Sunday, August 5, 2012

Will this building ever be restored?

From the Times Ledger:

The Center for the Women of New York President Ann Jawin has not let up in ongoing efforts to move her group into a building in Fort Totten in Bayside and said she hoped to see bids chosen to renovate part of the facility by the end of the year.

Jawin said she had cleared another hurdle in the long journey back to Fort Totten after the city Landmarks Preservation Commission approved the installation of a barrier-free access ramp at the center’s soon-to-be new home.

Equipped with the nearly $1.5 million necessary to fund the first stage of renovations, including sanitizing and removing asbestos from the first floor of the building, at 207 Fort Totten Ave., Jawin said she hoped to see more progress after nearly a decade of negotiating with the city.

The Kew Gardens-based center has been working to move back into Fort Totten after it was forced out of the area in 2002 to make room for a city Fire Department facility. The city Parks Department has listed the entire renovation cost at $3.5 million for the center to pay.

Jawin said she hoped to move into the first floor of the 117-year-old, city-owned building first before making renovations to its basement and second and third floors.


Dale Evans said...

The Old Gray Mare, Ann Jawin, on her passing, will be stuffed like Roy's horse Trigger. This fine example of taxidermy will be on permanent display in the vestibule of the CWNY in their renovated premises at Fort Totten. For all to admire for centuries to come.

Anonymous said...

that old blowhard's still around?

"Jawing" Jawin....
all talk and no walk!

Wattsa matta....isn't she happy with her current headquarters at Queens Borough Hall?

Give some real deserving group the Ft. Totten building.

Move her to Brooklyn's Greenwood with the statue of Civic Virtue she hates so much.

Hey happens to be a fine a work of art....
while you are just a work of fart!

Anonymous said...

What about the old Willets farmhouse
which is in far worse shape?

it would make some nice kindling wood for a weenie roast.

Frank Padavan poured money into Bayside Historical Society's building, but short changed the rest.

Anonymous said...

Please don't insult Trigger.

Jawin couldn't even measure up to that horses ass!

Anonymous said...

Who the heck cares? What a useless organization. The Queens Trib is STILL running whore ads!!!

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with that poster.

Where is Ann Jawin?
She should be picketing the Queens Trib!

Jawin is just another example of someone who's a legend in their own mind.

georgetheatheist said...

Wow! Weprin coughed up 900G's. Marshall 200G's. Carrozza 600G's. I wish to thank these 3 individuals for being so generous with their own money.

What? You mean it's not their own money? You say it's the taxpayers' money?

But Ann Juliano Jawin says it's the officials' money:

"This year we are having a big problem receiving money from our elected officials," Jawin said.

I'm sorry. I must have been mistaken.

But in any event I'm sure that the total estimated cost of this renovation - 3.5 million dollars - will be well spent for the CENTER for the Woman of New York. Centrally located in the 5 boroughs in conveniently located Fort Totten. Just a scenic subway ride. Then a bus ride. Then a stroll through the gate up a long, long hill. Easy access for abused women on crutches with their arms in casts.

Thank you Ann Juliano Jawin for all your efforts in fighting for the rights of women. Seen here in photos from your April 25th Anniversary luncheon wherein you gave Assemblywoman Grace Meng an award for her support of women's rights to advertise themselves as whores in the Queens Tribune (bottom left photo).

Queens Crapper said...

Ann has a new cause:

“It is awful for people to go to a railroad and have to wait outside,” Jawin said. “It can get very scary.”

AJJ said...

Just to let your readership know, in case it's raining, umbrellas will be provided at the gatehouse at Fort Totten for the convenience of the abused women as they make that uphill stroll to our Center. Specially-made L-shaped umbrella handles which can be placed in the users' teeth have been constructed for the ladies whose broken arms are incapacitated in casts.

Missing Foundation said...

Queens is hopeless - and the public's silence on the daily farce around them inexcusable.

Anonymous said...

And what about the ton of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
that Senator Toby Ann Stavisky gives
to her North Flushing Senior Center?

Those seniors have to pay for their own lunch there.

Where might some of those dollars wind Moby's re-election campaign treasury?

C'mon you federal agents...
take a little time out from the John Liu investigation and scope the Senator's big ass!

You'll find more than what's expected up there.

Anonymous said...

Hold on: there's asbestos yet they plan to move in before the work starts? That must be a hellacious tenant protection plan the contractor's drawing up!

Anonymous said...

What about the Termites?
That place looks like it's about to fall down.

It's in worse shape than Jawin.

Anonymous said...

Most buildings at Ft Totten are so undermaintained as to be hazardous. Why doesn't DEP enforce its own rules?

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