Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pete vs. pot

From the Daily News:

City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr., responding Wednesday to a Daily News investigation, said he has initiated drafting of a bill to ban synthetic marijuana.

“I guess we all assumed that the federal government was going to act on it, but we can’t wait because our kids are dying,” the Queens Democrat said.

“We should move as other municipalities have, like Suffolk (County), to make this substance illegal. It’s a camouflage killer.”

Synthetic pot, often called K2 or Spice, mimics the effects marijuana’s active ingredient, THC, has on the brain. The unpredictable mind-bender is sold at bodegas throughout the city, and has caused scores of patients to show up at hospital emergency rooms with symptoms including seizures, hallucinations, panic attacks and violent behavior.

New York Sen. Charles Schumer is pushing legislation for a nationwide ban.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't Spice the drug of choice in "Dune"?

Deke DaSilva said...

Why not simply make the "real stuff" legal already, and end this pathetic, senseless "war on drugs" which has been a giant failure along with our other overseas wars?

Vallone and Schmucky Schumer, two giant phreaking phonies!

Anonymous said...

I have seen those weird wrappers in bodegas on Grand Avenue...had no idea what it was..and I dont think making marijuana legal will end the chemical packages sold in bodegas...its like the crack version of and easy to get.

Child of the '60's said...

Totally agree, Deke!! Legalize/regulate/tax real marijuana and problems like this go away.....these legislators are abject corrupt morons and probably owned by the liquor industry, which bought marijuana's illegal status to begin with!

Kurtlove666 said...

"we can’t wait because our kids are dying”.
Really Vallone?? THIS is what's killing kids? Not illegal handguns? Yet another case of a cheesebag politician attacking a "soft target". At least he might win this minor battle, just like when he went after those "personal garbage-dumpers into city-owned garbage can" threats to society. Way to go, Vallone!!

Anonymous said...

The people along Tony Bennett Blvd love the boy so he is a perfect reflection of the sensibility of the community.

Anonymous said...

What's Pete smokin'???

Anonymous said...

This AND illegal handguns are killing kids. The difference is that illegal handguns are already illegal.

Kurtlove666 said...

Dear An0n-
"This AND illegal handguns are killing kids. The difference is that illegal handguns are already illegal. "
Very true. However, politicians and laws are completely useless in fighting guns, so they pretend they are "protecting" us by "protecting the children". I would be VERY impressed if Vallone, or any Doublespeak politician(ie. ANY politician) could get illegal guns off the street. Make all the laws you want, it's not the LEGAL gun owners killing each other(for the most part). Until something is done about that, all I see is hot air coming from Vallone's mouth.

I can live with graffiti and Victoria's Secret catalogs in city trash cans, but let's get those guns taken care of first, then go after the little stuff.

Queens Crapper said...

They can get guns off the street if they invest in the police and the training to do so. But they don't, so instead they pass unenforceable laws to make themselves look like they are doing something.

Anonymous said...

They DO get plenty of guns off the street. It's called stop and frisk, and while I like the idea of catching people with guns, I don't like the possibility of being stopped and frisked by the police while going about my daily life. That is too much like a police state.

Anonymous said...

QC - they will never get guns off the streets. There are roughly 270 million guns in the US and sales are increasing. (Ruger had to tell clients no new orders till August, as they couldn't manufacture fast enough to meet demands).
Problem is that America is a big country. There are places where you can't get police help for 30 minutes or more. People need guns for self protection.
The problem is not that there are illegal guns on the street but that there are not enough legal guns on the street.
Post WWII Queens was like an armed camp. Returning vets brought home all kinds of toys. My uncle had a luger on the wall of his bedroom along with an SS dagger. I'd guess that 1 in 4 homes on my block growing up had guns.
You know what there was less crime! Not because of cops, but because criminals were afraid to mess around in that neighborhood. Self defense works. Let the good guys exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

Anonymous said...

They DO get plenty of guns off the street. It's called stop and frisk, and while I like the idea of catching people with guns, I don't like the possibility of being stopped and frisked by the police while going about my daily life. That is too much like a police state"

Sorry to say but you're a prime example of someone who is completely wrapped around the politicians finger. Stop and Frisk is not to get guns off the street, its a ruse to keep the jails and prisons full by finding illegal narcotis on people.

New York City is the marijuana arrest capital of THE WORLD. Weapons are only found in like 5% of the incidences.

STOP AND FRISK IS INTENDED TO FIND DRUGS and the majority of the arrests in that are violations of the 4th amendment.

Deke DaSilva said...

STOP AND FRISK IS INTENDED TO FIND DRUGS and the majority of the arrests in that are violations of the 4th amendment.


Anonymous said...

Lets go Pete. We need to win all the small fights to help set the stage for the assault on the big fights. Some fights just cant be won, it can only be lessoned. I cant believe how narrow minded and stupid some of you are. You talk about the politicians. Wake up and look at yourself. Stop bitching and help.

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