Sunday, September 30, 2012

New parking plan for Jackson Heights

From DNA Info:

Now the city thinks they've come up with a solution to problems like Arman's. The Department of Transportation has proposed a new PARK Smart parking plan designed to address parking problems throughout the community.

The plan, which is waiting for approval from the local community board, would alter pricing, time limits and hours of operation for Jackson Heights meters, ultimately addressing the unique difficulties Jackson Heights drivers face, DOT Queens Borough Commisioner Maura McCarthy said.

"Of any area, I think this is an area in which it would be helpful," McCarthy said of the plan.

According to the DOT, the plan would increase the time limits on parking meters from one hour to two hours on 74th Street between 37th Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue, and on Roosevelt Avenue from 74th Street to 82nd Street.

But whereas now a 60-minute stop will cost you $1, under a new, "progressive rate" plan, some meters would be bumped up to $1.50. A two-hour stay would cost $4.00. In addition, meters on that stretch of 74th Street, as well as meters on 37th Road, would shut off at 10 p.m. instead of the current 7 p.m.


Jerry Rotondi said...

It seems that every time NYC
comes up with a "smart solution" to a problem,
it often turns out to be stupid one, and causes further problems.

When a area is over saturated or overbuilt,
there are rarely any quick fixes that a city agency
can pull out of its hat.

Anonymous said...

Mc Carthy... isn't she the same asshole that said traffic congestion could be (that ever popular word) "MITIGATED" in downtown alleviate any problems caused by the building of Flushing Commons? Those traffic experiment pylons placed at Roosevelt and Main are part of her hare brained study to ease the flow in the downtown hub. Yeah....right! Too much building.....too many people.... too many cars.

Anonymous said...

Congestion priced parking makes more sence tham two-only zone congestion parking. Especially since double parked deliveries cause most of the congestion.

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