Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bayside post office closing

From the Times Ledger:

Rumors that the United States Postal Service was considering closing Bayside’s post office proved to be true Friday, according to U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Bayside).

The plan, Ackerman said, includes shutting down the post office at 212-35 42nd Ave. near the Bayside Long Island Rail Road train station and moving all operations to the annex building by the Lawrence Cemetery at 41-29 216 St.

“If this is what they are considering, and we have received no official communication to so indicate as much, then this clearly would be a consolidation of facilities, and requires public notice, consultation and input,” Ackerman said. “That has not happened. We must insist that proper procedure is followed.”

The congressman criticized the Postal Service, adding that a potential increase in traffic and lack of parking near the new location could be a negative consequence for the surrounding community.

“Moving the Bayside branch from its prime spot in the middle of the area’s busy commercial strip to a remote and inconvenient location makes absolutely no sense,” Ackerman said. “Not only would this plan adversely impact the local residents and businesses who use this facility, but it could likely cause a further erosion in postal business since its customers may not trek to this out-of-the-way location.”


Anonymous said...

This change is rumored to be scheduled for Columbus Day weekend. At the close of business that Saturday crews would begin work at the new site and work through the weekend and Holiday to complete the change and open for business on 216th street on Tuesday the 9th of October.

Anonymous said...

If they close it, they should sell it. The location is probably worth some dough. Alas it will probably sit vacant for 20 years or so...

Anonymous said...

look for the new 10 story low income "CO-OP/CONDO", coming soon.

Anonymous said...

That would make a kick arse coffee house location

Anonymous said...

The proposed new site is five blocks away from the current site.
Let me repeat that, FIVE FREAKIN' BLOCKS!!!!

Ackerman is complaining about FIVE FREAKIN' BLOCKS!!

Ackerman's shelf life expired decades ago and the duncical populace continued to re-elect him.

Good riddance Gary.

However, I'm willing to wager that Meng and Halloran will be against re-locating the facility FIVE FREAKIN' BLOCKS.

Anonymous said...

This was just renovated too.
What a waste of funds.

Anonymous said...

First off "they" don't own either location.... "they" lease both. Second .... you think parking is tough at the current location .... try the new one ..... third try walking to the new location in bad weather .... lol And last we don't need another coffee joing on or near Bell. Next ... welcome new 10 story low income "CO-OP/CONDO", and last ....thank you Gary for being a good friend to those you served over the years and for being a friend to the Postal Service employees and have a long happy retirement !!!!

Anonymous said...

What was just renovated? Neither building has been renovated in quite some time. There is a difference between renovation and repairs for upkeep.

Anonymous said...

A $3million renovation was completed in 2010

Anonymous said...

A three million dollar renovation to what? Where do you get that information from?

Anonymous said...

So where did you get this information about the 3 million dollar renovation? Which building was renovated? Who paid for the renovation and what was done? Seems you may have bad information.

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