Saturday, August 4, 2012

Anti-sex trafficking campaign started

From the Daily News:

A Queens official is spearheading a campaign to raise awareness of the plight of human trafficking victims in an attempt to curb the problem in western Queens.

The office of state Sen. Jose Peralta (D-East Elmhurst) has been distributing hundreds of posters in English and Spanish to small businesses in Corona, Jackson Heights and parts of Elmhurst. The posters encourage victims of human trafficking and prostitution to call 311 for help.

“So many women from around the world and the country are brought here to New York, and particularly on Roosevelt Avenue, to be enslaved and forced to have sex with strangers,” Peralta said.

“We have to dispel the notion that prostitution is a victimless crime and the way to do that is by providing information and raising awareness,” he said.


Anonymous said...

So, plant your feet where your big mouth is, and put a picket line around the Queens Tribune's offices!

RU readin' this,
Mr. Shenckler...
Mr. Nussbaum...Congressman Ackerman?

And where is your useless old ass,
Ms. Ann Jawin...LOL...heroine of a women's rights?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Grace Meng involved in this? Asian women are being exploited!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Grace Meng's office could pay for posters translated into Chinese - and Myungsuk Lee could print them in Korean? Time to stop paying lip service and just do it. Either you're against it or you condone it.

I. Ronic said...

Didn't I read about this in the Queens Tribune?

Anonymous said...

Grace Meng doesn't give a crap about anything but her own advancement.

Remember she once publicly stated that her "moral compass" is her daddy-fundraiser-gangster, Jimmy Meng, who was just arrested by federal agents!

Deport all these Asiatic crooks
back to Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

posters are in spanish. at least they know their target audience.

Anonymous said...

Myungsuk Lee, candidate for flushing assembly, was exposed for profiting from prostitution ads in the tabloid that he owns. Perhaps that's what he means by "supporting small business".

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