Monday, July 9, 2012

Haven still a no-tell motel

From the Forum:

Neighbors claim that prostitution and drug deals at a Rego Park motel have intensified in the last two months since a crackdown on two other problem motels.

As far back as 2005, residents on 68th Avenue behind the Haven Motel complained about illicit activity spilling out of the location and onto their street.

In March, the Queens District Attorney and NYPD shut down two motels—one in Jamaica and one in Kew Gardens—for allegedly welcoming prostitution.

Police swept through Kew Motor Inn and the Par Central Motor Inn, making arrests.

Neighbors of the Haven said that’s right when they started finding condoms littering their street, drugs being exchanged and men seeking sex.

“I’m not going to be the moral police of people who do rendezvous. To me, that’s not my complaint. But when I see what looks like a drug deal going down, that’s another story,” said Richard Slizeski who lives on the block behind the motel. “When I see what clearly seems to be a bad arrangement of a prostitution deal going down and then screaming and yelling at each other as he’s trying to make his way to the car and her chasing him in the middle of the street at one in the morning—where’s our quality of life?”


Anonymous said...

Call Andy Hevesi. He promised to shut it down if any illegal doings were going on here.

Anonymous said...

Drugs and prostitution will NEVER end.

Obama did cocaine/weed, Bush did cocaine/weed and Clinton smoked weed and probably did cocaine.

OUR FUCKING PRESIDENT(S) DID DRUGS. From the lowest bum in the alley way shooting heroin via needles up their crotch to the leader of the "free world" snorting cocaine through $100 bills.

EVERYONE is on some type of drug, the war on drugs is the BIGGEST HOAX in American history. You have a better chance at finding Bigfoot, the lockness monster or the toothfairy than this RIDICULOUS war on drugs.

50 years later and not AN INCH of progress. In fact, the criminalization of drugs makes it that much more profitable and makes people that much more violent in protecting their profits.

Anonymous said...

the gutsy homeowners on a block ,to protect their children and quality of life ,can expose,identify the dealer among us. the dealers do not like an entire community becoming activists against them.

but it must be done.we had 65 youngsters on our block in 1972. sadly ,three did not survive

Anonymous said...

The 112 precinct wil put an end to this horrible blight in the community. They are the best off the best.

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