Friday, August 10, 2012

Borough Hall lied about tree preservation plan


From A Walk in the Park:

Queens Borough Hall courtyard where 24 healthy trees were destroyed to make way for a new $ 17 million atrium being built at the site. After the controversy arose surrounding the destruction of at least 9 cherry trees, the Queens Borough President's office said they were going to preserve the remaining trees. They didn't.



georgetheatheist said...

How many of us actually see this? This view of Borough Hall? Hidden way in the back?

Anonymous said...

The killing of healthy trees is a sin, but these poor trees may have been goners from their start. They were all planted WAY too close to the building to thrive for too long.

Hopefully, they get it right with the redesign. But I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G !!!

Anonymous said...

"After the controversy arose surrounding the destruction of at least 9 cherry trees, the Queens Borough President's office said they were going to preserve the remaining trees. They didn't."

Hey George! It's all about the big lie!

Anonymous said...

If very few even see this angle of Borough Hall, why not transplant the contentious Civic Virtue statue there?

KG2V said...

Lied to by a Pol, Queens or not, I'm shocked, shocked I tell you

Anonymous said...

Politicians lying? What a shocker!

Anonymous said...

These photographs should be used in landscaping architectural schools to illustrate the lack of environmental management, ethics and the greed of some "professionals" and developers. Their lack of vision.
Back to the old saying that says "if it ain't broken, don't fix it".

Anonymous said...

C'mon! Where's the petition? Impeach that bovine boob, Helen Marshall.

Anonymous said...

All of those cherry trees could have been replanted around the new Police Academy

helen marshall said...


I am indeed a peach. And I just love eating fresh peaches in peach season.

George Washington said...

"I cannot tell a lie.
It was I who chopped down those Cherry trees".

Anonymous said...

You simpering boobs of Queens
are to blame.

Nobody's got the Moxie
to take to the streets anymore
armed with pitchforks and torches!

Burn down the house of Frankenstein!

By G-d,
you don't even know who are the good candidates to vote for either!

So just learn to accept your mediocrity and stupidity...
you cowards!

Anonymous said...

Who needs trees?

Let's build a political zoo
behind borough hall.

Put a few crooks on display in cages.
"Rotten tomatoes...10 cents a throw"!

What a prime tourist attraction
it can become.

Anonymous said...

This has been all over CBS radio
for most of the day.

Anonymous said...

Well, look at it this way; it is a perfect representation of the current civic mentality of Queens politicians. If it is beautiful, destroy it.

Anonymous said...

Marshall, guilty of arborcide!!. Just so she can name the so called atrium after herself.
Millions wasted !
How are we able to build a city structure with the economy in such dire straits??!!

Anonymous said...

can't they just buy umbrellas for the couples waiting outside to get marriage licenses ?
there is no need to spend the millions of taxpayer dollars for an atrium roof.

Anonymous said...

They should have removed Queens borough hall the building too - it's 1 hall too many. In fact all borough halls except city hall should be shut down since borough Presidents are useless money pits that just serve as springboards to citywide positions or serve their friends in the private sector namely developers.

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