Saturday, February 11, 2012

Perspective on College Point Police Academy

Going up!

The finished monstrosity

Notice in this photo the building is reversed but everything else is correct.
WTF? Did anyone in College Point know how big this thing's gonna be?


FU Bloomberg! said...

So this is where all the cops will be trained that will eventually be placed on duty for the "US Open" tennis matches.

And how many precinct closings will be implemented this year?

99%? said...

Hey its Queens.

The library shuts its doors with limited hours and cuts back on staff but boy oh boy they know how to spend millions on big block busters.

Communities spend decades waiting for schools then the trustifarians the have not even moved in yet along the waterfront are promised a big new school costing millions of our taxes.

Cultural institutions are starved of funds while resources are allocated for study after study convincing moneybag developers that they can get multi-million dollar tax breaks.

Why should the police be any different?

Snake Plissskin said...

I like when they want to build a dozen 40 story buildings on the Astoria peninsula - and they show in the news papers a park looking out over the water.

Or Silvercup wants to build 4 30 story buildings and they show it with a 1 inch rendering with a caption 'public access job creation project.'

Anonymous said...

WTF? Did anyone in College Point know how big this thing's gonna be?
N O !

Steve Behar said...

College Point only has three roads in or out of the community. The traffic and parking issues have not been properly addressed. The police department has promised that no police cars will be parked on the streets...yeah right!

Yet College Point still has no school above the Elementary level and the city can't afford to build a Middle School. In addition, Northeast Queens High Schools are bursting at the seams and the City can't build new High Schools.

How much longer are we stuck with Bloomberg?

Anonymous said...

And how many precinct closings will be implemented this year?
I can guarantee that no new precincts will be open anytime soon. The NYPD doesn't have enough cops to staff the current ones, particularly the ones in the outer boroughs.

Anonymous said...

How much longer are we stuck with Bloomberg?

I donno - isn't he there because City Council put him there?

Steve, why don't you ask these questions at the local community board meeting - and in front of all our electeds for that part of our fine city - bring pictures. Bring friends.

Not asking you to do anything.

Just record their reaction and make it public.

That's all. Very simple.

Anonymous said...

What's the plan for bringing the recruits, staff, and others to the site from the Main Street subway station? Let's not ignore the additional traffic that will also be caused by commuting students, deliveries, etc. When the academy opens, I can foresee College Point reeling from the additional traffic burden. And don't forget the garbage transfer station will also be opening soon, whether LaGuardia Airport supporters like it or NOT!

Anonymous said...

This site will also be training school safety agents,traffic monkeys,firearms,driver training etc.............

Alfredo Centola said...

So a Pct for the College Point Whitestone area can go there?

What about all the lead from the bullets that is going to be vented out into the community? What is being done about that?

Have they addressed the potential parking and traffic issues?

Alfredo said...

They wont have police cars as they are in training so its technically not a lie, just a game of sematics. Their will be a ton of personal use cars, especially for the trainees and the cops that come to qualify at the range on a monthly basis. The personal cars wont be parked anywhere right? They will take the subway right? of course they will, and those that park would never use their permits and park wherever they can right? Who could blame them, they have to do their job, and the city planned it poorly, so what are they to do. Right?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
WTF? Did anyone in College Point know how big this thing's gonna be?
N O !

Actually yes. There were many meetings open to the public but many chose to stay home. Thats YOUR FAULT. There were posters put up in stores and churches. So don't try to spread any of this "CRAP."

Anonymous said...

RE:#5...the N.East Queens area does not need more public school buildings. all of Queens needs less illegal alien's anchor babies that are being bused into the N.E. area, so that the D.O.E. can get $20,000 to $98,000 (Spec.Ed.) per body,from taxpayers and property owners.

the teachers love the suburbs.....and the union loves their dues to control the local politicians.

Anonymous said...

Seems like everyone is overlooking the other aspect of this development. This is planned to be the new firing range and fireworks/explosive detonation site. Parking should be a small issue compared to the noise and pollution that will come from this site.

OK, hopefully we get a temporary reprieve from the fireworks and bombs.

Anonymous said...

Actually yes. There were many meetings open to the public but many chose to stay home. Thats YOUR FAULT. There were posters put up in stores and churches. So don't try to spread any of this "CRAP."
You heard it here first folks! It's OUR fault that Bloomturd chose College Point as the site of the new police academy because store and church posters informed us of the size and scope of this project. The local papers also informed us of meetings, most of which not well publicized. That's why this site is called "Queens Crap"!!! This is no ordinary "Crap"!

Friggin' TROLL!!!

Anonymous said...

What about all the lead from the bullets that is going to be vented out into the community? What is being done about that?

Seems like everyone is overlooking the other aspect of this development. This is planned to be the new firing range and fireworks/explosive detonation site.


Alfredo said...

The College Point kids had to endure hours on city buses this year and now hours on school buses because there is no intermediate and or junior high in the community.

Yet we can build this?

Anonymous said...

Training ammo does not contain lead or mercury..............

Anonymous said...

Actually yes. There were many meetings open to the public but many chose to stay home. Thats YOUR FAULT. There were posters put up in stores and churches. So don't try to spread any of this "CRAP."

And the useless councilman came to the community board meeting stated how it was wrong and he would make sure it would not be built as proposed

When people brought up the lead he pretended not to hear them

So tell me what did he do about it after his show


Anonymous said...

Exactly. And while questioning the City's budget priorities, remember that another $410,000,000.00 of City funds is already set aside to buy up properties in nearby Willets Point, to be handed to a private developer to be designated by City officials.

Anonymous said...

Yo...there were numerous "phantom" meetings held at CB#7.

Few were open to the public as your mouth and ass is here on line...spewing misinformation and, uh...UGHHH...
well never mind!

Anonymous said...

In the political arena these ersatz public "meetings" are known as "stroking".

Their aim is to jerk off the public with glittering generalities and false promises to ramrod a project through with as little concern for the real impact on a surrounding community as possible!

Car 54 where are you?

Anonymous said...

So training ammo
doesn't contain mercury?

Uh, primer caps, which propel the bullets (be they plastic. etc.) contain fulimate of mercury!

Anonymous said...

Training ammo does not contain lead?

what are the bullets made of?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, as soon as Kelly and Bloomberg are done destroying the NYPD, NOBODY will want to be a NYC Police Officer.

Anonymous said...

Primers haven't had mercury in them for years; they do have about 4% lead styphnate. Indoor ranges have air that is filtered on both intake and exhaust sides.........

Andy Rocco said...

The residents of college point have been asking for a middle school for years. It's not rocket science to figure out our population is bursting at the seams.
*Drive by P.S. 129-(Large trailers outside on what used to be a school yard) P.S.29 (new construction still going on)

-2 years ago I asked the DOE office of portfolio planning regarding the creating of middle school and was told that the current seating available for the zoned schools was adequate at the time.

-the district superintendent is not responsible for this issue; it is the SCA school construction authority. If you attend any CEC meeting you will here a parent asking about a middle school in College point almost monthly.

-Dennis Walcott stated that he intends to "create 50 new middle schools” across the city over the next 2 years. Well, why can't a community that actually needs one, and is demanding one, actually get one?
"In his first policy address since becoming schools chancellor in April, Dennis M. Walcott announced on Tuesday that New York would open 50 new middle schools in the next two years" (September 2011)
-Around May of this year elementary school parents of 5th&6th grade students will be fuming and realize that the good old yellow bus that they used to take, and their older children took until last year does not exist for them any longer.
However there 12 year old can get a metro card and will have to commute on 2-3 city buses upwards of an hour to an hour ½. This will create other parent led rally’s as well as place unneeded pressure on our middle age students.

-The pressure needs to be placed on the SCA and Walcott's office in order to get this issue accomplished.

-Anyone running for office this summer in the area NEEDS to make this a campaign issue, and THEY WILL have the voters of College Point come out in droves for them on this issue.

-The Whitestone times may be running a story on this issue this week, thanks for everyone’s help and input, hopefully we can get the ball rolling on this.

Andy Rocco-College Point Civic Association.

Anonymous said...

The pressure needs to be placed on the SCA and Walcott's office in order to get this issue accomplished.

-Anyone running for office this summer in the area NEEDS to make this a campaign issue,

How about going after your electeds and your community board ... NOW.

Putting pressure on people you do not elect is problematic at best,

and if you wait until this summer you communicate lack of real urgency - besides everyone will be on vacation.

Anonymous said...

"What about all the lead from the bullets that is going to be vented out into the community? What is being done about that?

Seems like everyone is overlooking the other aspect of this development. This is planned to be the new firing range and fireworks/explosive detonation site.


And if you went to the public meetings you would know about the state of the art air scrubber in the vent system.

Anonymous said...

We heard about the air scrubber, why would they need that if there is no lead? What happens when it malfunctions? What safeguards are in place when it vents out anyway?

Anonymous said...

Upper Manhattan would have been a MUCH better choice for a new academy. Lots of subway and bus service, close proximity to the triboro, and an already built training ground for the hostile enviornment the cops will have to work in.

Anonymous said...

Re:#14: College Point is starved for neighborhood school seats from K-12. Why do children have to be bused out from the youngest age to attend in Whitestone or Flushing, and have to take multiple MTA buses starting in JHS?Mornings and afternoons, the Q20B is a disaster waiting to happen.
BTW the obsession with $ spent on Special Ed gives you away as the brain trust who was foaming at the mouth over PS 130Q a few weeks back.Yeah- it's a conspiracy- the teachers union recruits illegals and the parents of handicapped kids to personally screw over you and yours. Yeah, that's the ticket...
Go back to your parent's basement, troll!

Anonymous said...

Re:#14: College Point is starved for neighborhood school seats from K-12. Why do children have to be bused out from the youngest age to attend in Whitestone or Flushing, and have to take multiple MTA buses starting in JHS?Mornings and afternoons, the Q20B is a disaster waiting to happen.

ah, because your city councilman voted for a budget that places schools and the like in LIC ... before the people even moved in?

Anonymous said...

The police needed a new academy, now they have one. This is good.
Location-wise it isn't good.
Why weren't you all out there picketing before they started building?

As for scholos, does CP need them? Yes.
Would I move to a neighborhood that didn't have any if I had small children?

Alan said...

Why weren't you all out there picketing before they started building? ......................................................

Anonymous said... statement about new H.S. and I.S. buildings being built in N.E. QUEENS, did not include College Pt.

the C.S.D.26 area has enough buildings. the progressive/social engineering officials of the D.o.E and NYCC have been playing musical chairs with the neighborhood school tradition.the use of 35 yellow buses,for FIFTY $65,000 to $98,000 special ed. out of town "pupils", utilizing 10 class rooms and two "teachers", each.(5-7 kids /room).
then , refusing seats to local pupils across the street, and force busing them one mile away.

does this policy make sense to you?they (C.S.D.25) then bus in 300 K-3 pupils (who have seats in flushing ,main street when they go into the 4th grade.

whose bodies are in these seats temporarily or are they empty ?

all of this tax money wasted on poor placement policy by the D.O.E.,could be used to constuct needed buildings, in your local area.

check out the new K-3 LEONARD STAVISKY SCHOOL in flushing? is it for children of the elite politicians and chosen ?
check out P.S.169 (Bay Terrace) now a K- 8 ,so the chosen children do not have to mix with the Borough H.S.,I.S.P.S.993(spec.ed. and C.S.D.26 6th graders ,all at I.S.25.
check out P.S.178 ,hollis hills ,now also K-8. it seems that the chosen are agreeing that parochial school K-8 ,is the route to educating a child .locally.
parochial cost per pupil is $5000./year ? public cost is $20,000/pupil. why ?

you and i are interested in common sense planning and proper use of our tax money.i have been a property owner for forty years and wonder why my R.E.taxes increase 20.8% ,since 2002, while the property values drop ? could this D.O.E.waste be the reason ?

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