Monday, July 2, 2012

Bloomberg's next targets are popcorn and milkshakes

From Jonathan Turley:

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been justifiably ridiculed for his banning of large sugary drinks — refusing to allow adults to make such choices for themselves. Despite the overwhelming criticism of the soda ban, his health board appears emboldened rather than chagrined by the controversy. It is now moving to ban certain sizes of popcorn and milk.

At the meeting discussion of the soda ban, some of the members of board said they should be considering other limits on high-calorie foods. Bruce Vladeck wants to see limits on the sizes for movie theater popcorn — noting that “The popcorn isn’t a whole lot better than the soda,”

Board member Dr. Joel Forman has a pet peeve with milk – calling for limits on “milkshakes and milk-coffee beverages that have monstrous amounts of calories.”

The members seem to be struggling to confirm the worst expectations of a food police — once the government gains of taste of food limits, they develop an insatiable desire for more. It becomes a slippery slope . . . if soda, why not popcorn . . . if popcorn, why not milk. The board seems to want to fulfill every stereotype of a nanny state.


Port said...

Every night, before I go to sleep, I like to thank Baron Bloomberg for taking time out of his busy schedule to look out for us peons.

My only hope is that he continues to run for mayor, lord knows we're too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Anonymous said...

do you think doomsberg called it a TAX ?

Anonymous said...

Ban Mr Softee!!

Anonymous said...

And the peons should vote with their feet,stomachs and wallets by deserting those businesses forced to follow these ludicrous rules by say, for example, skipping trips to the cineplex in favor of watching bootlegs at home- dvds happily supplied by those ubiquitous little old Chinese folks, and eating foods purchased at the grocery, which is exempt from the nannyism.Deprive Nanny Mike's corporate enablers of income and the taxman of revenues long enough, and we'll see how long his cheering section lasts. Again,Bloomberg, you are one sorry ass old lame duck carpetbagger.Why don't you just jump in your chopper/jet combo and head to Hamilton for some more coffee-rubbed steaks? You won't be missed!

Anonymous said...

If he goes near Eddie's Sweet Shop...

Anonymous said...

Beer comes in seven, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty-four, thirty-two, anf forty ounce varieties plus mini kegs and biiiiiiiiiig kegs. Lotsa calories there.

But Bloomy and his calorie posse want to ban large sized popcorn soda and milk shakes.

Don't politians have something, anything, better to do with their time?

Anonymous said...

"If he goes near Eddie's Sweet Shop..."

Bloomberg wouldn't know Metroppolitan Ave. from his asshole.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the people"s republic of nyc. Be a good little comrades, and do as you are told.

Anonymous said...

You must do as your progressive/communist tell you. You put them in office, now, no milk for you!

Anonymous said...

They will pry that milk from my cold dead hands.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there should be a ban on dirty, unkosher, shrimpy men becoming mayor of New York.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9: My progressive/communist grandma always told me to drink my milk!!!

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