Saturday, April 14, 2012

Woodside landlord harasses elderly



Michael Gallagher and his wife, Helen Gallagher are slumlords who belong in prison. Gallagher has harassed tenants for decades. Check the record in Queens Housing Court. There have been months long electricity shut offs, water shut offs, mail boxes being broken into, bed bug infestations, suspicious break-ins and endless frivolous litigation brought against tenants who make complaints to HPD, DOB and DHCR.
This landlord has been added and abetted by Theresa Ann Maksim Murphy and her husband, Robert Maksim.
Mr. Gallagher is being enabled & protected by housing court judges such as the notorious James Gray and now, the son of James Gray, Ulyesse's Leverett.
There are routine financial payoffs to these judges as well as the judges clerks, HPD inspectors, DOB inspectors and local detectives from the 108th PCT.
The FBI should be involved in this to protect Hannah & her son. The way they are harassing her is nothing new. This has been done to many, many women tenants residing in that building.
How come this man, Michael Gallagher is allowed to get away with destroying people's lives? when will he be stopped? Why do more people have to be hurt by him and Helen Gallagher? STOP HIM NOW

Anonymous said...

Michael Gallagher stalks his tenants and breaks into their apartments. This man is not acting alone

He owns many buildings in Queens including a huge land marked property in Jackson Heights.

Anonymous said...

HE"S BEEN DOING IT FOR DECADES. Gallagher wants to force Hannah out because she has a rent controlled apartment. that building is a rat trap.
full of mold, bedbugs, his nasty friends such as those idiots who live on the first floor and full of problems.

Gallagher coerces and forces out good people. May it all come back to you Micheal Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

Siobhan Wafter, Theresa Ann Murphy Maksim and Robert Maksim are a few of Michael Gallagher's enforcers. This landlord is old school sleazy Irish mafia. He has paid off DOB inspectors, DHCR attorney Chan Joe, HPD inspectors,Queens housing court judges, housing court attorneys and clerks and police officers and NYPD detectives from the 108th PCT. Investigate all of them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and then deport them back to Ireland. Get them out of WOODSIDE. Michael Gallagher is a slumlord, a mentally ill menace.


The Queens County Housing Court judge who has protected Michael Gallager was JAMES GRAYSHAW. when he retired in 2008, this judge passed the baton on to his black son, Hon. Ulysses B. Leverett. The property owner, Michael Gallagher has been able to get away with quite a lot by providing financial compensation to these two housing court judges. The constant appearance of Michael Gallagher in Queens County Housing Court bears further inquiry. Local Law Seven was passed to address these issues. What Queens County Housing Court Judge in 2012 is applying this law by our City Council in 2008? After the WPIX news interview will Hannah still be safe at 37-65 61st Street, Woodside, Queens?
Michael Gallagher sets other tenants, usually illegal Irish immigrants against tenants who make legitimate complaints to City & State Agencies.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Carter & Adian Feille live on the 1st floor and act as Gallagher's police dogs. arrest them!

Anonymous said...

Former tenants says: you should have the facts when stating others were employeed by MG..

Lets be honest- the building had its share of unstable tenants and scammers who went for months not paying their fair share- caused many tenants who had nothing to do MG grief with the constant flux of police and fire department presence because they had a ax to grind- it impacted all of us..
MG should be held accountable for his misdeeds.

Anonymous said...

These are the facts, Theresa Maksim Murphy. Rot in Hell!!

Anonymous said...

Siobhan Wafter is employed by Micheal Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

caused many tenants who had nothing to do MG grief - Can you please be more specific? Do you mean the tenants who helped Micheal Gallagher harm other tenants? Or those who were employed by him? Or are you the ones who let your dogs shit and piss in the hallway so it stunk?

Anonymous said...

Let's get up to date on this, 2018. Michael Gallagher's son was an NYPD Detective who was the enforcer. This was why there was a constant influx of NYPD and NYFD at this building. Mr. Gallagher routinely broke into tenant's apartments. Yeah, when he shuts off a tenant's electricity and water they don't have to pay rent. So poster who is crying for Micheal Gallagher shut up.

Helen Gallagher, the slum lady, has died. Micheal Gallagher has died, the slumlord and the son, the NYPD Detective has died. ROT IN HELL YOU LOWLIFE IRISH MAFIA SCUM. Karma Baby, I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

Too bad everything isn't free! You NYC gimmedats would then want your sheets changed and your pillows fluffed... and free train rides too =)

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