Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Claire gets away scot free

From the Wall Street Journal:

New York City's economic-development agency and two related organizations admitted in a settlement Monday that they illegally lobbied the City Council on behalf of projects at the heart of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's redevelopment agenda.

The concessions came after a three-year probe by the state attorney general's office. Investigators found that the Economic Development Corp. worked behind the scenes with the groups—called local development corporations—to nudge lawmakers to support projects in Willets Point in Queens and Coney Island in Brooklyn.

"These local development corporations flouted the law and lobbied elected officials, both directly and through third parties," Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a statement.

The local groups—the Flushing Willets Point Corona Local Development Corp. and the Coney Island Development Corp.—arose out of Mr. Bloomberg's plan to remake two of the city's grittiest pockets. Officials envisioned turning Willets Point, a wind-swept swath of auto-repair shops, into a shopping and residential center, and overhauling Coney Island into a more upscale seaside retreat.

In pushing the Council for zoning and other land-use changes, city officials "took steps to foster the appearance of independent 'grass-roots' support for the projects in the local community," said the agreement signed Monday by the EDC and the other groups.

The finding carries no fine or harsher penalty. The EDC, a nonprofit, must restructure and shed its status as a local development corporation. The other two groups have agreed not to lobby or encourage third parties to speak with elected officials.

Irene Prestigiacomo, a member of Willets Point United, a group opposed to the city's plans for the area, said she was disappointed in the outcome.

Ms. Shulman's organization has "gotten away scot-free with breaking the law at our expense and have been rewarded with a mild tap on the wrist," Ms. Prestigiacomo said.


Anonymous said...

The real headline here is "The EDC, a nonprofit, must restructure and shed its status as a local development corporation."

Because New York state does not "convert" corporate entities from one type to another, this means that EDC will be dissolving its corporate entity, and would have to re-incorporate as another. So it can be said that -- far from being good stewards of EDC -- Harvard man Seth Pinsky and his predecessors actually drove EDC right into the ground. Did they not know any of the rules, or did they not care?

Anonymous said...

I recently saw Claire in her Jaguar parked illegally in front of the Chase branch in the Whitestone Shopping Center.

Schulman has a nice getaway car.

Anonymous said...

during the 1981-86 period my community sought help from the city investigative agency,when the park ,basketball courts and playground adjacent to P.S.130 Q was added on to the auction of the building, ILLEGALLY.

no one showed for the auction.no one was found guilty of a crime. the deputy commissioner of real property resigned, under a city probe.
to get details of the probe ,one must file a FOIL ??????

the political/progressive hi-jackers of the democrat party win again in 2012.

shame,shame,shame.....it is not a tax?????

Omar D. Tentmaker said...


I guess the orange jumpsuit I made for Claire will have to wait a little longer, I declare!

Anonymous said...

"The finding carries no fine or harsher penalty. The EDC, a nonprofit, must restructure and shed its status as a local development corporation. The other two groups have agreed not to lobby or encourage third parties to speak with elected officials."

What? The past never happened? No harm, no foul?

BRING IN THE FEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shulman. That's one heck of an ugly woman, inside and out!!!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg- the 21st century Manes.only minus the thing for tranny pross!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3- you're the wacko who's obsessed with the one school on Franny Lou when the whole damn system is rotten to the core- get over it pal!

Ned said...

I could have call this (and I did) months ago.
The Jewish always cover and protect each others asses. That's why you should never have this many in office at one given time.
Look at the names involved here, it reads like a synagogue roll
--This is all the fault of stupid voters.
The mayor is raising another 1.40 million of them in NYCs public schools.
The rest will be bought and paid for

Anonymous said...

this old bicth has 9 lives ,

Anonymous said...

How the hell can they get away with is , they have no rules or it dont aplay to them , now she's try to take the land on the other side of the river in college point on college point blvd ,When will she be stoped ,

Ned said...

Rules DONT aplay to them since these people believe by sticking together they own the rules and have the power to do anything they want.
Building monuments to themselves and "loyalty to each other" is the highest thing on the list !
I have yet to find any record of a Jewish Judge, DA or law panel siding against an incumbent fellow Jewish politician in NYC.

A "closed family" of highly educated crooks with law degrees is the wort think you can have running anything when big $$ and power involved.
From day one people like this are raised to believe they are to be the "rulers" and everybody else (non Jews)are sheep.
Why the heck do you think these destructive egomaniacs have been kicked out of every country on the planet ?
Perhaps the stupid NYC voters deserve to suffer and drown in this wall of corruption they have created for themselves ! Its just sad the good people trying to make a difference must suffer.

Anonymous said...

So how come DA Brown doesn't go after her for illegal activities?

Anonymous said...

So how come DA Brown doesn't go after her for illegal activities?
Your mouth to God's ears!

Ned said...

Brown is part of the problem and needs to be removed STAT !!
It is my opinion Brown HAD to know what was going on but turned a blind eye to it including telling people under his command to "lay off" and see nothing.

The feds and Governor need to step in (more like when pigs fly) in with some big pitch forks and shovels. Its the only way all the shit is gonna get cleaned up.
These law degree criminals are dug in and protecting each other from every angle like a colony of nesting birds.

Anonymous said...

Do we know what kind of (illegal) lobbying she did on CB 7?

Anonymous said...

There is obviously an almighty powerful force controlling our key enforcers, officials, politicians, etc. that dictates and picks and chooses who can be prosecuted/held accountable.

How come they didn't go after the Huangs? You have to ask that question. It is a legitimate question, is it not?

F.B.I. - where are you at with all those presumed investigations.

Anonymous said...

# 8....breitbart is here.....read newsbusters .com

society must never forget the past damages done to the citizens of Queens by the progressives who have hi-jacked the once proud democrat party.

the 1980's corrupt politicians and their new collaborators, except those in prison, are still active.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Do we know what kind of (illegal) lobbying she did on CB 7?

Try doing a little research online. Here's a start:



Flushing Willets Point Corona LDC

41-61 Kissena Blvd Suite B
Flushing, NY 11354

Claire Shulman
Flushing Willets Point Corona LDC
41-61 Kissena Blvd Suite B
Flushing, NY 11354
(718) 670-1781
Nicholas Roberts
Anne Marie Boranian
Claire Shulman

Target: Robert Lieber, Felix Ciampa, Robert Goldrich, Eliot Sander, Jeff Kay, Gary Ackerman, Eugene Kelty, Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez
Subject: Local Law

Compensation Reimbursement
P1 $2,166.60 $0.00


Flushing Willets Point Corona LDC

41-61 Kissena Blvd Suite B
Flushing, NY 11354

Claire Shulman
Flushing Willets Point Corona Local Development Corporation
41-61 Kissena Boulevard
Flushing, NY 11354
(718) 670-1781
Anne Marie Boranian
Claire Shulman
Nicholas Roberts
Gertrude La Forgia

Target: NYC Executive and Legislative, NYC Council, Bob Lieber, Rob Goldrich, Madelyn Wills, Tom McKnight, Felix Ciampa, Seth Pinsky, Warren Kroeppel, Ralph Tragale, Betsy Gotbaum, John Liu, Hiram Monserrate, Helen Marshall, Joe Crowley, Gary Ackerman, Helena Williams, Gene Kelty, Chuck Apelian, Daniel Garodnick, Quinn Christine, Melinda Katz, Anthony Weiner, John Young, David Weprin, Anthony Como, Leroy Comrie, Tom White
Subject: Local Law

Compensation Reimbursement
P1 $7,222.00 $0.00


Information for CLAIRE SHULMAN

LOBBYIST. Multiple matches were found for "CLAIRE SHULMAN". Please select from the following list:

Flushing Willets Point Corona LDC

41-61 Kissena Blvd Suite B
Flushing, NY 11354
United States of America

Claire Shulman
Flushing Willets Point Corona LDC
41-61 Kissena Blvd Suite B
Flushing, NY 11354
United States of America
(718) 670-1781
Nicholas Roberts
Anne Marie Boranian
Claire Shulman

Target: City Planning, Department of (DCP), Mayor, Office of the (OTM), Borough President - Queens, Community Boards, City Clerk & Clerk of the Council, Transportation, Department of (DOT)
Subject: Local Law

Compensation Reimbursement
P1 $2,791.00 $0.00


Anonymous said...

Throw that bitch in jail already! What more evidence is needed?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ned you anti-Semitic prick. Go fuck yourself. There, someone said it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she smells
as bad as she looks in this photo.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if she smells
as bad as she looks in this photo.

Depends (which she's probably wearing). Do you like the smell of Flushing River at low tide? There's your comparison!

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