Monday, April 30, 2012

Forest Park Greenhouse reconstructed

From the Daily News

The historic Forest Park Greenhouse, which grows plants and flowers that liven up concrete stretches in Queens and Brooklyn, is moving beyond its early 20th century roots.

A section of the greenhouse has just undergone a $3.8 million reconstruction that will increase its capacity and make it more environmentally-friendly.

The first stage of the renovation focused on two of the houses that were built in 1905 and designed by greenhouse experts of the time, Lord and Burnham.

“In those days it was a state-of-the-art facility and we lived with that system for over 100 years,” said Queens Parks Commissioner Dorothy Lewandowski. “It was a really old system, all with hand-operated window cranks and it was difficult to regulate the temperature.”

Those buildings were replaced with new structures boasting a computerized system that controls the heating and automatic window shades.


Anonymous said...

Liven up Queens stretches? Where are these plants going to, Park Ave I think not Queens!

Anonymous said...

the center divider medians could use a flower planting and a few trees ,at 42nd avenue at 201 street to 205 street, Bayside ,Queens.

although the median corners are now heavily ponded because the D.O.T. would not replace the disintegrated curbs for many ,many years.

doomsberg is more worried about the homeowners bird baths giving us west nile disease ???

Anonymous said...

Because you can't get West Nile Disease from flowers.

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