Sunday, August 5, 2012

Woodhaven's one-armed bandit

Hi Crappy --

Pics and video of a one-armed thief who stole a package off of someone's porch on Monday, July 23rd at 6 PM in Woodhaven.

Looks like he may have followed the truck and pulled over and waited for 7 minutes -- then he backed up, got out and opened the gate and stole the package. We are hoping that someone will recognize this man and call the 102nd precinct (718-805-3207) or the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association (718-296-3735) -- they can also email us at

- Project Woodhaven


Anonymous said...

Look for Dr. Kimble. He's trying to find this guy also!

Anonymous said...

He couldn't even close the gate.

Captain Renault said...


Anonymous said...

He probably lost his other arm getting caught doing the same thing in his mother country. Then the gave him a one way ticket to the good ole US of A, and we just welcomed him with open arms (pun intended), no questions asked.

Alfredo C said...


Alfredo C said...

Ok a few questions. Why did the UPS guy first throw a bag on this porch? Was it a sign to the thief to take the package left at this location? Has he been questioned?

Seems very strange to me.

Anonymous said...

The one armed bandit has been caught! Someone saw the footage and reported him.

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