Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Turner vs. Gillibrand for Senate seat

From NY 1:

Republican congressman Bob Turner announced plans Tuesday to challenge Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who is running for re-election as New York's junior senator.

It comes just days before the state's Republican Party is set to hold its convention in Rochester, where Turner will be battling with other candidates for the party's nomination.

The announcement also comes as his district seat faces elimination, fueled by the battle between the state legislature and a federal judge over district lines.

In a statement, Turner said, "There is serious work to be done to get this economy back on track, and I will not walk away from that work now. I will run for the Senate, and I will run to win."

Turner, a freshman who inherited the congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner, is considered to be a rising star who may draw a lot of support from the national Republican Party.


Anonymous said...

If a 71 year old is a "rising star" in NYS gop politics....I'll just sit back and watch the rising water drown that dumb, crooked elephant.

BTW: Look at that pic, and tell me who is more likable and photogenic, an attractive young woman...or Old Squinty.

Anonymous said...

A brilliant idea - couldn't be worse than Gilli, at least he come from here vs a cow-town. Maybe run Turner for President - God knows we need all of the help there that we can get!

Anonymous said...

Basing votes on age and looks is retarded. But this is the same party that wants to bankrupt the country, so its not surprising.

Anonymous said...

Gillibrand just tries to hide behind Schumer's apron strings (or maybe puppet strings). She hasn't done anything to distinguish herself as our junior senator. But her supporters will say that she hasn't had enough time.

Anonymous said...

gillibrand, the unelected senator

Anonymous said...

Turner Has done nothing for his district. What can he run on?
Getting a Israeli spy , who compromised US safety out of jail.
WOW some accomplishment .

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 5: English translation please?

Anonymous said...

Turners staff has be alerted to the article written by Seymour Hersh,in the New Yorker or NY magazine about the "TRAITOR",Jonathon Pollard, U.S.Naval intelligence agent who SOLD secret documents to Israel.the documents found their way to Soviet Russia in order to allow Russian Jewish scientists to emigrate to Israel.
hersh reports that the documents could fill a 10'x10"X10' room.
C.I.A.Dir.G.Tenet and his officers were going to resign,if W.J.Clinton pardoned the traitor Pollard.

i hope this info. changes Turner's mind. Cong. G Ackerman lobbied for many years for his release.
maybe Koch made a deal,to support him for Weiner's ?

Anonymous said...

ronald reagan was in his 70's and did a fine job as U.S.President from 1980-88.

give Turner a chance before you lefties demonize and bash him.

aren't liberals suppose to show fairness ??????

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9:

You don't You don't like it when people fight back, right?

Anonymous said...

The idea of Turner running for Senate is up here among the most hilarious ideas put forward this cycle. The factors which got him elected to congress are not in place statewide and he exposes his limits every time he opens his mouth.

As far as his looks and age -- the issue isn't whether he's capable but rather the optics are all wrong. The GOP needs to find younger, more appealing candidates to groups they'll need to endure as a major party.

If they want to be seen as something other than the Grand Ole White Guys Party, they need to run Wendy Long or someone who will attract voters in the middle. It's that simple - so, of course he can run, but doing so may not be good for the future of the party.

All indications are that he wants something else and is using this as a pressure tactic to get it.

Anonymous said...

What accomplishments can he run on? He hasn't done anything.
He's too busy getting a SPY out of jail.
Nice work

Anonymous said...

D'Amato, Bruno, and Pataki could not have done a better job of sabotaging the Republican Party in New York if they were paid millions by Democrats to do so. That's how a guy whose political career is 184 days long, winds up being picked to run against a popular incumbent Senator.

Anonymous said...

michael savage .com reported that fox news. com reported that Cong. Gary Ackerman announced that he will not seek re-election .......

are the chickens coming home to roost ?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 14:

So did every other news outlet. No scoop.

To answer your question. Look at everyone lining up to run for his seat. I'd say not, but stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

the ackerman story was posted early fri. morning before Q.C. showed it on the site ,so i scooped .......

Anonymous said...

But it was on TV before that. No scoop.

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