Thursday, August 9, 2012

Not exactly the jewel of Whitestone

From CBS 2:

“The mosquitoes here, raccoons, the possums — it’s unbelievable. You gotta watch when you go outside,” Whitestone resident Artie McCrossen told CBS 2′s Hazel Sanchez.

McCrossen’s home on 6th Avenue is surrounded by the six-acre blight, overwhelmed with towering weeds, poison ivy and endless annoyances. He said his family can’t even enjoy their pool.

“We used to go in all the time — 8, 9 o’clock at night. Now we can’t even — 4 o’clock we’re out of the pool because the mosquitoes come out and it’s horrible,” he said.

The Department of Finance said Whitestone Jewels bought the land for $23 million with plans to build a residential subdivision in 2007, but then dumped the project in its infancy. The Department of Finance also said the property may be in foreclosure.

Joe Marino and other residents in the well-manicured neighborhood said the owner stopped maintaining the grounds about a year ago.


Alfredo C said...

The property is in forclosure and the back is in the final stages of acquisition.

Avella says that he is in "talks" with the bank in an effort to pucrhcase the land and bring it back to the community in the form of a sports complex of sorts for the children of the community equipped with soccer fields, the only 90 foot basseball diamond in Whitestone, all weather running tracks, within a fenced in area with security lights and cameras.

Frank Vescic Long time Whitestonian said...

Hey Alfredo

looks like another one of your issues got picked up by the mainstream media

good job and thanks for always looking out for the community

you got my vote

Anonymous said...


I hope Avella and Halloran do the right thing and make your fields idea happen at this site.

Halloran is playing Santa in every area he can outside of his district to get the Congressional vote. Maybe if he represents his district, the people will actually vote for him.

Avella has to get permission from Stavisky and well the developers have her locked up but who knows. Maybe he will do the right thing and get his name on the fields like Padavan did in Bellerose.


Anonymous said...

There are powers that be that could care less about west nile oppossums raccoons or anything else for that matter all they want is to line their pockets and see this plot developed end of story all your elected shitheads suck so fugheddaboutit

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