Monday, July 2, 2012

State wants luxury condos next to projects

From DNA Info:

A New Jersey real estate firm looking to build a $1 billion development in Hallets Point, including a new water taxi stop, and beautify a run-down portion of the increasingly popular Astoria waterfront has received a boost from the state Legislature.

Lincoln Equities Group plans to entirely change the appearance of the 7-acre waterfront site, including construction of seven residential buildings with approximately 2,200 units, 20 percent of them set aside as affordable housing, said Andrew Moesel, a spokesman for Lincoln Equities Hallets Point project.

The development has already gained support from the Legislature, which last week passed a bill to make it easier to rezone the area by transferring the ownership of the land from the State Parks Department to the New York City Housing Authority.

The City Council still must approve the rezoning of the industrial area before the project, which is a public-private collaboration, can move forward.

Moesel said the project would benefit the area, including the nearby Astoria Houses, a public housing project, which would get additional open space and recreational areas.

One of the goals, Moesel said, is to "add several new amenities, both recreational and commercial to the residents of Astoria Houses."

HA HA HA HA HA! Yeah, ok.


Anonymous said...

Ask the folks who thought they could capitalize on the DUMBO development boom by building luxury condos across the street from the Farragut Houses. One large building was converted to rentals when they couldn't sell any apartments. Another smaller building sits vacant, though I'm sure the dealers who sell outside enjoy the water fountain in the lobby.

Anonymous said...

the state ,governor cuomo, initiated the subprime scam ,while secretary of h.u.d. and now is proposing this nys scam.

what did you expect from this progressive hi-jacker of the democrat party ?

Anonymous said...

The moribund community, after the Vallones have squeezed the life out of it, has said nothing.

The community board is going through the motions.

This is a disaster on so many levels - only one road for this area and they are talking about 20,000 people ringing the Astoria Houses with 40 story buildings

Anonymous said...

How f*ken stupid can you be - and who is going to bail out the developers? why it will be you and me!

Anonymous said...

Much of the Astoria waterfront is mobbed up.

Anonymous said...

Hell's Gate to Newtown Creek should always have been a greenbelt. We need riverside parks and not a walled-off waterfront.

Anonymous said...

Word around the Astoria campfire is that housing authority isn't refilling apartment units in Queensbridge as they become vacant. Displacement through attrition???

Anonymous said...

Well, someone from the projects should talk to Peter and Jimmy's 'fair-haired boy' Rev Taylor of the East River DEVELOPMENT Whatever to find out, eh?

Anonymous said...

Why do you think Coney Island will never come back? 32 story projects filled with many undesireables.....

Anonymous said...

The city's remaining housing projects (which other cities long ago demolished) will continue to hamper (or control) development. Development will only occur up to a certain buffer or perimeter within sight of the projects. This should be no surprise to anyone.

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