queens just like the slums they came from

Anonymous said...

It all started in Jamaica in the mid 1950s...
its "slumification"...then it spread!

Big Hairy Balls said...

I read a great deal of whining on this blog about quality of life issues. Here's a suggestion: move! There are 49 other states that offer a better and more fulfilling life. I lived in NYC for almost 31 years. When I left NY I left for good because living in NY is the worst. Every area has its problems but NY's are not workable. Good luck. Long live Queens Crapper! Death to the Syrians! Long live Israel! Long live my fabulous NYC teachers pension!

Anonymous said...

Green Team will come to Jamaica over the next few weeks to cleanup

Anonymous said...

What be Green Team?
why don't somebody call Mr. Guardian Angel big shot Curtis Sliwa since he's shacking up in Queens with a lesbian? the media whore in him won't be able to resist the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

So maybe Halloran was right about Department of Shititation.

Anonymous said...

I read a great deal of whining on this blog about quality of life issues. Here's a suggestion: move! There are 49 other states that offer a better and more fulfilling life.
Yeah! Just give up, like this guy did! Don't bother to stand up for what you believe in. Just roll over and let the politicians and the developers destroy our neighborhoods and the wonderful quality of life we built here!

Big Hairy Balls said...

You are correct, I did give give up after 31 years. Life is too short to live in a shit hole. I live on an island in Maryland. I know everyone in my neighborhood & most of them are fine people. There aren't many jobs right here but there are plenty on the mainland. I fought in Viet Nam and I fought for my sanity in NYC. I did my time now it's up to "heros" like you who want to make a difference. Good luck suckers. Long live Queens Crapper! Long live Israel! Death to the Palestinians! Long live my AMAZING NYC teachers pension!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone i took these pictures and believe me this place has gone downhill. I have been living in Queens my entire life, the past three being in Kew Gardens Hills and I can't get over how dirty the place has become. the fact that rent is so high and people just throw their trash around is despicable.

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