Sunday, February 26, 2012

The lot by Halloran's office - part 2

"Avella got the inside of the lot cleaned up. Let's hope Halloran gets the outside cleaned up. Nice of the owner to put no trespassing and private property signs, did they have to leave the graffiti?" - Anonymous


Anonymous said...

What is the address of the private property? Is that a construction fence? Do they have a construction permit for that fence?

Anonymous said...

What is the address of the private property? Is that a construction fence? Do they have a construction permit for that fence?

It appears to be a construction fence surrounding the entire property the last permit seen on the fence was 2 years ago and had already been expired for 3 years location is directly across from the gop and hallorans office on the corner

Anonymous said...

halloran get it cleaned up


Anonymous said...

the fence site is two blocks away from the democrat campaign office opened by Vallone in 2009. he wants to represent the area homeowners.

note that signs posted say 'PRIVATE PROPERTY"and "NO TRESPASSING". the owner can sue a person now.

would you risk painting over the graffitti ? is this not a nypd responsibility to investigate and a judge to get the vandal "ARTISTS" to clean it ?

if this is not Vallone's problem,why is it Halloran's ?

should either break the law ?

Queens Crapper said...

Well a) because it is an eyesore, b) because a construction fence is not considered actual "property" because it's temporary and c) because the city has a program that paints over graffiti, whether the owner grants permission or not. Actually if the fence permit expired, the city should be able to order it removed.

I'm sure Dan will take care of it.

Anonymous said...

It is a construction fence and there are no permits posted anywhere for temporary fencing

not even on the department of buildings web site so you tell me

"if this is not Vallone's problem,why is it Halloran's ?"

idiot you keep commenting on vallones office and his wanting to run fact is he has not officially declared his candidacy nor has he been elected
halloran on the other hand is the sitting councilman who has so graciously cleaned up other sites within whitestone and this site is DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE SITING COUNCILMANS OFFICE!
so you tell me
is it halloran who should be steping up and finally do something?

what no mega wedding factory so no clean up?

Anonymous said...

in other words AVELLA is only a INSIDE PROPERTY CLEANER, as opposed to OUTSDE CLEANER .

but he gained public weaklie news photo ops as a OUTSIDE GRAFFITTI CLEANER.....BEFORE HE GOT ON THE PUBLIC PAYROLL. He is the painting PRO.

Anonymous said...

with a NO TRESPASSING sign ,you are liable to lawsuit ,if you trespass on private property.

unless you get a waiver from the obama DEMOCRAT administration.....

Anonymous said...

In other words AVELLA is only a INSIDE PROPERTY CLEANER, as opposed to OUTSDE CLEANER .

but he gained public weaklie news photo ops as a OUTSIDE GRAFFITTI CLEANER.....BEFORE HE GOT ON THE PUBLIC PAYROLL. He is the painting PRO.


So let me get this straight:

This eyesore, which is directly across the street from the Queens Republican Party headquarters and less than 100 feet from Danny-boy's office (also an eyesore, to put it mildly) is Avella's responsibility only?

Seems to me that Avella has already A) rezoned the property to R2A back in 2005, stopping developers - like Peter Zuccherello, who built Dan's office - from creating another multi-family horror, and B) got the actual property cleaned up in short order - this was after the local civic association had gone to Halloran's office and was told "I can't do anything about it because it's private property."

Sounds to me like the perfect trifecta would be getting Avella and the civic to either paint it over themselves or get the city to do it and charge the property owner.

Dan has already proven that he DOES indeed shit in his own backyard, or doesn't really care about cleaning up other people's messes, let alone his own.

And, just for the record: Paulie V. has done - and will do - nothing for his adopted community of Auburndale (not Broadway-Flushing, as he keeps claiming) except to take over Dan's developer clients alongside his Daddy's when Dan gets indicted, resigns or goes on a permanent bender.

Queens Crapper said...

If you're painting the outside of a construction fence, you aren't trespassing.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9 nice to see YOU know what you are talking about. Looks like Council district 19 is screwed!

Dan has done nothing Paul will just continue to sell us out to the developers Iannecce is best friends with Dans d'malbabundler what to do?

"Dan has already proven that he DOES indeed shit in his own backyard or doesn't really care about cleaning up other people's messes let alone his own."

Unless of course the other people's messes you speak of is on the same block as his clients catering hall and owned by a manhattan developer with ties to Dan o's BFF Dennis Ring. Same property which by the way interestingly enough was also owned by Zuccarello ! Then he cleans it up himself with taxpayer funds and a puppet civic set up to feign community support when there was only opposition.

Anonymous said...

it seems that now Avella can complete the final move of removing the graffitti. he rezoned (all by his self), he cleaned the property,(all by his self).but the city forced a dirty fence around the property,then.

is this the best election issue you can develop? i am still waiting to read the list of your new city councilman's deeds, that i asked you to get from him ?

on earlier posts you said that the 2x2 is legal by the d.o.b.,that halloran rents one office space in.

do you want him to break the law and touch a private fence ?
get a video set up. the vandals will not stop the graffitti. and neither will AVELLA.

Queens Crapper said...

What part of what I wrote did you not understand? It is perfectly legal for the city to remove or paint over graffiti on private property without the owner's permission. Has been for years. It's a program called Graffiti Free NYC and it's how Halloran got the property at Whitestone Farms cleaned up.

Anonymous said...


Maybe "hollerin" Halloran intends on posting his re-election posters on that fence soon.

Lot's-o-luck "doofy" Dan.

You couldn't get appointed dog catcher after the lousy service you've been handing your constituency.

Anonymous said...

Halloran is too busy with his Gambino mafia family buddies to five a shit about this.

Anonymous said...

i am still waiting to read the list of your new city councilman's deeds, that i asked you to get from him ?


So you want the people that live within the community complaining about the councilman not doing anything for the community to go his office, pick up his propeganda, and post it here for you?

You are a very funny shmuck.

Anonymous said...

did you ask your city councilman to paint the fence ?what did he say ?

i challenge you to list his deeds for the district since 2010,from his literature, or ("propaganda" that all the democrat pols. mail out at election time ).as well as the "unbiased" weakly news BS from the dems. your elected majority libs have set up your corrupt gov.for 50 years ,and you target one of three of the minority to bash constantly. are you not the "SCHMUCK" ?
do the dem. jailbirds write to you from prison often ?

why are you fearful to show the community this information?

maybe your G.O.P./conservative bashing will lose its strength ?

Anonymous said...

No one said the Dems were any better butt, these are city council issues. As for the propaganda whether it be Avella Halloran Braunstein Padavan Stavisky siminowitz or any one else the bs they put in their literature is just that and nothing more. With that said I go with what I see and if someone else sees something I don't then I welcome the enlightenment . So let's not get their propaganda literature let's educate each other as of know I see Halloran as a useless Buffon who has done nothing for the people he swore to represent.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Gramps again...

There are 4 Republicans on the City Council, not 3. If you were so up on how fantastic the Republican minority is, you'd probably be on top of that already but ranting and raving is what you're good at, keep on keeping on.

As mentioned previously, the civic in the area went to Halloran to clean up the site - inside and out, including the construction fence.

They were told that he "can't do anything about it because it's private property."

Halloran has done virtually NOTHING positive for his Council District in the two years that he's been in office. His aggressive pro-development stance and refusal to help his base - that would be the civic and homeowner associations that helped him squeak by his Democratic opponent, the groups that he has betrayed consistently since the election - is what's going to get him unelected in 2013, if he even lasts that long...and that's not guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination.

Corruption in government knows no party boundaries. The sad thing is that Danny-boy didn't even have to be corrupted...he was already there.

Anonymous said...

Impeach, recall, what are our options?

Anonymous said...

he was successful in getting the new $3MILLION P.S.159Q playground unlocked for the teens,but according to the D.O.E.,there was no money to remove the dead sibling tree blocking the full court B/B. and moving the hoop ,with the sewer underneath,across to form a full court.

he tried and won a little,but the democrat bureaucracy in city government is a quagmire. created by your votes for jailbirds, in the past .

commenters are repeating statements made on this site,but have no real proof of the details. some of the innuendo is B/S.

what i told you is true about the playground ,because i initiated all the requests from Halloran.

when at a civic meeting ,the unlocking of the gate was discussed & Halloran was thanked. a local dem. pol.loudly approached me to help with the B/B/court.
he never followed through after his B/S. at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think of what Halloran has accomplished in his district since he took office, other than painting the building on 154th street across from his friends restaruant, and I honestly can't. Any new laws passed to make these absentee landlords take care of this type of problem, and new laws introduced, any old laws being enforced. Hell no! What a pathetic looser!

Anonymous said...

commenters are repeating statements made on this site,but have no real proof of the details. some of the innuendo is B/S.


he was successful in getting the new $3MILLION P.S.159Q playground unlocked for the teens,but according to the D.O.E.,there was no money to remove the dead sibling tree blocking the full court B/B. and moving the hoop ,with the sewer underneath,across to form a full court.

Halloran did one thing that you can name, only one and he didnt really have much to do. btw the dems are just as bad.

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