Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hoped-for greenstreets put on hold

From the Queens Courier:

A state senator scolded the city for making changes to a green program that has left some turf in his district deserted.

Unused road areas have been turned into leafy green spaces since 1996, under the city Department of Parks and Recreation’s Greenstreets program, but now only pieces of land in flood-prone areas are being considered by the agency.

State Senator Tony Avella said the “abrupt” modifications to the program’s initiative has led the Parks Department to reject many requests made from northeast Queens residents who had hoped to have blights near their homes beautified.

“Unfortunately, with this new, restrictive criteria that [the Parks Department] has instituted, additional locations will be rejected,” Avella said, adding that he had secured several Greenstreets throughout his district, including ones along Francis Lewis Boulevard. “As a result, these locations continue to deteriorate and become blights in the neighborhood.”

But the program’s priorities now lie beyond surface-level aesthetics, according to the Parks Department, which in 2010 changed Greenstreets’ focus to capturing storm water, reducing the burden on the city’s sewer system. They are only now constructed where they are “absolutely necessary,” a spokesperson said.


Anonymous said...

It's "nice" that STATE Senator Avella
has taken up yet another CITY ISSUE.

Nevertheless, he is to be commended for it.

Where are our absentee city council members on "I'm running for Congress" Dan Halloran?

He's busy running away from his responsibilities
to his constituents, in favor of seeking greener pastures in DC's beltway.

Yet, if a mafia restaurant owner beckons him
to support their BSA variance, he's Danny on the spot!

Anonymous said...

"Unused road spaces" have great potential for Bloomberg's developer friends. Imagine, "luxury condos" lining the green areas along the Grand Central Parkway. You have arrived!

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