Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ticketed for parking in non-existent bike lane

From the NY Post:

A longtime Bronx business owner was slapped with a $115 ticket for parking her car in a bike lane that doesn’t exist, The Post has learned.

Phyllis Cannon, 72, has been fighting the outrageous summons for five months, to no avail.

“The city has really gotten ridiculous. It’s like they hide in the doorways of stores and give you a ticket as soon as you walk away,” Cannon fumed.

Cannon initially thought it was a mistake when she received the ticket by mail two months after parking her son’s 1998 Honda in front of 1820 Hone Ave.

She was heading to work at Superior Paint and Hardware — which she’s owned for 40 years — and snagged what appeared to be a perfectly legal spot.

Under the list of infractions on the Jan. 28 ticket, “bike lane” is clearly checked off, despite the fact that there are no such lanes anywhere on the eight-block stretch in Morris Park.

Even the city’s own cycling map shows that Hone Avenue has no bike lanes — the closest is five blocks away, on Yates Avenue.

Not that officials ever bothered to check.

Cannon initially challenged the ticket online, but was denied because she didn’t include any documentation. “I didn’t think I had to because there’s no bike lane on Hone Avenue,” she reasoned.

She sent in a second appeal, in writing, but was again denied.

This time, they gave no reason.


Anonymous said...

tell her to file a complaint with Internal affairs claiming it is a quota ticket and the officer needs to be fired.

They have to investigate it...

Anonymous said...

The meter maid probably went to "write" a legitimate (or questionable) parking ticket, and inputted the wrong code. Even the retards that are meter maids do not think they are going to get over writing bike lane tickets where there are no bike lanes.

I once got an incorrect ticket (wrong code entered), and I caught the scum, I mean meter maid, leaving, and I challenged her on it, and she called her sergeant who came in a few minutes. The sergeant voided the incorrect ticket, but issued me a new ticket for the violation that I was technically guilty of, and gave a hard time to the woman who made the mistake.

I park a LOT in the city. The meter maids are ruthless and hard asses, but I have yet to have one give me an egregiously erroneous ticket.

The woman who got the ticket is foolish for thinking she didn't have to submit evidence. Did she think the parking violations people were going to stop and research where the bike lanes are and aren't?

Anonymous said...

The person who got this ticket paid the $115 but still owes the $30 late fee. I hope they realize this. The city will screw you over $30, whether it is just or not.

Anonymous said...

I see the public giving the meter agents a hard time constantly. IT'S A JOB THEY ARE DOING. When drivers park in front of my store and the street does not get cleaned I am thrilled to see them get a ticket. A couple of times I told drivers about the "no parking" rules and they left their car there anyway and them yelled at the person giving them a ticket because they were only gone 5 minutes to get a donut and a cup of coffee. No parking means no parking! Let these people do their jobs without being abused and if you can't park somewhere, DON"T.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I see the public giving the meter agents a hard time constantly. IT'S A JOB THEY ARE DOING. When drivers park in front of my store and the street does not get cleaned I am thrilled to see them get a ticket. A couple of times I told drivers about the "no parking" rules and they left their car there anyway and them yelled at the person giving them a ticket because they were only gone 5 minutes to get a donut and a cup of coffee. No parking means no parking! Let these people do their jobs without being abused and if you can't park somewhere, DON"T.

Hey Jerkwad!!! Did you read the article before posting? The car WASN'T illegally parked. Take it somewhere else where moron trolls are accepted!!!

Anonymous said...

tell her to file a complaint with Internal affairs claiming it is a quota ticket and the officer needs to be fired.
Does Internal Affairs investigate traffic agents, or just cops?

Anonymous said...

They did to the one that wrote me a ticket for parking in a "crosswalk" then towing my car 5 minutes later.

They wrote her up an I didn't have to pay for the ticket or tow....she had no proof and there were no markings on the road so it was her word vs mine... and i lived across the street..
Does Internal Affairs investigate traffic agents, or just cops?

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