Friday, July 6, 2012

Why there are rats in the subway

Taken by the Flushing Phantom aboard the fabulous 7 train.


LatQueens said...

He's chowing down with no remorse, damn.

Anonymous said...

Eat up you diverse young person. Welcome to America. Next time, bring enough to share with your fellow riders.

In China, he would be executed for this crime and the family would be charged for the bullet.

Anonymous said...

I came back from Washington DC a few weeks ago. After extensively riding their Matro, I realized that I did not see ONE person eat or drink on their subway system. For that matter, I didn't see one homeless person on any train, nor did I see any roving band of youths, or anyone pissing, puking or jumping the turnstiles. DC, with all its problems, still manages to run a well controlled subway system.

Anonymous said...

I happened to be riding in
that same subway car yesterday and witnessed this pig spilling his noodles all over the floor of the train.

He exited the train at
Queensboro Plaza.

Anonymous said...

I hope his parents enjoy
the shame of seeing their son captured and put on the internet
for all the world to see...
what a low class family upbringing
he's had.

Anonymous said...

It's the political rats
that are feeding off 3rd world class voters...while slurping up overseas Asian campaign contributions.

Welcome aboard the Floo-shing Express.

Anonymous said...

An iconic image of piggery!

Start them off young
to disregard New York City's laws.

Today's young porker might become
tomorrow's habitual criminal.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this photo
will find its way to the MTA.

I wish this were just one isolated

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS eat my food on the train, this bastard blood-sucking government drains the life out of you to where you cant/dont even have time to eat except when you're on the move.

Likewise if I drop ANYTHING on the drop I make sure I pick it up and dispose of it properly. There arent even trash cans on certain platforms anymore so I find myself carrying my garbage for 25 minutes sometimes until I get out of the train.

Joe said...

QUOTE: DC, with all its problems, still manages to run a well controlled subway system.
Yea, nobody rides it and its only 100 miles of track with far less stations inbetween most located by expensive hotels and tourest traps. It seems the only people with jobs in DC are hotel, resteraunt and goverment employed workers. The goverment people most all live across the water in Virginia.
These people all have cars and parking spaces.
Once you go outside the tourest area DC becomes slum of gettos and falling down houses.
I made a wrong turn down there and the streets instanly morphed into San Pedro California.
It was all these small row houses with falling down front porches of "people of color" fighting and drinking beer. One of the bottles was hurled at my car.
DC's gettos are far worse and more run down then anyplace in New York. The streets in those are like Willits point. You cant even walk in some places.

Joe said...

I saw a fight on the F train a wile back. This vastly overweight black woman was taking to 2 seats and slurping up a tin of spagetti like a scene in "The Fly" spilling some of it on the floor. The guy next to me called out "What are you a pig ?"
The woman exploaded with rage and started cursing him, stood up and threatened to give him "a good ass wooping" . During this time a bum grabbed her spagetti.
She got even more pissed off and started in on me for laughing.
Then everybody in car started cracking up.

Anonymous said...

old saying goes "If you pass gas blame it on a chinese person" lol

Anonymous said...

I saw a fight on the F train a wile back. This vastly overweight black woman was taking to 2 seats and slurping up a tin of spagetti like a scene in "The Fly" spilling some of it on the floor. The guy next to me called out "What are you a pig ?"
The woman exploaded with rage and started cursing him, stood up and threatened to give him "a good ass wooping" . During this time a bum grabbed her spagetti.
She got even more pissed off and started in on me for laughing.
Then everybody in car started cracking up.
It really seems like everyone in this city, particularly the minority residents, are REALLY on edge these days, as if they are waiting for the first person who offends them in any minor way, to cause them to explode.

Joe said...

"minority residents"

What residents ?
You mean animals that came here to freeload on welfare, services and CUNY systems.
They behave like this because most of them are NOT New Yorkers.
Even Ed Koch warned of the consequences of giving out to many handouts 25 years ago.
When I went to school in the 60's-70s I never EVER saw 1 person eating in the train.
Train stations had mini Chiclets gum dispensers --10 cents but I never found gum on a seat neither.
All these new 3rd world people are PIGS and that's the problem.

Anonymous said...

You KNOW he's leaving the garbage behind!

Anonymous said...

When you went to school in the 60's-70s I never EVER saw 1 person eating in the train.

But you did see heroin junkies laid out across the unilluminated seats of trains.

Anonymous said...

Now the trains are lit and the junkies are gone. Why are we dealing with slobs?

Joe said...

Those older 50s and 60's St.Louis car company subway trains were illuminated, wider and better made then these cheapo French Canadian and Japan built shit rolling now.
To be honest Id rather have the passed out junkies then have to view these new people.

Quote John Rocker:
The kid with purple hair next to some guy with AIDS next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old single mom with four kids, next to a 400 pound woman sucking spaghetti and falling meatballs out a tin
It's far more depressing then some passed out junkie.
Like Rocker I'm also not a very big fan of these new foreigners. Most are real low life garbage that don’t deserve to be in this country.
Its not racist it the TRUTH the proof is all around one just need to take off the rose sunglasses and look.

Turn on a police scanner at night all the gang, alcohol, domestic violence and bad neighbor disturbance related calls involve foreigners.
Im not making this stuff up, its far worse then the cops and pols are telling the public.

Snake Plisskin said...

Well Joe, remember who to blame - the machine cause we all know they are Democrats a bornin' as Boss Tweed used to say.

Why MILLIONS are spent touting the International Express horseshit.

A drive down Roosevelt at midnight is one of those NYC experiences we all have that never seem to make it in the Times.

Anonymous said...

Turn on a police scanner at night all the gang, alcohol, domestic violence and bad neighbor disturbance related calls involve foreigners.
Im not making this stuff up, its far worse then the cops and pols are telling the public.
The rank and file cops are practically SCREAMING out this message to anyone who will listen. The problem is that the right people aren't listening (ie media, community groups etc). What's worse, Bloomberg, Kelly and their sycophants do everything possible to silence and discredit any cop who tells the truth and gets some brief attention.

Joe said...

This Democratic machine is costing me a lot of $$
I can not sell my 1920 Stier house in Ridgewood to any decent family's.
Here is an exact Quote from a prospective buyer who got an eye-full of PS68 and 77 exiting: BTW --This couple was very distraught

""beautiful well kept house and yard but my wife and I are gonna have to buy on Long Island or move out of New York.
I would rather hock everything I own and go into dept before letting my kids go to these schools and grow up along side these animals. I simply can not put my kids through this ""

--And there you have it !

Anonymous said...

ANY rank and file cop that admits to new or rising crime problems get's put in a rubber box. That's the mayor and commissioner Kellys rules.
Cops are told to avoid taking reports, making certain types arrests at all costs to keep numbers down.
In other words If your an illegal alien you can get drunk, beat your current girlfriend, pull your pants down and piss in the middle of street or subway car and its Ok your protected and don't exist.

Watch this Bloomberg lapdog Kelly make a last minute run for mayor (with the Bloomberg PR machine behind him) claiming how well his performance has been and how bad the city needs him.

Anonymous said...

The facts:
Japanese...extremely clean.
Chinese...not known for being sanitary.

in Italian parlance, these Taiwanese and Fujianese Chinese low born peasants would be called GAVONES!

Anonymous said...

a pig is a a pig....period!

Anonymous said...

Hey gang!

Go here:

Just about every persuasion is represented. Being a pig is an equal opportunity enterprise!

If you scroll down about a year's worth of entries, you'll eventually get to my favorite, "Burrito: A Love Story."


Anonymous said...

Oops! I meant "Chipotle: A Love Story."

Anonymous said...

after joe quoted former atlanta braves pitcher john rocker, one would have expected to read a Q.C. response. why not ?

after the nyc liberal media and left-wing progressive beating that rocker took in 2007, after telling the truth about the riders of the Flushing #7 subway he deserves kudos for warning us for the future.

Anonymous said...

This guy eating like a slovenly bum is all too common - it just disgusting to watch them eat the sh*t that smells like a bad toilet.

My pet peeve are all of the idiots with huge cups of coffee that can barely hold their balance while their coffee sloughs all over the floor or on others.

Remedy? Ban all food and drink from the subways - no exceptions!

PS: Let's ban all the idiots who bring big bicycles on a train car during rush hours - usually this occurs by illegals going to their delivery job in Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

I visited China last year - I did not see the stuff that we see here in Elmhurst: Men and women walking around in pajamas - hanging fish on a clothes line, drying underwear on front doors and cementing yards.

They must be sending the worst drecks here!

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