Thursday, August 9, 2012

Motorcyclists causing problems at Forest Park

From the Daily News:

Rogue motorcyclists who rumble through Forest Park on dirt bikes and all terrain vehicles are giving local residents headaches.

But they aren’t tearing through the sprawling park’s secluded wooded areas. They can be seen popping wheelies and roaring on Forest Park Drive, dangerously close to park lovers trying to barbecue or catch a concert at the George Seuffert Sr. Bandshell.

During an Irish Night concert in June, motorcyclists ran up and down the steps leading to the bandshell, occasionally drowning out the sounds of singer Andy Cooney and his band.

Parks officials said they haven’t received complaints about motorcycles in the park.
But Andrea Crawford, chairwoman of Community Board 9, said drag racing and motorcycle riders have plagued the park for years.

Union officials and park watchers have long complained that Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) officers are virtually invisible in Queens parks.


Anonymous said...

The wheelie in the parking lot problem is fairly easy to fix - someone go get 10-15 bags of sand, and spread around.

Anonymous said...

If it ain't in Manhattan or Brooklyn it ain't worth looking into.

Try strolling around Flushing Meadow Park on a weekend. It's a third world experience. Garbage all over, illegal BBQ'ing, drinkling, illegal food vendors, marijuana smoke wafting all over, and people urinating almost everywhere. Not a park ranger or cop doing their job. You only see them riding around in their vehicles ignoring all the violations.

And it's spreading. Check out Cunningham and Alley Pond parks.

Anonymous said...

Parks officials said they haven’t received complaints about motorcycles in the park.

Horseshit. I've seen bikers get chased out of the park by park cops at least twice.

Anonymous said...

String some piano wire

Anonymous said...

It all comes down to the politicians who let this happen only because the people who behave in a third world manner vote democrat. There can be no other reason to accept this behavior, juniper park is now a trash dump on weekends and most of its trees are used by the children of this scum to urinate on with the assistance of the mother. I've seen it and its disgusting

Anonymous said...

"It all comes down to the politicians who let this happen only because the people who behave in a third world manner vote democrat. There can be no other reason to accept this behavior, juniper park is now a trash dump on weekends and most of its trees are used by the children of this scum to urinate on with the assistance of the mother. I've seen it and its disgusting"

You have all the "freedom" you want in this country as long as it doesnt FUCK WITH THE SYSTEM. Once you start to interfere with the system, (corporations, government, technology) they will lay the smack down on you, LITERALLY.

Anonymous said...

Sure, blame it on the politicians and not the elements of society that think this is acceptable.
Scapegoat much?

Anonymous said...

They ride the horse trails after midnight on various days. They enter from Union Tpke.and71st ave.........How about a joint 102/112 pct operation?

Anonymous said...

Members of our society have stopped functioning as parts of a society and function only as individuals doing what they want to do. I watched a well dressed mother with her children walking through Forest Park a couple of weeks ago look around and then toss a piece of garbage into the beautiful woods. No one cares about the impact of their actions on others!

Anonymous said...

Can Queens secede from New York City?

Since we provide a ton of stuff for the rest of New York City (storing things like police cars, trucks used for maintenance, and on and on and on), couldn't we get by on our own as an independent municipality and rent the space back to them? What about claiming ownership of all those vehicles and the like? They're on our land when not in use.

Has anybody ever seriously looked into this? Other places are trying to do it in other parts of the country. Why not here?

I think we'd win out in the long run by having more say in how tax dollars are spent.

So tired of resources being used in Manhattan and not here...

Anonymous said...

To the previous poster: you think things are bad now - wait to your local pols call the shots without the city to restrain (read embarrass) them.

Anonymous said...

I like the sand idea. Smart.

Anonymous said...

"I like the sand idea" A guy who lived on FL blvd put oil on the street many years ago,someone was killed...........i think he's still in prison.........

Anonymous said...

"... wait to your local pols call the shots without the city to restrain (read embarrass) them."

Really? I don't see it being much worse than it is currently, Bloomberg third-term lover.

And of course the "city" has NEVER done ANYTHING embarrassing...

I actually think the idea of secession scares the "city."

It's why the Staten Island Ferry is free.

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