Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Hyde Park McMansion mess

"My neighbor bricked his house and built a brick wall around it. He tore down the fence in my yard, then asked me. He dug a trench approximately 4-3/4' into my property saying he would move it back, but waited until a rainy day while I was at work to pour cement onto my property!

He has a brick wall 1'-4' from front to back along my driveway. He was on my property while working, without my permission. He used my water without my permission, he tore out my hedge in the center. Here are photos.

They worked weekends, holidays, off-hours. They intimidated my elderly mother & me. They had a mess for over a year!!!

Here they are digging up a perfect sidewalk."

- Anonymous


Joe said...

This makes no sense.
North Hempsted would be on this in minutes. Sounds like the homeowner trusted these "new and diverse" scumbags and that's exactly what they were banking on.
Why didn't the homeowner physically stop these wiseguys and call the cops and building department ?
Go up to 330 Plandome road with the photos ?
Why wait all this time ?
Those people will be forced to remove that fence but its gonna take a wile.

Anonymous said...

Call the cops for trespassing.
The brick fence seems it is beyond the property line. Have the DOT inspector to check if it violate the law.

Queens Crapper said...

It's New Hyde Park, Queens, not Nassau.

Joe said...

New Hyde Park Queens, Queens Village = Paki land
The homeowner suffering is F_cked.

To bad,
If this were a 1/2 mile east in Nassau (North Hempstead) the people who did this would be in handcuffs in minutes.
N Hempstead don't put up with that gorilla construction shit. They lock your ass up along with your workers. They then send a crew to tear your stuff down and bill you with a fine and mechanics lean on your property.

Anonymous said...


see a lawyer quickly....

also get a new survey quickly.

he will eventually have to return your property that he stole.

Ned said...

I have a solution:
Forget calling the cops, DOT, 311 etc --remember this is QUEENS. The mayor wants your old parents dead & buried or OUT

Go down to one of the local motorcycle bar's (like Fuzzy Wolfrose )and offer the local bikers a free keg & pig roast in the yard.
Let the bikers in on whats going on. These folks are quite good at enlightening new "immigrants" when it especially comes to America's senor citizen's and war veterans.

Anonymous said...

Thank city council.

I am always getting emails on street namings and same sex marriage and green bullshit that n that.


Naw, the make campaign donations.

Anonymous said...

if that was my property ! ! ! i would stick the fence up there ass, never wait for something to happen , no way

Anonymous said...

I knew right away what nationality these people were from looking at the photos.

My next door neighbor who is a Paki once rang my bell and asked if it was ok for him to cut a hole in the fence so his grand kids can play in MY backyard. WTF? I slammed the door in his face.

It's bad enough that I have to put up with them as next door neighbors, the
stench of their cooking makes me almost pass out.

Anonymous said...

Did not call the police
Did not dial 311
Did not speak with the neighbor to stop work
Did not take a sledge hammer to the wall
Did not hire a lawyer
Did not call the press early on
Did not call local POl for action

Why? Now you want to undo a year's worth of your neighbors stepping all over you? You allowed this to occur is virtually a signal to your neighbor which says = you approve??

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example of why this sort of activity is rampant across Queens- NO ONE DOES ANYTHING TO STOP IT. All it takes is a phone call to 311 and things can be done to stop it or in this case, reversed. Send a letter to the neighbor insisting he/she correct the damage and pay for it otherwise you will see him in court.

What we need is more gentrification across Queens. I understand there are negatives, but when I travel to certain parts of Brooklyn, I feel like crying when comparing the strong sense of neighborhood preservation and conservation happening there and then coming home to my own neighborhood of South Ozone Park where I can barely get a night's sleep from all the loud house parties blasting Soca, Indian music at all hours of the night and then have to greet the next morning all bleary-eyed to see yet another front garden torn out and paved over with a ton of multi-colored flags (it's a Hindu thing I was told) sticking out of the once-green front yard, flapping in the wind like dirty underwear (seriously, after a few rainy days, those flags become even more of an eyesore). There are parts of New York City where neighbors come together and endeavor to protect the unique characteristics of their neighborhood instead of tearing them down by illegal means just to shove a million tenants into a poorly-constructed shoebox.

Anonymous said...

call INS. that will shut the site down for a bit.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I knew right away what nationality these people were from looking at the photos.

My next door neighbor who is a Paki once rang my bell and asked if it was ok for him to cut a hole in the fence so his grand kids can play in MY backyard. WTF? I slammed the door in his face.

It's bad enough that I have to put up with them as next door neighbors, the
stench of their cooking makes me almost pass out.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

i could'nt handle something like that , play in my back yard, go to a park wtf is right

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