Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Crowley doesn't understand what a resolution is

From Daily News op-ed by Elizabeth Crowley:

Last month, I introduced City Council Resolution 1294 to require that the Department of Education calculate teachers’ salaries against its the entire operating budget and not that of an individual school.

Hey Liz, Council resolutions are non-binding and therefore do not "require" anything. The Council passes a lot of these, which are huge wastes of taxpayer time and money. Three years on the council and a 6-figure salary and she doesn't know the difference between an intro and a resolution...


Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy Crowley is by far the biggest idiot on the city council.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Dizzy Lizzy Crowley is by far the biggest idiot on the city council"

in a gang of idiots, that's an achievement.

Anonymous said...

"The Council passes a lot of these, which are huge wastes of taxpayer time and money."

Is there ANYTHING politicians do that isnt a HUGE waste of money?

Anonymous said...

""Dizzy Lizzy doesn't seem to know
very much about anything.

She was given a pair of knee pads by her uncle "Virginia" Joe.

But Liz diddn't learn to kneel in church, however.

She learned that particular skill in Brian Mc Laughlin's office.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think that the other councilmembers understand what a resolution is?

Anonymous said...

Does Queens Crap understand what a explanation means? Go to a dictionary and find out. Your killing Crowley for explaining what her resolution states. your totally mischaracterizing the facts here. I think the real purpose of this post is just to kill Crowley by making something up.

Queens Crapper said...

A resolution is an opinion by a body without legislative authority over the issue. Therefore, Liz's "explanation" is faulty because the resolution she is pushing cannot REQUIRE the DOE to do anything. It ain't me making shit up.

Anonymous said...

"against its the entire operating budget"?

She graduated grammar school?

A. Doorknob said...

I'm glad to finally find someone dumber than me!!!

Anonymous said...

Dirt has a higher IQ than Liz!

She couldn't even hold her own
with a learning challenged fence post.

Anonymous said...

She's a good looking council member

Anonymous said...

Hey troll, she's the one who wrote it herself: "Last month, I introduced City Council Resolution 1294 to REQUIRE that the Department of Education calculate teachers’ salaries against its the entire operating budget and not that of an individual school." How can a resolution require anything? It can't. It's just advisory, much like a community board vote.

Anonymous said...

She,in congress...............really?

ex.gov.a.schwarzenegger said...

"In congress"? Mit der bompsie-boompsie? Ja dat vas a gut von! Hahr, hahr!

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