Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Family feud in Ozone Park

From the NY Post:

A Queens couple are accused of being the neighbors from hell, scaring away potential buyers of the home next door just so they could snatch it up on the cheap, according to a lawsuit filed last week.

Ozone Park homeowners Charles and Karen Neglia say their neighbors, Guido and Milagros Florentin, are spreading lies to keep rival buyers at bay.

“The people who lived in the house were dirty,” Guido Florentin allegedly told potential buyers, according to the papers filed in Queens Supreme Court. “The house was in disrepair.”

The alleged harassment has been so severe, the Neglias are seeking $1 million in damages.

In April, the Neglias put a for-sale sign in front of the home they purchased in 1985. They had an asking price of $317,000.

Florentin immediately made a lowball offer of less than half that amount, the lawsuit alleges, and when the Neglias refused, the abuse started.

Florentin allegedly staked out the house and pounced on brokers and home browsers with tales of woe.


Joe said...

The Florentine's likely don't want a family of 20 from Bangladesh, Trinidad (or worse) buying that house.
Who knows what been showing up to "check out" that house.
The article can only be one sided since the Florentine's have to be really careful what they say if they own there house, property or have $$ in the bank.
There are to many hungry lawyers always looking to launch a bogus discrimination lawsuit.
Here in New York with all the pinko democrat Judges and pools of minority jurors it's an easy to win and lawyers know it.
All the lawyers need is a minority client and a white American defendant.
80% automatic will

Anonymous said...

The alleged harassment has been so severe, the Neglias are seeking $1 million in damages.

They were looking to sell for $317so the rest is lawyers' fees?

Anonymous said...

Joe, you seem intent on making the ugliest arguement possible.

Anonymous said...

Or the Florentins could be really evil people, Joe.

All-American said...

"The Florentine's likely don't want a family of 20 from Bangladesh, Trinidad (or worse) buying that house."


Funny because the Monroes/Turners/Washingtons likely didn't want the criminal GUIDO Florentin's buying that house either.

Diversity baby, isn't it ironic.

Anonymous said...

Bet these 2 neighbors have been feuding for years over other issues.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 6:

That's a far more likely scenario than the one Joe is pushing.

Anonymous said...

Advice to the Neglia's: get some of this harassment on video and go get an order of protection against the Florertins.

Advice to the Florentin's: the next owner of the house next door will be an absentee landlord and there will be 30 people living in that house. 20 of those 30 will be replaced every month or two. Hell has not yet begun for you.

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