Saturday, September 22, 2012

Avella calls for Silver's resignation

From Capital Tonight:

As a member of the Senate, Tony Avella does not get a say in who leads the Assembly. But he does have an opinion on who should not lead the chamber. He’s calling for Sheldon Silver to step down from his post as Speaker of the Assembly in the wake of the Assemblyman Vito Lopez scandal.


Gary the Agnostic said...

Of course, the first thing that some people will say here is to criticize Tony for turning this into a publicity stunt, rather than respecting him for saying what needs to be said by more people. Let me be the first one to praise him.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Mr.Silver. It's time to step down.

Anonymous said...

As a State Senator, Avella would have more credibility if he had called for the resignation of a SENATE Democratic member.

Anonymous said...

As a State Senator, Avella would have more credibility if he had called for the resignation of a STATE Democrat politician. How many of his fellow State Senators are under investigation?

Anonymous said...

He called for Monserrate, Espada and Kruger's resignations back when they were in hot water. I guess for some partisan people, he'll never do anything right. Which is a shame, because he is probably the most honest guy out there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can go on a hunger strike for thus one, my making these statements silver is sure to cut any funding for Avella in the futurw and will make sure republican senators block and cut Avella's every move, i guess northeast queens should expect this, Avella recieved the least amount of funding for his district while in the city council, i guess we will have expect the same thing from Avrella in the Senate.

Queens Crapper said...

The state legislature hasn't had member items since 2007 and Silver is boss of the Assembly while Tony is in the Senate.

I guess bitter people will continue to try to find excuses to support corruption and hate Avella.

Anonymous said...

he's a little nutty.

Anonymous said...

Avella calls for a lot of things that never happen.

In the meantime phony Tony gets more press coverage.

Anonymous said...

Hi ho Silver...BE GONE!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely one of those "bitter people"
who has seen Avella fail at practically everything he's stood up against for 3 some
down-zoning successes.

But I , nevertheless, admire his spunk and honesty!
Somebody has got to point the finger at corruption.
So, that's why I continue to vote for him.

But, when can we expect to see some real results
and not just a changing of the crooked guard?

Anonymous said...

He's a little nutty?

Maybe that's what Albany needs
to break up that crooked old boy network...
a real crazy crusader to smash those corrupt apple bonkers...that have made the state legislature their personal money mill.

Those upstaters have been shitting on downstate
ever since I can remember.

Anonymous said...

I second that!

Anonymous said...

Silver needs to resign. But he won't. Tony knows that. Tony is seeking publicity. End of story. Let the Assembly majority call for Silver's resignation. THAT WOULD BE NEWS!!!!

Anonymous said...

instead of running for queens/nys public office as an Independent, Avella seems to be a machine D.I.N.O. and ONLY berates his fellow travelers when they have had their corruption (robbing the taxpayers) exposed by the federal U.S Attorney's office .

just who does he answer to ?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 15:

The voters. That's the way this system works. It's not a dictatorship (unless the people you don't like win the elections).

Anonymous said...

Let's raise enough money to buy Avella
a nice designer made silver suit of armor
along with a big white stallion of a warhorse
for Christmas.

Maybe there's even a Sancho Panza out there somewhere who'd be willing to serve as his squire.

Whoops...don't let that windmill getcha Tony.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to blow the voters.

All blow and no show!

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anon Nos. 17 & 18:

Thank you for proving my point. Why not go after the people who haven't open their mouths and said anything?

Anonymous said...

If Sir Avella is your "white knight"...
has he slain any dragons?

Not that we can see.
His lance must be blunt.

Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap.

Ol' Tony baloney at it for over 30 years
and still living off of the taxpayers' dollars
while delivering little for the money he's paid.

Pointing out a hole in the roof is one thing.
Fixing it so it doesn't leak anymore s another matter.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Onon Nos. 20 and 21: I don't see anyone else saying, much less doing anything. You're ducking the question. Why aren't you saying anything about the people who are sitting back and letting Avella being the point person (pun not intended No. 20)? Could it be that you're more intent on pointing out (ditto, no. 21) your dislike of Tony Avella, rather than pointing out (pun inteneded) the real problems in Albany?

Anonymous said...

How Phoney is Tony? Let him resign, too!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 23:

Why should he?

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