Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pols lobby to get fireworks returned to East River

From the Huffington Post:

After three straight years depriving nearly all of the outer-boroughs and Manhattan's East Side of the annual Fourth of July fireworks, Macy's has once again dissed many New Yorkers in 2012 by deciding to host their festivities on the Hudson River.

But instead of simply sulking about missing all the pyrotechnic fun, several New York politicians including State Senator Daniel Squadron and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio are taking action with an online petition in hopes to convince Macy's honchos to do the people justice.


Anonymous said...

Here's an idea: Call Sears or Marshall's and see if they can sponsor fireworks on the East River. Macy's shouldn't be the only game in town.

The spirit of competition is the spirit of America.

Alfredo c said...

How about a boycott of Macy's ?

Angry in LIC said...

Whats the point - the front desks of the tower buildings at the waterfront magically have public pier passes for their tenants who can drift over to the event before it starts - the rest of us have to get there at noon or look at the fireworks BEHIND the waterfront towers.

The waterfront is being turned over the the rich people and those of us that kept the communities alive are being displaced.

Thanks Jimmy! The people that know you from way back have long memories too.

Tony Manero said...

But instead of simply sulking about missing all the pyrotechnic fun, several New York politicians including State Senator Daniel Squadron and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio are taking action with an online petition,

Wow! Now we're talking!

An online petition!

Where would we be without tough guys such as Squadron and de Blasio!

Back in the days, John Gotti used to put on quite the pyrotechnics show for his paisanos in the neighborhood!

But John Gotti had something that fey wimps like Squadron and de Blasio don't have - a pair of stugots!

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea- legalize fireworks. Like guns, they should be allowed for individuals who have proper training.

Anonymous said...

Macy's should have a bidding war between the Hudson-siding pols and the East-River-siding pols to determine this.

Hey, if it works for jobs, why not fireworks as well.

Anonymous said...

"Dissed" New Yorkers?? It would be helpful to recall that until the the 1980s and 90s, there were no fireworks displays on either river. The sense of entitlement by some people is laughable.

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