Saturday, February 4, 2012

Quinn and her lobbyist pal

From the NY Times:

Over the two decades of their friendship, each woman has become powerful — Ms. Quinn is the speaker of the City Council, while Ms. Giske is one of the best-connected and most popular lobbyists at City Hall and in Albany. And now, as Ms. Quinn seeks to solidify her status as a leading contender in the 2013 campaign for New York mayor, their close but complex relationship poses a challenge to both women, in a contemporary twist on a perennial political story line that will test Ms. Quinn’s leadership abilities if she is elected mayor.

Lobbying City Hall is a significant business for Ms. Giske’s firm, Bolton-St. Johns. In recent years, the company has reported earnings of $2 million to $3 million annually while lobbying the city government, billing its clients nearly $15 million in the six years since Ms. Quinn was elected speaker.

Ms. Quinn has presided over multiple Council deliberations of concern to clients of Ms. Giske’s firm, over issues like whether businesses should be required to provide paid sick leave, the disbursal of city budget money to nonprofit groups, and land-use matters along the Brooklyn waterfront and elsewhere.

At the same time, Ms. Giske has advised Ms. Quinn at key moments in her career, including her contested bid to become speaker and her controversial decision to back a one-time lifting of the city’s term limits.


georgetheatheist said...

A true lesbo daisy chain.

Anonymous said...

A Dyke Convention.

Anonymous said...

Who are the other women?

Anonymous said...

it's the Lesbian Mafia. watch out boys.

georgetheatheist said...

If a photo could ever make the case against gay marriage, this one's it.

Queens Crappers United!
Bloomberg! Bloomberg!
4 More Years!
4 More Years!

Deke DaSilva said...

Dear God, I have to look at some internet p@rn RIGHT NOW! in order to cleanse my visual palate of that horrible image of Quinn and Co.!

Anonymous said...

Crappy, who are the other women?

Queens Crapper said...

Their partners.

Anonymous said...

This is a great image of what Quinn should project to Queens voters whens she runs for city-wide office.

"I am like you, except I am terribly overweight and hang out with the same"

Anonymous said...

fill me in on how lesbians form a daisy chain without possessing penises.

Uh...never mind...I just got the picture for myself.

Anonymous said...

Quinn and her quimm

georgetheatheist said...

Not only is this site s-o-o-o educational . . .

. . . it's s-o-o-o creative and mind-stimulating!

Why, it even combats dementia.

Anonymous said...

LOL! That's more than a few tons of fun. Remember, fat chicks need love too!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like eating your way to the top!

Anonymous said...

in other words....these lady politicians really rub each others backs ?

does this include some lip service ?

Anonymous said...


This looks like a Weight Watchers' weigh-in or a chubby-chaser lesbo social.

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