Wednesday, September 5, 2012

City expects residents to be like Carnac

Seriously, only City Hall could come up with reasoning this stupid...

From WPIX:

Her name is Annette Flood, an unfortunate coincidence for someone who directly suffered from the effects of the city's sewer pipes breaking and creating a flooded cavity of mud and muck under 79th Street in Bay Ridge, between 4th and 5th Avenues, on August 1st. The situation ultimately caused the street to collapse, leaving just enough of Flood's Chevy sedan clinging to the edge of the sinkhole that emergency crews were able to tow it out.

The position the car had been left in, however, caused significant damage to its brakes, shock absorbers, bumpers and other car parts, resulting in repairs that Flood called costly.

"I have a bill for $1468," she told PIX11 News in an interview. However, when she filed a claim for reimbursement with the City of New York, she received a written response on crumpled up letterhead from the office of the city comptroller.

"It states that since I didn't report two weeks before [the] street's defect, it's automatically disallowed," she said. "There's no way anyone could report two weeks before that the street would collapse."


Anonymous said...

what did tou expect ? NY"s voted for Comptroller John Liu.

Anonymous said...

The city is calculating that for the $1468 you won't hire a lawyer to dispute the city's response to your claim.

Tou said...

Anon. No. 1:

I didn't expect anything!

Anonymous said...

ed. mcmahon :"answer is asshole" Carnac reads, "what is a John Liu"? said...

Shtopp! You are konfoozing der reeders. I always put Carnac on der roof for der leeking. Hahr-hahr.

Anonymous said...

OK why didn't you have comprehensive on your car wasn't a collision, so comp should have covered it except the deductible...

Anonymous said...

Ed: Claire, Toby, Helen, and Elsie!

Carnac: What are 3 cows and an advertising icon?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ed: Claire, Toby, Helen, and Elsie!

Carnac: What are 3 cows and an advertising icon?

That's the udder truth!

Anonymous said...

The same policy applies for other defects like potholes. Anybody who drives on a street or highway riddled with potholes who doesn't report the condition is asking for trouble. Do it for yourself and your fellow citizens.

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