Sunday, October 7, 2012

Greek neo-Nazis moving into Queens

Don't normally post politician press releases, but this one is a doozy...

"Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, Councilman Peter F. Vallone Jr, Assembly Member Aravella Simotas, community and religious leaders today rallied at a press conference to protest Greek Neo-Nazi Party Golden Dawn’s expansion into New York City. Golden Dawn announced in late September that they would be opening up a headquarters in New York, and there have been reports of activity and sightings of their hateful literature around Astoria, Queens, home to one of the biggest Greek communities in the country.

The Golden Dawn party, an extremist right-wing party in Greece, recently made inroads this past August in Greek elections, winning 18 of Greek Parliament’s 300. The party leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, has denied that German Nazis used gas chambers to systematically kill Jews, and the party has been accused by Human Rights Watch of inciting violence against immigrants in Greece.

“I am standing here today with a broad coalition of Greek and Jewish leadership, and with members of the greater Astoria community, to send a clear message to the Golden Dawn party that is trying to make inroads in New York City,” said Public Advocate Bill de Blasio. “You are not welcome in this community, this city, or this country. Your hatred and bigotry will fall on deaf ears in Queens, the most diverse county in America, where people of every race, creed and nationality live side by side in harmony.”

State Senator Michael Gianaris said, “The painful lessons of our own history have taught us that extremism and intolerance beget violence, oppression and suffering. I stand with Greek-American leadership like the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, who have made clear that extremist and divisive groups like Golden Dawn are not welcome in our community. There is no place more inappropriate for a group like this than western Queens, which celebrates its diversity and openness to all peoples.”

Assembly Member Aravella Simotas said, “New York City, and Astoria in particular, are models of diversity and tolerance. There is no room for any kind of hate group to promote an anti-immigrant agenda in our city, especially here in the heart of our community,” Simotas said. “I immigrated to this country from Greece with my parents 33 years ago, and we were welcomed in Astoria with open arms by the generations of immigrants that came before us. This is what we in Astoria stand for as a community – not hatred and violence against immigrants, women and those who may be different from us.”

“While we vigorously defend freedom of speech, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, together with all freedom-loving New Yorkers, are deeply offended by the presence here in Queens, the most diverse borough in the most diverse city in the world, of this xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic movement. Their ideology is rejected by the Greek community here in Queens and we will continue to work with our local ethnic and faith partners to combat all forms of racism and intolerance,” said Alan S. Jaffe, President of Jewish Community Relations Council of New York."


Anonymous said...

This should be interesting. Remember....VIBRANT! DIVERSE! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Schnitzel with feta?

Anonymous said...

After all the varied ethnic resentments which manifest themselves daily on this very site, this article is a comparative hoot!

Anonymous said...

Try driving around Astoria - the knuckle dragging Neaderthals draped over the wheel of a black car/construction vehicle/souped up Mazda honking at you when the light changes, or cutting you off and passing as they speed up to the red light at the corner look like the scrapings of the eastern Mediterranean.

But they make great campaign donations from the construction industry and great soldiers on the community board as they strangle any sign of life at the local culture beyond brutish bottle bars and hookah lounges.

Anonymous said...

The same characteristics of bigotry and intolerance can be applied to the middle eastern residents of Astoria but there really aren't any politicians that denounce their behavior

Anonymous said...

Anti-semitism: Not someone who hates jews, but someone who is hated by jews.

Anonymous said...

What can they really do besides
sip cups of coffee in those Euro trash cafes along Broadway....blah, blah, blah-ing all day long?

Shall it be the re-birth of ancient Sparta
they will be handing out pamphlets about?

A lot of Greeks are 1/2 Turk and lost their balls centuries ago!

Anonymous said...

Skata no fass!
(Phonetically spelled).

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 6:

Troll much lately?

Anonymous said...

I like the logo...very Wermacht SS looking.

It beats the Mormons who more quietly
would love to turn America into a White Bread Disneyland.

The pastoral toned Mitt Romney
wouldn't have the guts to call himself Der Fuhrer.

Maybe he'd go for a "Most Supreme Elder" title!

Anonymous said...

As actor Robert Di Niro
said in the film "Analyze This"...
"Fuckin' Greeks"!

Anonymous said...

During ANY bad economic downturn,
history has shown that the poor and disgruntled are taken advantage of by "leaders" who want to return them to the "glories" of EMPIRES past.

GERMANY...the 3rd reich...Teutonic knights, and all.
ITALY...a Fascist version ancient Rome,
replete with classical iconography.

IRAN...the great Persian empire of Xerxes or Darius.
GREECE..the great golden age.

the American republic is the best that's out there.


No matter WHO gets elected president...
there is little that can be done.

ANYONE claiming a quick fix (in 4 years)

Just bite the bullet and bear it!

Anonymous said...

It's just a division of the worldwide Greek restaurant/gambling/loan sharking mafia....
who are branching out....putting on bigger airs.

Anonymous said...

Where's the Hellenic Hell's Angels?


Anonymous said...

Old timers will remember them in Ridgewood .
I'm surprised the Crapper doesn't like this.
There are so many Nazi's in MIDVILL

Anonymous said...

the socialist/progressives are really showing desperation with this smoke screen scare tactic , prior to Nov. 7.

Anonymous said...

"It beats the Mormons who more quietly
would love to turn America into a White Bread Disneyland."

You make it sound like that would be a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 16:

Of course, Gramps. They're the ones making the fuss about this to distract everyone.

Personally, I think guys like you are more desperate than anyone. Do your hands hurt from grasping at straws?

Anonymous said...

Look carefully at the symbol on that flag: it is a combination between socialism and Nazi. Sounds familiar?

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, turning America
into a white-bread Disneyland
WOULD DEFINITELY be a bad thing...
and FUCKIN' boring too!

Maybe YOU are a white supremacist yourself...

Anonymous said...

Uh...flag symbol guy...
Nazism was short for National Socialism.
Re-read your WW II history...fella.

Romney's Mormons are an exclusionary cult.
They are extremely suspicious of Jews, Catholics,
et al.

You're either a member of their club or you are damned and won't get your planet to rule in the afterlife.

And don't get caught not wearing your official
Latter Day Saints "magic underwear".

Anonymous said...

My, my, my....
all of these President Obama
"socialist" accusations being tossed around.

If YOU are such a red blooded American patriot...
why not return your SOCIAL SECURITY checks
to the federal treasury.

That's a "pinko" program, isn't it?

Oh, and you can also opt out of Medicare.

You sound like quite an ignorant bung hole.

Anonymous said...

"It beats the Mormons who more quietly would love to turn America into a White Bread Disneyland."

That's a lot better than buc J middle eastern land!

America was white bread land long before the best part of you ran down your sheep/daddy's leg!

Anonymous said...

just what the borough needs - MORE UNDEREDUCATED STUPID PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

Thats funny. Greeks thinking they are superior to anyone else. They are the Alabama of Europe.

Anonymous said...

Athens Archbishop Christodoulos said we deserved 9/11 (ISBN 960-252-007-8). On the Thursday before Easter Greeks chant pogrom inciting Beatitudes against “godslaying lawless Jews”in Greek, but change it to “Assemby of Jews” in English. They removed American Archbishop Iakovos because he was too American and Jerusalem Patriarch Irineos because he was too friendly with Israelis. Old witches who used to work at diners until they dropped now slip “Elder Protocols” and other terror claptrap in the pews. When I was growing up priests, would bathe, shave, wear pants – Robed, bearded, stovetopped priest is terror sympathist by definition. Greece was only euronation not to vote for 1947 Israel creation. In such time of war, we should insist that any public assembly of more than ten mandatorily be only in English! These heathen necromantic iconolaters have the nerve to ban Psalm 150 organs? If the Greek government did an Enron with its own books, and Greeks Trojan Horse their Greek taxes, what makes you think they pay the IRS? Greek Ponzi fourfold Eurodefecit boasts Trojan Horse Perfidy, Klephth Brigandage. Upset that industrious Albanians invaded their lazy, gungrabbing, babykilling homeland, the soviet-churched Greeks vindictively hire, house and promote illegals. As quakes render their homes disposable, Greeks are oblivious to the very concept of maintenance. Instead of blaming environmetalists for fires and socialists for deficits, jealousy driven soviet faith seeks scapegoats. Olympia Snowjob supports Obamacare and abortion because of her gangreen patriarch (Is Orthodox Christianity progressive? Michelle Boorstein Washington Post 11-4-09 Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew spoke about the spiritual imperative for nonviolence, universal health care and reducing consumption to help the environment.) Ancient Greeks reduced consumption to help the environment through infanticide and sodomy. Palamite Zealotes massacred Thessalonian aristocracy in preparation for Cantacuzene usurpation via hesychast hyperventilatory hallucination.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 26:

Would you mind calming down and then writing this in English?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 6:

And if anyone knows about anti-semitism and hatred, it's you.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't Arch. Dymutrius condmend Golden Dawn? Dymutrius is Gianaris' Rev Wright. If he likes the Palestinians so much, Dymutrius should have them circumcize both his nieces. We went to Greek school enough to know how he winks about his Jewish colleagues at Harvard. Bring back our organs and choirs and go back to Hellenize some Turkish Toilet!

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